PowerShell Module Cmdlets and Commands

PowerShell Module

Windows PowerShell® is a task-based command-line shell and scripting language designed especially for system administration. Built on the .NET Framework, Windows PowerShell helps IT professionals and power users control and automate the administration of the Windows operating system and applications that run on Windows. The DRDA Service offers PowerShell commands as part of a common HIS 2013 PowerShell module, Microsoft.HostIntegration.PowerShell, including a number of Cmdlet commands to add/get/remove/set MsDrdaService.exe.config elements and attributes, as well as commands to start/stop listeners.

PowerShell Cmdlets

A PowerShell cmdlet is a lightweight command that is used in the Windows PowerShell environment. The Windows PowerShell runtime invokes these cmdlets within the context of automation scripts that are provided at the command line. The Windows PowerShell runtime also invokes them programmatically through Windows PowerShell APIs.

The public properties that define the parameters that are available to the user or to the application that is running the cmdlet. Cmdlets can have required, named, positional, and switch parameters. A switch parameter is a parameter that may, or may not, be specified when the command is run. If the parameter is specified, the Windows PowerShell runtime resolves its value as true. If the parameter is not specified, which is typically the default, the parameter value is resolved as false. The common parameters are added to all cmdlets and can be accessed whenever the cmdlet is run.

DRDA Service PowerShell Module Cmdlets Commands

The DRDA Service configuration is stored in the MsDrdaService.exe.config application configuration (app config) file, and associated XML files (error message mapping and data type mapping). At runtime, the DRDA Service will monitor the MsDrdaService.exe.config file for changes. When detected, the DRDA Service will read and utilize the changed configuration information when processing new in-bound connections. The DRDA Service includes a %SNAROOT%\System\Schemas\HostIntegrationDrdaServiceConfiguration.xsd file to validate the application configuration file.

IT professionals can customize the DRDA Service configuration by using the DRDA Service PowerShell module Microsoft.HostIntegration.PowerShell. The cmdlets are grouped into configuration and operation collections.

Prerequisite software

The DRDA Service PowerShell module requires the following software products as feature prerequisites.

Start PowerShell

Start PowerShell with Administrator permissions by running one of these commands.

  • From the Start screen, right-click the Windows PowerShell app tile, and in the app bar, click Run as administrator.

  • In Server Manager or the Desktop on the taskbar, right-click the Windows PowerShell shortcut and then click Run as Administrator.

  • On the Desktop, move the cursor to the upper right corner, click Search, type PowerShell, right-click the Windows PowerShell app tile, and in the app bar, click Run as administrator.

  • At the Windows PowerShell command prompt, type:

    Start-Process PowerShell -Verb RunAs

Start PowerShell ISE

Start PowerShell ISE (Integrated Scripting Environment) with Administrator permission by running one of these commands.

  • From the Start screen, type ISE, right-click Windows PowerShell ISE tile, and in the app bar, click Run as administrator.

  • On the taskbar, right-click Windows PowerShell and then click Run ISE as administrator.

  • From the Server Manager Tools menu, select Windows PowerShell ISE.

  • At the Windows PowerShell command prompt, type:

    Start-Process PowerShell_ISE -Verb RunAs

Set Module Path

The DRDA Service PowerShell module must be in the module path. When installing the DRDA Service using the standalone MsDrdaService.MSI, you must manually set the module path using PowerShell or PowerShell ISE.

  1. At the Windows PowerShell or PowerShell ISE command prompt, type the following command, and then click Enter.

    Import-Module "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Host Integration Server 2013\system\Microsoft.HostIntegration.PowerShell"
  2. Type the following Get-Module command, and then click Enter.

    Get-Module Microsoft.HostIntegration.PowerShell
  3. Verify the following information.

    ModuleType Version    Name                                ExportedCommands
    ---------- -------    ----                                ----------------
    Binary     9.0.1000.0 Microsoft.HostIntegration.PowerS... {Add-HisDrdaApplicationEncoding, Remove-HisDrdaApplicationEncoding, Get-HisDrdaApplicationEncoding, Add-HisDrdaCollationName...}

Get Module Commands

  1. At the Windows PowerShell or PowerShell ISE command prompt, type the following command, and then click Enter.

    Get-Command -Module Microsoft.HostIntegration.PowerShell
  2. Verify the following information.

DRDA Service Commands

The following Microsoft.HostIntegration.PowerShell cmdlet commands are for use with the DRDA Service.

CommandType Name ModuleName
Cmdlet Add-HisCustomCodePage Microsoft.HostIntegration.PowerShell
Cmdlet Add-HisCustomConversion Microsoft.HostIntegration.PowerShell
Cmdlet Add-HisDrdaApplicationEncoding Microsoft.HostIntegration.PowerShell
Cmdlet Add-HisDrdaCollationName Microsoft.HostIntegration.PowerShell
Cmdlet Add-HisDrdaDatabaseAlias Microsoft.HostIntegration.PowerShell
Cmdlet Add-HisDrdaDatetimeFormat Microsoft.HostIntegration.PowerShell
Cmdlet Add-HisDrdaPackageBindListener Microsoft.HostIntegration.PowerShell
Cmdlet Get-HisCustomCodePage Microsoft.HostIntegration.PowerShell
Cmdlet Get-HisCustomConversion Microsoft.HostIntegration.PowerShell
Cmdlet Get-HisDrdaApplicationEncoding Microsoft.HostIntegration.PowerShell
Cmdlet Get-HisDrdaCollationName Microsoft.HostIntegration.PowerShell
Cmdlet Get-HisDrdaDatabaseAlias Microsoft.HostIntegration.PowerShell
Cmdlet Get-HisDrdaDatetimeFormat Microsoft.HostIntegration.PowerShell
Cmdlet Get-HisDrdaPackageBindListener Microsoft.HostIntegration.PowerShell
Cmdlet Get-HisDrdaPackageBindProcessing Microsoft.HostIntegration.PowerShell
Cmdlet Get-HisDrdaPackageProcedureCache Microsoft.HostIntegration.PowerShell
Cmdlet Get-HisDrdaService Microsoft.HostIntegration.PowerShell
Cmdlet Get-HisDrdaSqlServerConnection Microsoft.HostIntegration.PowerShell
Cmdlet Get-HisDrdaSqlTransform Microsoft.HostIntegration.PowerShell
Cmdlet Get-HisDrdaTraceListener Microsoft.HostIntegration.PowerShell
Cmdlet Remove-HisCustomCodePage Microsoft.HostIntegration.PowerShell
Cmdlet Remove-HisCustomConversion Microsoft.HostIntegration.PowerShell
Cmdlet Remove-HisDrdaApplicationEncoding Microsoft.HostIntegration.PowerShell
Cmdlet Remove-HisDrdaCollationName Microsoft.HostIntegration.PowerShell
Cmdlet Remove-HisDrdaDatabaseAlias Microsoft.HostIntegration.PowerShell
Cmdlet Remove-HisDrdaDatetimeFormat Microsoft.HostIntegration.PowerShell
Cmdlet Remove-HisDrdaPackageBindListener Microsoft.HostIntegration.PowerShell
Cmdlet Set-HisDrdaConsoleTraceListener Microsoft.HostIntegration.PowerShell
Cmdlet Set-HisDrdaEtwTraceListener Microsoft.HostIntegration.PowerShell
Cmdlet Set-HisDrdaEventLogTraceListener Microsoft.HostIntegration.PowerShell
Cmdlet Set-HisDrdaPackageBindProcessing Microsoft.HostIntegration.PowerShell
Cmdlet Set-HisDrdaPackageProcedureCache Microsoft.HostIntegration.PowerShell
Cmdlet Set-HisDrdaService Microsoft.HostIntegration.PowerShell
Cmdlet Set-HisDrdaSqlServerConnection Microsoft.HostIntegration.PowerShell
Cmdlet Set-HisDrdaSqlTransform Microsoft.HostIntegration.PowerShell
Cmdlet Set-HisDrdaTextTraceListener Microsoft.HostIntegration.PowerShell
Cmdlet Start-HisDrdaTraceListener Microsoft.HostIntegration.PowerShell
Cmdlet Stop-HisDrdaTraceListener Microsoft.HostIntegration.PowerShell

Table 1. List of DRDA Service PowerShell commands.

DRDA Service Connectivity and Package Bind Processing

DRDA Service connectivity and package binding comprises: (1) DRDA Client-to-DRDA Service connections, (2) DRDA Service-to-SQL Server connections, (3) DRDA Service-to-DRDA Service connections, and (4) DRDA Service package bind processing (including SQL syntax transformations).


This Set-HisDrdaService cmdlet configures the DRDA Service for in-bound DRDA Client connections.


Set-HisDrdaService [-PartnerServers <string>] [-Port <uint32>] [-IsPrimary ] [-UseSsl ] [-PingInterval <uint32>] [-EnablePerformanceCounters ] [-AllowClientIpAddresses <string>] [-SslCertificatePath <string>] [<CommonParameters>]


The AllowClientIpAddresses parameter restricts the DRDA Service to accepting in-bound TCP/IP network connections from a list of known DRDA AR client computers. This optional parameter accepts a string value. The default value is an empty string, which allows the DRDA Service to respond to all in-bound client connection requests. The list is comprised of a TCP/IP address or alias semi-colon delimited. The TCP/IP address can be defined in either IPv4 or IPv6 format. For example,; defines a valid client list in IPv4 network address format.

The EnablePeformanceCounters parameter instructs the DRDA Service to collect information into performance counters. This optional parameter accepts a Boolean value. The default value is false.

The IsPrimary parameter instructs the DRDA Service whether to operate in a primary role within a group of servers. This optional parameter accepts a Boolean value. The default value is true. The primary server will respond to all DRDA AR client requests by processing EXCSAT (Exchange Server Attributes), ACCSEC (Access Security) and ACCRDB (Access Relational Database), including returning a SRVLST (Server List) on the ACCRDBRM (ACCRDB Reply Message). The Server List contains a weighted priority list of primary (highest weighted value) and secondary servers (lowest weighted values), to inform the DRDA AR clients to which DRDA Service computer to connect

The PartnerServers parameter defines the list of secondary server computers. This optional parameter is required when isPrimary=false, and accepts a string value. The default value is an empty string. The list is comprised of a TCP/IP address or alias colon-separated by a TCP/IP port number. The TCP/IP address can be defined in either IPv4 or IPv6 format. The list can contain multiple partner server computers semi-colon delimited. For example,; defines a valid partner server list in IPv4 network address format.

The PingInterval parameter instructs the DRDA Service how frequently to monitor the health of partner server computers, by executing an EXCSAT (Exchange Server Attribute) flow and checking for an EXCSATRD (EXCSAT Reply Data). This optional parameter accepts an integer value. The default value is 10000 milliseconds (10 seconds).

The Port parameter defines the TCP/IP Port number on which the DRDA Service must listen for in-bound DRDA Application Requester client connection requests. This optional parameter accepts an integer value. The default value is 446.

The SslCertificatePath parameter specifies the SSL or TLS certificate Common Name (CN). This optional parameter is required when useSSL=true, and accepts a string value. The default value is an empty string.

The UseSSL parameter instructs the DRDA Service to use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Version 3.0 and Transport Layer Security (TLS) Version 1.0 when responding to in-bound TCP/IP network connections. This optional parameter accepts a Boolean value. The default value is false.


The following example command sets the default values.

Set-HisDrdaService -IsPrimary -PingInterval 10000 -Port 446


This Get-HisDrdaService cmdlet gets the DRDA Service configuration settings for in-bound DRDA Client connections.


Get-HisDrdaService [<CommonParameters>]




This Get-HisDrdaService cmdlet returns an object with properties: AllowClientIpAddresses (string); IsPrimary (Boolean); PartnerServers (string); EnablePerformanceCounters (Boolean); PingInterval (integer); Port (integer); SslCertificatePath (string); and UseSsl (Boolean).


The following example command gets the default values.

AllowClientIpAddresses    :
IsPrimary                 : True
PartnerServers            :
EnablePerformanceCounters : false
PingInterval              : 10000
Port                      : 446
SslCertificatePath        :
UseSsl                    : false


This Set-DrdaSqlServerConnection cmdlet configures the DRDA Service for out-bound SQL Server connections.


Set-DrdaSqlServerConnection [-MappedAuthenticationDomain <string>] [-AuthenticationLookupTimeoutDuration <string>] [-AuthenticationLookupRetryCount <uint32>] [-SecurityTokenTimeoutDuration <string>] [-RollbackTransactionOnError ] [-ClientApplicationName <ClientApplicationName>] [-DefaultCollationName <string>] [-ConnectionString <string>] [-StoredProcedureCallTimeout <uint32>] [-HostInitiatedAffiliateApplication <string>] [-WindowsInitiatedAffiliateApplication <string>] [-EnableArithAbort ] [<CommonParameters>]


The AuthenticationLookupRetryCount parameter instructs the DRDA Service the number of times to attempt a security authentication lookup request before failing. This optional parameter accepts an integer value. The default value is 3 retries

The AuthenticationLookupTimeoutDuration parameter instructs the DRDA Service the duration of time to wait for a security authentication lookup request before failing. This optional parameter accepts a string value representing an XML duration value. The default value is PT30S (Period of Time is 30 seconds). The duration value is specified in the form PnYnMnDTnHnMnS. For more information and description of values, see Data Integration (Deployment), DRDA Service, Configuring SQL Server Connections.

The ClientApplicationName parameter instructs the DRDA Service how to set the SQL Client Application Name connection property. This optional parameter accepts an enumerated string value. The default value is empty. Specify externalName to instruct the DRDA Service to use bytes 1-8 of the DRDA External Name (EXTNAM) representing the name of the job, task or process of the DRDA AR client program. Specify transactionIdentifier to instruct the DRDA Service to use bytes 5-8 of the EXTNAM representing the name of the transaction identifier of the DRDA AR client program when running in CICS for z/OS.

The ConnectionString parameter defines the list of argument name and value pairs for use by the DRDA Service in defining a Microsoft ADO.NET Framework Data Provider for SQL Server connection object. This required parameter accepts a string value. The default value is Data Source=;Integrated Security=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=True. For more information, see Data Integration (Deployment), DRDA Service, Configuring SQL Server Connections.

The DefaultCollationName parameter instructs the DRDA Service to add a SQL Server COLLATE (collation_name) clause, when transforming a DB2 SELECT statement with ORDER BY clause into a SQL Server SELECT statement with ORDER BY clause. This optional parameter accepts a string value. The default value is SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS. For more information and description of values, see Data Integration (Deployment), DRDA Service, Configuring Collation Mapping.

The EnableArithAbort parameter instructs the DRDA Service to issue the SET ARITHABORT statement at connection time, to request SQL Server to terminate a query when an overflow or divide-by-zero error occurs during query execution. This optional parameter accepts a Boolean value. The default is false.

The HostInitiatedAffiliateApplication parameter defines the Affiliate Application name that the DRDA Service should use with Microsoft Enterprise Single Sign-On to map the in-bound DRDA AR client credentials to a Windows Active Directory domain user, when the SQL Client uses Windows Authentication. This optional parameter accepts a string value. The default value is an empty string, which instructs the DRDA Service to not use host-initiated ESSO. When using host-initiated ESSO, you must specify Integrated Security=true in the SQL Server connection string.

The MappedAuthenticationDomain parameter instructs the DRDA Service to which Microsoft Windows Active Directory domain to map the in-bound DRDA client credentials (user name and password), when connecting to SQL Server configured for Windows authentication using integrated Security Support Provider Interface (SSPI), but not when using Microsoft Enterprise Single Sign-On. This optional parameter accepts a string value. The default value is an empty string.

The RollbackTransactionOnError parameter instructs the DRDA Service to execute a ROLLBACK following a negative SQL Server database error. This optional parameter accepts a Boolean value. The default value is true.

The SecurityTokenTimeout parameter instructs the DRDA Service to retain a security token for a duration of time, after which to obtain a new Windows Client Identifier (CID). This optional parameter accepts a duration value. The default value is PT8H (Period of Time is 8 hours). The duration value is specified in the form PnYnMnDTnHnMnS. For more information and description of values, see Data Integration (Deployment), DRDA Service, Configuring SQL Server Connections.

The WindowsInitiatedAffiliateApplication parameter defines the Affiliate Application name that the DRDA Service should use with Microsoft Enterprise Single Sign-On to map the Windows Active Directory domain user to an out-bound SQL Client credentials, when the SQL Client uses SQL Server Authentication. This optional parameter accepts a string value. The default value is an empty string, which instructs the DRDA Service to not use Windows-initiated ESSO. When using Windows-initiated ESSO, you must specify Integrated Security=false in the SQL Server connection string.

The StoredProcedureCallTimeout parameter instructs the DRDA Service the length of time (in seconds) to wait for SQL Server to process a CALL statement to execute a stored procedure, before terminating the attempt and generating an error. This optional parameter accepts an integer value. Valid values are greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 2147483647. A value of 0 indicates no limit (an attempt to execute a command will wait indefinitely). The default value is 30 seconds.


The following example command sets the default values.

Set-HisDrdaSqlServerConnection -AuthenticationLookupRetryCount 3 -AuthenticationLookupTimeoutDuration PT30S -ClientApplicationName empty -ConnectionString "Data Source=localhost; Integrated Security=True; MultipleActiveResultSets=True" -DefaultCollationName SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS -RollbackTransactionOnError -SecurityTokenTimeoutDuration PT8H -StoredProcedureCallTimeout 30


This Get-DrdaSqlServerConnection cmdlet gets the DRDA Service configuration settings for out-bound SQL Server connections.


Get-DrdaSqlServerConnection [<CommonParameters>]




This Get-DrdaSqlServerConnection cmdlet returns an object with properties: ArithAbort (Boolean); AuthenticationLookupTimeout (string); AuthenticationLookupRetryCount (integer); ClientApplicationName (string); ConnectionString (string); DefaultCollationName (string); HostInitiatedAffiliateApplication (string); MappedAuthenticationDomain (string); RollbackTransactionOnError (Boolean); SecurityTokenTimeoutSeconds (string); StoredProcedureCallTimeoutSeconds (integer); and WindowsInitiatedAffiliateApplication (string).


The following example command gets the default values.

ArithAbort                           :
AuthenticationLookupTimeout          : PT30S
AuthenticationLookupRetryCount       : 3
ClientApplicationName                :
ConnectionString                     : Data Source=localhost;Integrated Security=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=True
DefaultCollationName                 : SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
HostInitiatedAffiliateApplication    :
MappedAuthenticationDomain           :
RollbackTransactionOnError           : true
SecurityTokenTimeoutSeconds          : PT8H
StoredProcedureCallTimeoutSeconds    : 30
WindowsInitiatedAffiliateApplication :


This Set-DrdaPackageBindProcessing cmdlet configures the DRDA Service for processing DRDA static SQL packages into SQL Server stored procedures.


Set-DrdaPackageBindProcessing [-CreatePackageProcedureWithCustomSqlScripts ] [-PackageProcedureSchemaList <string>] [-CreatePackageProcedure ] [-CreatePackageXml ] [-PackageXmlFormat <PackageXmlFormat>] [-PackageXmlLocation <string>] [-StoredProcedureNameSeparator <string>] [-CreatePackageProcedureWithExtendedProperties ] [<CommonParameters>]


The CreatePackageProcedure parameter instructs the DRDA Service to process a single BGNBND flow into a SQL Server stored procedure, transforming the original statements as defined by the DRDA BNDSQLSTT flows into corresponding SQL Server syntax. This optional parameter accepts a Boolean value. The default value is true.

The CreatePackageProcedureWithCustomSqlScripts parameter instructs the DRDA Service to process DRDA BGNBND and BNDSQLSTT through an external custom package bind listener component. This optional parameter accepts a Boolean value. The default value is false.

The CreatePackageProcedureWithExtendedProperties parameter instructs the DRDA Service to preserve the BGNBND package bind options as extended properties on the SQL Server stored procedure. This optional parameter accepts a Boolean value. The default value is false.

The CreatePackageXml parameter instructs the DRDA Service to process a single BGNBND flow into a static SQL for DB2 package XML file, preserving the original bind options and statements as defined by the DRDA BNDSQLSTT flows. This optional parameter accepts a Boolean value. The default value is false.

The PackageProcedureSchemaList instructs the DRDA Service to locate the target SQL Server stored procedure in alternative schemas. This optional parameter accepts a string value. The default value is an empty string. The string is comprised of a comma-separated SQL Server schema names. The packageProcedureSchemaList parameter is similar to the IBM DB2 for z/OS CURRENT PACKAGESET special register and SET CURRENT PACKAGESET statement.

The PackageXmlFormat parameter instructs the DRDA Service to write the static SQL for DB2 XML file in the either v90 or v85 format. This optional parameter accepts an enumerated string value of either v85 or v90. The default value is v90.

The PackageXmlLocation parameter instructs the DRDA Service where to write the static SQL for DB2 package XML file. This optional parameter accepts a string value. The default value is c:\temp.

The StoredProcedureNameSeparator parameter instructs the DRDA Service what separator character to use when mapping a DRDA package name to a SQL Server stored procedure name. This optional parameter accepts a string value. The default value is a single underscore character (_).


The following example command sets the default values.

Set-HisDrdaPackageBindProcessing -CreatePackageProcedure -PackageXmlFormat v90 -PackageXmlLocation c:\temp -StoredProcedureNameSeparator _


This Get-HisDrdaPackageBindProcessing cmdlet gets the DRDA Service configuration settings for processing DRDA static SQL packages into SQL Server stored procedures.


Get-HisDrdaPackageBindProcessing [<CommonParameters>]




This Get-HisDrdaPackageBindProcessing cmdlet returns an object with properties: CreatePackageProcedure (Boolean); CreatePackageXml (Boolean); PackageXmlFormat (string); PackageXmlLocation (string); StoredProcedureNameSeparator (string); CreatePackageProcedureWithExtendedProperties (Boolean); CreatePackageProcedureWithCustomSqlScripts (Boolean); and PackageProcedureSchemaList (string).


The following example command gets the default values.

CreatePackageProcedure                       : true
CreatePackageXml                             : false
PackageXmlFormat                             : v90
PackageXmlLocation                           : c:\temp
StoredProcedureNameSeparator                 : _
CreatePackageProcedureWithExtendedProperties : false
CreatePackageProcedureWithCustomSqlScripts   : false
PackageProcedureSchemaList                   :


This Set-HisDrdaPackageProcedureCache cmdlet configures the DRDA Service for caching metadata for the SQL Server stored procedure with which to verify the statement type, cursor type, parameter data types, and other attributes.


Set-HisDrdaPackageProcedureCache -FlushTimeSpan <string> [<CommonParameters>]


The FlushTimeSpan parameter instructs the DRDA Service to flush the package procedure cache after a specified interval of time. This optional parameter accepts a string value representing an XML duration value. The default value is P1D (Period of Time is 1 Day). The duration value is specified in the form PnYnMnDTnHnMnS. For more information and description of values, see Data Integration (Deployment), DRDA Service, Configuring Package Bind Processing.


The following example command sets the default values.

Set-HisDrdaPackageProcedureCache -FlushTimeSpan P1D


This Get-HisDrdaPackageProcedureCache cmdlet gets the DRDA Service configuration settings for caching metadata for the SQL Server stored procedure with which to verify the statement type, cursor type, parameter data types, and other attributes.


Get-HisDrdaPackageProcedureCache [<CommonParameters>]




This Get-HisDrdaPackageProcedureCache cmdlet returns an object with property: FlushTimeSpan (string).


The following example command gets the default values.



This Set-DrdaSqlTransform cmdlet configures the DRDA Service for using internal or external CLR-based SQL transforms to convert DB2 function syntax into SQL Server T-SQL function syntax.


Set-DrdaSqlTransform [-EnableUnicodeOutput] [-Type <SqlTransforms>] [<CommonParameters>]


The EnableUnicodeOutput parameter instructs the DRDA Service to encode output from the CLR-based SQL transformer in Unicode or ANSI. This optional parameter accepts a Boolean value. The default value is false, which instructs the DRDA Service to output ANSI CHAR and VARCHAR strings.

The Type parameter instructs the DRDA Service to utilize internal service or external CLR-based SQL transforms. This optional parameter accepts a Type value of Service or Clr. The default value is Service.


The following example command sets the default values.

Set-HisDrdaSqlTransform -Type Service


This Get-HisDrdaSqlTransform cmdlet gets the DRDA Service configuration settings for using internal or external CLR-based SQL transforms to convert DB2 function syntax into SQL Server T-SQL function syntax.


Get-HisDrdaSqlTransforms [<CommonParameters>]




This Get-HisDrdaSqlTransforms cmdlet returns an object with properties: Type (SqlTransforms); and EnableUnicodeOutput (Boolean).


The following example command gets the default values.



Database Alias Mapping

IBM DB2 and Microsoft SQL Server databases utilize different terminology for naming objects, as can be seen in the following table defining the fully-qualified three-part object identifier for a table. The DRDA Service can map DB2 catalog and schema names to SQL Server catalog and schema names. For more information, see Configuring Database Alias Mappings.


This Add-HisDrdaDatabaseAlias cmdlet configures the DRDA Service for mapping in-bound catalog and schema names to outbound catalog and schema names, for use when executing static SQL packages for DB2 commands mapped to SQL Server stored procedures.


Add-HisDrdaDatabaseAlias -SourceLocation <string> -SourceCollection <string> -TargetDatabase <string> -TargetSchema <string> [<CommonParameters>]


The SourceLocation parameter defines an in-bound DRDA RDBNAM (Relational Database Name) that the DRDA Service should use when mapping to an out-bound SQL Server database name. This optional parameter accepts a string value. The default value is an empty string, which denotes any value.

The SourceCollection parameter defines an in-bound DRDA COLID (Collection Identifier) that the DRDA Service should use when mapping to an out-bound SQL Server schema name. This optional parameter accepts a string value. The default value is an empty string, which denotes any value.

The TargetDatabase parameter defines an out-bound SQL Server database name that the DRDA Service should use when mapping from an in-bound DRDA RDBNAM value. This optional parameter accepts a string value. The default value is an empty string, which denotes any value.

The TargetSchema parameter defines an out-bound SQL Server schema name that the DRDA Service should use when mapping from an in-bound DRDA COLID value. This optional parameter accepts a string value. The default value is an empty string, which denotes any value.


The following example command adds sample values.

Add-HisDrdaDatabaseAlias -SourceCollection DSN8HC91 -SourceLocation CONTOSO -TargetDatabase ContosoRetailDW -TargetSchema DSN8910


This Get-HisDrdaDatabaseAlias cmdlet gets the DRDA Service configuration settings for mapping in-bound catalog and schema names to outbound catalog and schema names, for use when executing static SQL packages for DB2 commands mapped to SQL Server stored procedures.


Get-HisDrdaDatabaseAlias [<CommonParameters>]




This Get-HisDrdaDatabaseAlias cmdlet returns an object with collection of properties: SourceLocation (string); SourceCollection (string); TargetDatabase (string); and TargetSchema (string).


The following example command gets sample values.





DRDA Service Date Time Conversions

DRDA Service will format string literal date time values from source and into target formats when processing dynamic and static SQL statements, for specific date time and character data types.


This Add-DrdaDatetimeFormat cmdlet configures the DRDA Service for processing string literal date values within DB2 and SQL Server DATE, CHAR (10), and VARCHAR (10) data types, to convert from DB2 date format to SQL Server date format, and to convert from SQL Server date format to DB2 date format. The dateMasks contains one or more dateMask elements to define date mappings. The dateMask element contains a db2ToSql or sqlToDb2 to indicate the direction, and a sourceFormat and a targetFormat to specify the mapping. For more information and description of values, see Data Integration (Deployment), DRDA Service, Configuring Date Time Conversions.


Add-DrdaDatetimeFormat -Conversion <Conversion> -DateFormat <DateFormats> [<CommonParameters>]

Add-DrdaDatetimeFormat -Conversion <Conversion> -TimeFormat <TimeFormats> [<CommonParameters>]

Add-DrdaDatetimeFormat -Conversion <Conversion> -DateTimeFormat <DateTimeFormats> [<CommonParameters>]


The Conversion parameter defines the direction either DB2-to-SQL or SQL-to-DB2. This required parameter accepts an enumerated Conversion value. Specify Db2toSql to instruct the DRDA Service to read to convert the in-bound DateTime format. Specify SqlToDb2 to instruct the DRDA Service to write to convert the out-bound DateTime format.

The DateFormat parameter defines the format type. This required parameter accepts an enumerated DateFormat value.

The TimeFormat parameter defines the format type. This required parameter accepts an enumerated TimeFormat value.

The DateTimeFormat parameter defines the format type. This required parameter accepts an enumerated DateTimeFormat value.

For more information and description of values, see Data Integration (Deployment), DRDA Service, Configuring Date Time Conversions.


The following example command sets a sample Date value.

Add-HisDrdaDatetimeFormat -Conversion Db2ToSql -DateFormat Usa

The following example command sets a sample Time value.

Add-HisDrdaDatetimeFormat -Conversion Db2ToSql -TimeFormat HmsPeriod

The following example command sets a sample Date value.

Add-HisDrdaDatetimeFormat -Conversion Db2ToSql -DateTimeFormat IsoTimestampFormat


This Get-HisDrdaDatetimeFormat cmdlet gets the DRDA Service configuration settings for processing string literal date values within DB2 and SQL Server DATE, CHAR (10), and VARCHAR (10) data types, to convert from DB2 date format to SQL Server date format, and to convert from SQL Server date format to DB2 date format.


Get-HisDrdaDatetimeFormat -DateTime <DateTime> [<CommonParameters>]


The DateTime parameter instructs the DRDA Service to return a configured format conversion. This required parameter accepts an enumerated DateTime value. There is no default value. Specify Date to instruct the DRDA Service to return the configured Date format conversion. Specify Time to instruct the DRDA Service to return the configured Time format conversion. Specify DateTime to instruct the DRDA Service to return the configured DateTime format conversion.


This Get-HisDrdaDatetimeFormat cmdlet returns an object with collection of properties: Db2ToSql (string); and SqlToDb2 (string).


The following example command gets the default Date values.

Get-HisDrdaDatetimeFormat -DateTime Date


The following example command gets the default Time values.

Get-HisDrdaDatetimeFormat -DateTime Date


The following example command gets the default DateTime values.

Get-HisDrdaDatetimeFormat -DateTime Date



This Remove-HisDrdaDatetimeFormat cmdlet removes one or more DRDA Service configuration settings for processing string literal date values within DB2 and SQL Server DATE, CHAR (10), and VARCHAR (10) data types, to convert from DB2 date format to SQL Server date format, and to convert from SQL Server date format to DB2 date format.


Remove-HisDrdaDatetimeFormat -DateTime <DateTime> -Conversion <Conversion> -Format <string> [<CommonParameters>]


The DateTime parameter instructs the DRDA Service to remove a configured format conversion. This required parameter accepts an enumerated DateTime value. There is no default value. Specify Date to instruct the DRDA Service to remove the configured Date format conversion. Specify Time to instruct the DRDA Service to remove the configured Time format conversion. Specify DateTime to instruct the DRDA Service to remove the configured DateTime format conversion.

The Conversion parameter defines the direction either DB2-to-SQL or SQL-to-DB2. This required parameter accepts an enumerated Conversion value. Specify Db2toSql to instruct the DRDA Service to read to convert the in-bound DateTime format. Specify SqlToDb2 to instruct the DRDA Service to write to convert the out-bound DateTime format.

The Format parameter defines the format type. This required parameter accepts an enumerated DateFormat, TimeFormat, or DateTimeFormat value.


The following example command removes a sample Date value.

Remove-HisDrdaDatetimeFormat -Conversion Db2ToSql -DateTime Date -Format Usa

The following example command sets a sample Time value.

Remove-HisDrdaDatetimeFormat -Conversion Db2ToSql -DateTime Time -Format HmsPeriod

The following example command sets a sample Date value.

Remove-HisDrdaDatetimeFormat -Conversion Db2ToSql -DateTime DateTime -Format IsoTimestampFormat

DRDA Service Encodings

DRDA Service maps code pages and supports custom code page conversions using an underlying HIS Encoder component and the Windows National Language Support (NLS) system components. Using Microsoft Windows Update, you can install additional Windows language packs that include Windows NLS code page conversion libraries. Optionally, the HIS Encoder can load a custom NLS code page based on codePage elements defined within the codePages portion of the MsDrdaService.exe.config file. The HIS Encoder can custom map code points within standard NLS and custom NLS code pages based on ebcdicToUnicodeConversion elements defined within the codePages portion of the MsDrdaService.exe.config file. For more information and description of values, see Configuring Service Encodings.


This Add-HisCustomCodePage cmdlet configures the DRDA Service to instruct the HIS Encoder component to load a custom Windows National Language Support (NLS) system code page conversion file.


Add-HisCustomCodePage -CodePage <uint32> -Name <string> -NlsCodePage <uint32> [-Description <string>] [<CommonParameters>]


The CodePage parameter instructs the HIS Encoder to load a numbered custom NLS code page file. This required parameter accepts an integer. The default value is 0.

The Name parameter names the custom NLS code page that the HIS Encoder should load based on the defined custom NLS code page number. This required parameter accepts a string. The default value is an empty string.

The NlsCodePage parameter defines which standard NLS code page number that the HIS Encoder should replace with the custom code page number. This required parameter accepts an integer. The default value is 0.

The Description parameter describes the custom NLS code page that the HIS Encoder should load based on the defined custom NLS code page number. This optional parameter accepts a string. The default value is an empty string.


The following example command sets sample values.

Add-HisCustomCodePage -CodePage 21140 -Name Custom21140 -NlsCodePage 1140 -Description "Custom codepage based on 1140"


This Get-HisCustomCodePage cmdlet gets the DRDA Service configuration settings for instructing the HIS Encoder component to load a custom Windows National Language Support (NLS) system code page conversion file.


Get-HisCustomCodePage [-CodePage <uint32>] [-Name <string>] [-NlsCodePage <uint32>] [<CommonParameters>]


The CodePage parameter instructs the DRDA Service to get configuration settings using this numbered custom NLS code page file. This optional parameter accepts an integer. The default value is 0.

The Name parameter instructs the DRDA Service to get configuration settings using this custom NLS code page name. This optional parameter accepts a string. The default value is an empty string.

The NlsCodePage parameter instructs the DRDA Service to get configuration settings using this custom code page number. This optional parameter accepts an integer. The default value is 0.


This Get-HisCustomCodePage cmdlet returns an object with properties: Name (string); CodePage (integer); NlsCodePage (integer); and Description (string).


The following example command gets sample values.

Get-HisCustomCodePage -CodePage 21140 -Name Custom21140 -NlsCodePage 1140


Custom code based on 1140



This Remove-HisCustomCodePage cmdlet removes the DRDA Service configuration settings for instructing the HIS Encoder component to load a custom Windows National Language Support (NLS) system code page conversion file.


Remove-HisCustomCodePage [-Name] <string> [<CommonParameters>]


The Name parameter instructs the DRDA Service to remove configuration settings using custom NLS code page name. This required parameter accepts a string. The default value is an empty string.


The following example command removes sample values.

Remove-HisCustomCodePage -Name Custom21140


This Add-HisCustomConversion cmdlet configures the DRDA Service to override code point mappings within standard NLS and custom NLS code pages.


Add-HisCustomConversion -CodePage <uint32> [-EbcdicToUnicode <string[]>] [-UnicodeToEbcdic <string[]>] [<CommonParameters>]

Add-HisCustomConversion -Name <string> [-EbcdicToUnicode <string[]>] [-UnicodeToEbcdic <string[]>] [<CommonParameters>]


The CodePage parameter instructs the DRDA Service to add configuration settings using this numbered NLS code page file. This required parameter accepts an integer. The default value is 0.

The Name parameter instructs the DRDA Service to add configuration settings using this custom NLS code page name file. This required parameter accepts a string. The default value is an empty string.

The EbcdicToUnicode parameter instructs the HIS Encoder to convert from the specified EBCDIC code point. This optional parameter accepts a string value, in the form of “To=From” where the “To” is EBCDIC hex code point value and the “From” is the Unicode hex code point value. The default value is an empty string.

The UnicodeToEbcdic parameter instructs the HIS Encoder to convert from the specified Unicode code point. This optional parameter accepts a string value, in the form of “To=From” where the “To” is Unicode hex code point value and the “From” is the EBCDIC hex code point value. The default value is an empty string.


This Get-HisCustomConversion cmdlet gets the DRDA Service configuration settings for overriding code point mappings within standard NLS and custom NLS code pages.


Get-HisCustomConversion -Type <ConversionType> {EbcdicToUnicode | UnicodeToEbcdic} -CodePage <uint32> [<CommonParameters>]

Get-HisCustomConversion -Type <ConversionType> {EbcdicToUnicode | UnicodeToEbcdic} -Name <string> [<CommonParameters>]


The CodePage parameter instructs the DRDA Service to get configuration settings using this numbered NLS code page file. This required parameter accepts an integer. The default value is 0.

The Name parameter instructs the DRDA Service to get configuration settings using this custom NLS code page name file. This required parameter accepts a string. The default value is an empty string.

The Type parameter instructs the DRDA Service to get configuration settings using this numbered NLS code page file or custom NLS code page name file. This required parameter accepts an enumerated value of either EbcdicToUnicode or UnicodeToEbcdic.


This Get-HisCustomConversion cmdlet returns an object with properties: From (hex); and To (hex).


This Remove-HisCustomConversion cmdlet removes the DRDA Service configuration settings for overriding code point mappings within standard NLS and custom NLS code pages.


Remove-HisCustomConversion -CodePage <uint32> [-EbcdicToUnicode <string[]>] [-UnicodeToEbcdic <string[]>] [<CommonParameters>]

Remove-HisCustomConversion -Name <string> [-EbcdicToUnicode <string[]>] [-UnicodeToEbcdic <string[]>] [<CommonParameters>]


The CodePage parameter instructs the DRDA Service to get configuration settings using this numbered NLS code page file. This required parameter accepts an integer. The default value is 0.

The Name parameter instructs the DRDA Service to get configuration settings using this custom NLS code page name file. This required parameter accepts a string. The default value is an empty string.

The EbcdicToUnicode parameter instructs the HIS Encoder to convert from the specified EBCDIC code point. This optional parameter accepts a string value. The default value is an empty string.

The UnicodeToEbcdic parameter instructs the HIS Encoder to convert from the specified Unicode code point. This optional parameter accepts a string value. The default value is an empty string.

DRDA Service Application Encodings

DRDA Service converts base code pages and maps code points using an underlying HIS Encoder component and the Windows National Language Support (NLS) system components. The applicationEncodings element contains applicationEncoding elements for specifying default application-level encoding schemes on a per-database basis. For more information and description of values, see Configuring Application Encodings.


This Add-HisDrdaApplicationEncoding cmdlet configures the DRDA Service for default application-level encoding schemes on a per-database basis, for use by the HIS Encoder component and Windows National Language Support (NLS) system components in mapping code points within code pages. For more information and description of values, see Configuring Application Encodings for more information.


Add-HisDrdaApplicationEncoding -Ccsid <uint32> -Database <string> [-Scheme <string>] [<CommonParameters>]

Add-HisDrdaApplicationEncoding -Database <string> -CustomCcsid <uint32> [-Scheme <string>] [<CommonParameters>]


The Ccsid parameter instructs the DRDA Service to encode output parameter and result set values using an override CCSID (Coded Character Set Identifier), and not the DRDA AR client-requested CCSID. This required parameter accepts an integer. The default value is 1208.

The CustomCcsid parameter instructs the DRDA Service to encode output parameter and result set values using an override custom CCSID (Coded Character Set Identifier), and not the DRDA AR client-requested CCSID. This required parameter accepts an integer. The default value is -1.

The Database parameter instructs the DRDA Service to encode output parameter and result set values using an override encoding scheme, and not the DRDA AR client-requested encoding scheme, for a specified target SQL Server database only. This required parameter accepts a string value. The default value is an empty string.

The Scheme parameter instructs the DRDA Service to encode output parameter and result set values using an override encoding scheme, and not the DRDA AR client-requested encoding scheme. This optional parameter accepts a string value. The supported values are Ebcdic, Unicode, and Ansi. The default value is Unicode.


The following example command sets sample values.

Add-HisDrdaApplicationEncoding -Ccsid 1140 -Database NWIND1 -Scheme Ebcdic

The following example command sets the default values.

Add-HisDrdaApplicationEncoding -CustomCcsid 1234 -Database NWIND1 -Scheme Ebcdic


This Get-HisDrdaApplicationEncoding cmdlet gets the DRDA Service configuration settings for default application-level encoding schemes on a per-database basis, for use by the HIS Encoder component and Windows National Language Support (NLS) system components in mapping code points within code pages.


Get-HisDrdaApplicationEncoding [-Ccsid <uint32>] [-Database <string>] [-CustomCcsid <uint32>] [<CommonParameters>]


The Ccsid parameter instructs the DRDA Service to get application encoding configuration using an override CCSID (Coded Character Set Identifier). This optional parameter accepts an integer. The default value is 1208.

The CustomCcsid parameter instructs the DRDA Service to get application encoding configuration using a custom CCSID (Coded Character Set Identifier). This optional parameter accepts an integer. The default value is -1.

The Database parameter instructs the DRDA Service to get application encoding configuration using a specified target SQL Server database name. This optional parameter accepts a string value. The default value is an empty string.


This Get-HisDrdaApplicationEncoding cmdlet returns an object with properties: Scheme (string); Ccsid (integer); Database (string); and CustomCcsid (integer).


The following example command gets sample values.







This Remove-HisDrdaApplicationEncoding cmdlet removes the DRDA Service configuration settings for default application-level encoding schemes on a per-database basis, for use by the HIS Encoder component and Windows National Language Support (NLS) system components in mapping code points within code pages.


Remove-HisDrdaApplicationEncoding -Ccsid <string[]> [-Database <string>] [<CommonParameters>]

Remove-HisDrdaApplicationEncoding -CustomCcsid <string[]> [-Database <string>] [<CommonParameters>]


The Ccsid parameter instructs the DRDA Service to remove application encoding configuration using an override CCSID (Coded Character Set Identifier). This optional parameter accepts an integer. The default value is 1208.

The CustomCcsid parameter instructs the DRDA Service to remove application encoding configuration using a custom CCSID (Coded Character Set Identifier). This optional parameter accepts an integer. The default value is -1.

The Database parameter instructs the DRDA Service to remove application encoding configuration using a specified target SQL Server database name. This optional parameter accepts a string value. The default value is an empty string.


The following example command removes sample values.

Remove-HisDrdaApplicationEncoding -Ccsid 1140

The following example command removes sample values.

Remove-HisDrdaApplicationEncoding -CustomCcsid 1234

DRDA Service Collation Mapping

DRDA Service maps collation syntax to provide cross-platform compatibility of query results. For more information and description of values, see Data Integration (Deployment), DRDA Service, Configuring Collation Mapping.


This Add-HisDrdaCollationName cmdlet configures the DRDA Service for transforming a SELECT statement from DB2 ORDER BY COLLATION_KEY (collation-name) syntax to SQL Server T-SQL ORDER BY COLLATE (collation_name) syntax, mapping from a DB2 collation-name value to a SQL Server collation_name value, to provide more compatible query results. For more information and description of values, see Data Integration (Deployment), DRDA Service, Configuring Collation Mapping.


Add-HisDrdaCollationName -To <string> -From <string> [<CommonParameters>]


The To parameter instructs the DRDA Service SQL Transformer to convert to the specified collation_name string within a SQL Server SELECT ORDER BY COLLATE clause. This required parameter accepts a string value. There is no default value.

The From parameter instructs the DRDA Service SQL Transformer to convert from the specified collation-name string within a DB2 SELECT ORDER BY COLLATION_KEY clause. This required parameter accepts a string value. There is no default value.


The following example command sets sample values.

Add-HisDrdaCollationName -From UCA400R1_LEN_AN -To SQL_EBCDIC037_CP1_CS_AS


This Get-HisDrdaCollationName cmdlet gets the DRDA Service configuration settings for transforming a SELECT statement from DB2 ORDER BY COLLATION_KEY (collation-name) syntax to SQL Server T-SQL ORDER BY COLLATE (collation_name) syntax, mapping from a DB2 collation-name value to a SQL Server collation_name value, to provide more compatible query results.


Get-HisDrdaCollationName [-To <string>] [-From <string>] [<CommonParameters>]


The To parameter instructs the DRDA Service get collation name configuration using the specified collation_name string. This required parameter accepts a string value. There is no default value.

The From parameter instructs the DRDA Service get collation name configuration using the specified collation-name string within a DB2 SELECT ORDER BY COLLATION_KEY clause. This required parameter accepts a string value. There is no default value.


This Get-HisDrdaCollationName cmdlet returns an object with properties: To (string); and From (string).


The following example command sets the default values.




This Remove-HisDrdaCollationName cmdlet removes the DRDA Service configuration settings to add a COLLATE clause to an ORDER BY clause, based on a default ORDER BY collation name.


Remove-HisDrdaCollationName -RemoveAll <bool> [-To <string>] [-From <string>] [<CommonParameters>]


The To parameter instructs the DRDA Service remove collation name configuration using the specified collation_name string. This required parameter accepts a string value. There is no default value.

The From parameter instructs the DRDA Service remove collation name configuration using the specified collation-name string within a DB2 SELECT ORDER BY COLLATION_KEY clause. This required parameter accepts a string value. There is no default value.


The following example command removes sample values.

Remove-HisDrdaCollationName -From UCA400R1_LEN_AN

Configuring Trace Listeners

The DRDA Service supports multiple concurrent trace listeners, including: text trace listener, console trace listener, custom trace listener, and Event Trace for Windows (ETW) trace listener. For more information and description of values, see Data Integration (Deployment), DRDA Service, Configuring Trace Listeners.


The Set-HisDrdaConsoleTraceListener cmdlet configures the DRDA Service console trace listener to write trace data to a command console window.


Set-HisDrdaConsoleTraceListener -Level <uint32> [<CommonParameters>]


The Level parameter instructs the DRDA Service to trace defined collections of information, from a minimum to a maximum level of tracing. This required parameter accepts an integer value. The default value is 0.

Value Description
0 Output no tracing messages.
1 Output error messages.
2 Output warning messages and error messages.
3 Output information messages, warning messages and error messages.
4 Output all messages.

Table AUTONUM \\ Arabic Trace Levels.*


The following example command sets sample values.

Set-HisDrdaConsoleTraceListener -Level 3


The Set-HisDrdaEtwTraceListener cmdlet configures the DRDA Service ETW (Event Tracing for Windows) as an ETW provider to output trace data through an ETW session to a Windows operating system ETW controller.


Set-HisDrdaEtwTraceListener -Level <uint32> [<CommonParameters>]


The Level parameter instructs the DRDA Service to trace defined collections of information, from a minimum to a maximum level of tracing. This required parameter accepts an integer value. The default value is 0.

Value Description
0 Output no tracing messages.
1 Output error messages.
2 Output warning messages and error messages.
3 Output information messages, warning messages and error messages.
4 Output all messages.

Table AUTONUM \\ Arabic Trace Levels.*


The following example command sets sample values.

Set-HisDrdaEtwTraceListener -Level 3


The Set-HisDrdaEventLogTraceListener cmdlet configures the DRDA Service event log listener outputs log data to the Windows event log.


Set-HisDrdaEventLogTraceListener -InitializeData <string> [<CommonParameters>]


The InitializeData parameter instructs the DRDA Service to log defined collections of information. This required parameter accepts a string value. The default value is “Error,Warning,Information”, which includes all event log levels.

Value Description
Error This value instructs the DRDA Service to log only the error level data.
Warning This value instructs the DRDA Service to log only the warning level data.
Information This value instructs the DRDA Service to log only the information level data

Table AUTONUM \\ Arabic Event Log Levels.*


The following example command sets sample values.

Set-HisDrdaEventLogTraceListener -InitializeData Warning


The Set-HisDrdaTextTraceListener cmdlet configures the DRDA Service text trace listener to write trace data to a disk file in text format.


Set-HisDrdaTextTraceListener -Level <uint32> [-InitializeData <string>] [-AutoFlush <bool>] [-MaxTraceEntryCount <uint32>] [-MaxTraceFileCount <uint32>] [<CommonParameters>]


The Level parameter instructs the DRDA Service to trace defined collections of information, from a minimum to a maximum level of tracing. This required parameter accepts an integer value. The default value is 0.

Value Description
0 Output no tracing messages.
1 Output error messages.
2 Output warning messages and error messages.
3 Output information messages, warning messages and error messages.
4 Output all messages.

Table x. Trace Levels.

The AutoFlush parameter instructs the DRDA Service to flush data automatically to the trace listener. This required parameter accepts a Boolean value. The default is false.


The DRDA Service can flush trace data automatically to the trace listeners, which ensures the trace data is captured but will increase disk I/O and reduce overall system performance. To improve performance, set AutoFlush=$False, to disable automatic trace flush.

The MaxTraceEntryCount parameter instructs the DRDA Service to trace up to a maximum number of entries, and then to stop tracing. This required parameter accepts an integer. The default value is 1000000.

The MaxTraceFileCount parameter instructs the DRDA Service to write the text listener trace output a maximum number of individual trace files, and then overwrite existing trace files. This required parameter accepts an integer. The default value is 10.


The following example command sets sample values.

Set-HisDrdaTextTraceListener -Level 3 -AutoFlush $True -InitializeData MsDrdaService.DSTF -MaxTraceEntryCount 1000000 -MaxTraceFileCount 10


This Start-HisDrdaTraceListener cmdlet instructs the DRDA Service to start the specified type of trace listener.


Start-HisDrdaTraceListener [-Listener] <TraceListenerType> [<CommonParameters>]


The Listener parameter instructs the DRDA Service to start the specified trace listener type. This required parameter accepts a Listener value of Console, Text, Etw, or EventLog. There is no default value.


The following example command sets sample values.

Start-HisDrdaTraceListener -Listener Console

The following example command sets sample values.

Start-HisDrdaTraceListener -Listener Text

The following example command sets sample values.

Start-HisDrdaTraceListener -Listener Etw

The following example command sets sample values.

Start-HisDrdaTraceListener -Listener EventLog


This Get-DrdaTextTraceListener cmdlet gets the DRDA Service configuration settings for text trace listener to write trace data to a disk file in text format.


Get-HisDrdaTraceListener [-Listener] <TraceListenerType> [<CommonParameters>]


The Listener parameter instructs the DRDA Service to get the configuration for the specified trace listener type. This required parameter accepts a Listener value of Console, Text, Etw, or EventLog. There is no default value.


This Get-HisDrdaTraceListener cmdlet returns a collection of properties.


The following example command gets sample values.

Get-HisDrdaTraceListener -Listener Console


The following example command gets sample values.

Get-HisDrdaTraceListener -Listener Text
InitializeData  : MsDrdaService.DSTF
AutoFlush       : True
MaxTraceEntries : 1000000
MaxTraceFiles   : 10
Status          : Enabled
Level           : 3

The following example command gets sample values.

Get-HisDrdaTraceListener -Listener Etw


The following example command gets sample values.

Get-HisDrdaTraceListener -Listener Console



This Stop-HisDrdaTraceListener cmdlet instructs the DRDA Service to stop the specified type of trace listener.


Stop-HisDrdaTraceListener [-Listener] <TraceListenerType> [<CommonParameters>]


The Listener parameter instructs the DRDA Service to get the configuration for the specified trace listener type. This required parameter accepts a Listener value of Console, Text, Etw, or EventLog. There is no default value.


The following example command sets sample values.

Get-HisDrdaTraceListener -Listener Console

The following example command sets sample values.

Get-HisDrdaTraceListener -Listener Text

The following example command sets sample values.

Get-HisDrdaTraceListener -Listener Etw

The following example command sets sample values.

Get-HisDrdaTraceListener -Listener EventLog

DRDA Service Package Bind Listener

The DRDA Service supports custom package binders in the form of a .NET Framework custom listener.


This Add-HisDrdaPackageBindListener cmdlet adds a DRDA Service configuration for sending bind package with bind SQL statement output to an optional custom bind listener.


Add-HisDrdaPackageBindListener -TypeName <string> [-ThrowWhenNoCallback ] [<CommonParameters>]


The TypeName parameter defines the type of the DRDA Service custom bind listener. This mandatory parameter is accepts a string. There is no default value. The Type value for the custom package bind listener sample is "CustomListeners.MyPackageBindListener, CustomListeners, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=34013cf74da51d17, processorArchitecture=MSIL".

The ThrowWhenNoCallback parameter instructs the DRDA Service to return BGNBNDRM (Begin Bind Reply Message) to the DRDA AR client, when the custom bind listener component does not return any information on the callback interface. This optional parameter accepts a Boolean value. The default value is true.


The following example command add sample values.

Add-HisDrdaPackageBindListener -TypeName CustomListeners.MyPackageBindListener -ThrowWhenNoCallback


This Get-HisDrdaPackageBindListener cmdlet gets the DRDA Service configuration settings for sending bind package with bind SQL statement output to an optional custom bind listener.


Get-HisDrdaPackageBindListener [-Type <string>] [<CommonParameters>]


The Type parameter defines the type of the DRDA Service custom bind listener. This mandatory parameter is accepts a string. There is no default value. The Type value for the custom package bind listener sample is "CustomListeners.MyPackageBindListener, CustomListeners, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=34013cf74da51d17, processorArchitecture=MSIL".


The following example command gets sample values.



This Remove-HisDrdaPackageBindListener cmdlet removes the DRDA Service configuration settings to add a custom trace listener.


Remove-HisDrdaPackageBindListener -TypeName <string> [<CommonParameters>]


The Type parameter defines the type of the DRDA Service custom bind listener. This mandatory parameter is accepts a string. There is no default value. The Type value for the custom package bind listener sample is "CustomListeners.MyPackageBindListener, CustomListeners, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=34013cf74da51d17, processorArchitecture=MSIL".


The following example command removes sample values.

Remove-HisDrdaPackageBindListener -TypeName CustomListeners.MyPackageBindListener