Exchange Web Services (EWS) to Microsoft Graph API mappings

This article lists the Microsoft Graph APIs that map to Exchange Web Services (EWS) APIs.

Utility APIs

EWS API Microsoft Graph API
ConvertId Translate Exchange IDs
ResolveNames List people
GetServerTimeZones Get time zone choices

Mail APIs


EWS API Microsoft Graph API
CreateItem Create message
CopyItem Copy message
DeleteItem Delete message
FindItem List messages
GetItem Get message
MoveItem Move message
SendItem Send message or Send mail
UpdateItem Update message


EWS API Microsoft Graph API
CreateFolder Create mail folder
CopyFolder Copy mail folder
DeleteFolder Delete mail folder
GetFolder Get mail folder
MoveFolder Move mail folder
UpdateFolder Update mail folder


EWS API Microsoft Graph API
CreateAttachment Add attachment
GetAttachment Get attachment
DeleteAttachment Delete attachment


EWS API Microsoft Graph API
GetInboxRules List rules
UpdateInboxRules Create rule
Update rule
Delete rule


EWS API Microsoft Graph API
GetMailTips Get MailTips

Out of Office (OOF) settings

EWS API Microsoft Graph API
GetUserOofSettings Get user mailbox settings
SetUserOofSettings Update user mailbox settings



Microsoft Graph only requires a subscription for push notifications. If you are currently using EWS pull notifications, see Get messages delta.

EWS API Microsoft Graph API
GetEvents Get messages delta
Subscribe (Push notifications) Create subscription
Unsubscribe (Push notifications) Delete subscription


EWS API Microsoft Graph API
SyncFolderHierarchy Get mail folder delta
SyncFolderItems Get messages delta

Calendar APIs


EWS API Microsoft Graph API
Get free/busy schedule


EWS API Microsoft Graph API
GetReminders Reminder view
PerformReminderAction Dismiss reminder
Snooze reminder


EWS API Microsoft Graph API
GetReminders Reminder view
PerformReminderAction Dismiss reminder
Snooze reminder
CreateSharingPermission,GetSharingPermission Calendar owner: Get sharing or delegation information and permissions
UpdateSharingPermission Get calendar information about sharees and delegates, and update individual permissions
DeleteSharingPermission Delete a sharee or delegate of a calendar
GetSharingPermissionInfo Calendar owner: Get properties of a shared or delegated calendar


EWS API Microsoft Graph API
ActivateSharingInvitation Share or delegate a calendar in Outlook
GetSharingInvitation Sharee: Get a shared calendar or its events directly from calendar owner's mailbox
DeleteSharingInvitation Calendar owner: Update permissions for an existing sharee or delegate on a calendar
CreateSharingInvitation Create Outlook events in a shared or delegated calendar

Shared Information

EWS API Microsoft Graph API
GetCalendarSharedInformation,GetConsumerCalendarSharedInformation List calendars

Groups APIs

EWS API Microsoft Graph API
GetUserUnifiedGroups List memberof
GetUnifiedGroupsSettings groupSetting
GetUnifiedGroupDetails Get group
GetUnifiedGroupMembers List members
GetUnifiedGroupUnseenCount Get group
SetUnifiedGroupMembershipState Add/remove member/owner
FindUnifiedGroups List groups
SetUnifiedGroupUserSubscribeState Subscribe/unsubscribeByMail
UpdateUnifiedGroup Update group
CreateUnifiedGroup Create group
RemoveUnifiedGroup Delete group
SetUnifiedGroupFavoriteState Group addFavorite
JoinPrivateUnifiedGroup Subscribe/unsubscribeByMail
GetDlMembersForUnifiedGroup List group members