objectMappingMetadataEntry resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Metadata for the given object.


Property Type Description
key objectMappingMetadata Possible values are: EscrowBehavior, DisableMonitoringForChanges, OriginalJoiningProperty, Disposition, IsCustomerDefined, ExcludeFromReporting, Unsynchronized.
value String Value of the metadata property.

Supported key-value pairs

Key Value
EscrowBehavior Values include IgnoreLookupReferenceResolutionFailure for the escrow to be ignored if generated due to failure during lookup reference resolution, and Default for the escrow will be treated normally.
DisableMonitoringForChanges Indicates that changes to a specific attribute are not considered when deciding if there has been a change to an entry in the source.
OriginalJoiningProperty The joining property prior to a customer selecting custom joining properties. This is used for resetting.
Disposition The possible values are Discard meaning the resulting synchronization entry was discarded, Normal meaning the resulting synchronization entry was processed normally, and Escrow meaning the resulting synchronization entry was escrowed.
IsCustomerDefined Indicates whether the customer defined this objectMapping.
ExcludeFromReporting When counting synchronized objects for statistics purposes, exclude this mapping.
Unsynchronized This flag indicates whether a type or attribute is excluded from synchronization but is still necessary for some synchronization logic to work. For example, the type "AppRoleAssignment" is unsynchronized for the Box enterprise application but is still required for the app role assignments logic.

JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.objectMappingMetadataEntry",
  "key": "String",
  "value": "String"