searchHit resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph


APIs under the /beta version in Microsoft Graph are subject to change. Use of these APIs in production applications is not supported. To determine whether an API is available in v1.0, use the Version selector.


Resources used in a Microsoft Search API request and response have had properties renamed or removed, or are being deprecated. Find more details about the deprecation. Update search API queries in any earlier apps accordingly.

Represents a single result within the list of search results.


Property Type Description
contentSource String The name of the content source that the externalItem is part of.
hitId String The internal identifier for the item. The format of the identifier varies based on the entity type. For details, see hitId format.
isCollapsed Boolean Indicates whether the current result is collapses when the collapseProperties property in the searchRequest is used.
rank Int32 The rank or the order of the result.
resource entity The underlying Microsoft Graph representation of the search result.
resultTemplateId String ID of the result template for rendering the search result. This ID must map to a display layout in the resultTemplates dictionary, included in the searchresponse as well.
summary String A summary of the result, if a summary is available.
_id (deprecated) String Renamed as hitId. The internal identifier for the item.
_score (deprecated) Int32 Renamed as rank. The score or the order of the result.
_summary (deprecated) String Renamed as summary. A summary of the result (if summary is available).
_sortField (deprecated) String This property has been removed.
_source (deprecated) entity Renamed as resource. The underlying Graph representation of the search result.

hitId format

Entity type ID format Example
list GUID 6249f5a0-c9fd-4103-8da5-8362fe911151
listItem GUID 89b4aeff-de77-4b0e-bec9-a20cd4f6c32d
site Host,GUID,GUID,a5eb6988-c9ad-44be-b3b4-d334d01066c0,4c5ce7de-dbe6-4807-9909-3018f0b83266
drive Encoded string b!kf7AlbfRu0SMqtfcmhLTwf7MGLd-Z0BEqfzvkoqsr21iQFpfPV09TIVf1sa8xOJ0
driveItem Encoded string 01ALOVTAX7V22IS566BZF35SNCBTKPNQZN
person GUID@GUID 497b7a2a-9e1a-48d7-80e8-2965d2fc3a81@72f988bf-86f1-41af-91ab-2d7cd011db47

JSON representation

The following is a JSON representation of the resource.

  "hitId": "String",
  "rank": 1,
  "summary": "String",
  "resultTemplateId": "String",
  "contentSource": "String",
  "resource": { "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.entity" },
  "_id": "String",
  "_score": 1024,
  "_sortField": "String",
  "_summary": "String",
  "_source": { "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.entity" }