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Logical Unit Sense Codes

This section lists the sense codes used by Host Integration Server.

Host Integration Server sense codes are sent on either a negative response to an outbound data stream or an LUSTAT that notifies the host of a change in the secondary logical unit (LU) state. The sense codes generated by a 3270 emulator program are shown in the following tables.

Negative response sense codes

Value Meaning
0802 Intervention required (LU 1/LU 3 printer soft error).
0814 Bracket bid reject RTR forthcoming.
081B Receiver in transmit mode.
081C Request not executable (hard error).
0821 Invalid session parameters (negotiable BIND request).
0829 Change direction required.
082B Presentation space integrity lost.
082D LU busy (usually local copy print in progress).
082E Intervention required (local copy print soft error).
082F Request not executable (local copy print hard error).
0843 WCC print command bit not sent (RQD or RQE, CD, EB).
0863 Referenced character set does not exist.
0871 Read partition state error (SLU in retry state).
1003 Function not supported.
1005 Parameter modifying a control function is invalid.
1007 Category not supported (SSCP data for host printer).

LUSTAT sense codes

Value Meaning
0001 B000 Host initialized local copy soft error recovery.
081C 0000 Soft error changed to hard error (LU 1/LU 3).
081C B000 Soft error changed to hard error (local copy).
082B 0000 LU session changed from SSCP to PLU (SYSREQ).