Set_Receive_Type (CPI-C)

The Set_Receive_Type call (function name cmsrt) specifies how the program will receive data on subsequent Receive calls. It overrides the default receive type established by the Initialize_Conversation or Accept_Conversation call. By default, the program waits for data to arrive if it is not available when the Receive call is issued.

The receive type value affects all subsequent Receive calls. It can be changed by reissuing Set_Receive_Type.


CM_ENTRY Set_Receive_Type(   
  unsigned char FAR *conversation_ID,    
  CM_INT32 FAR *receive_type,            
  CM_INT32 FAR *return_code              


Supplied parameter. Specifies the identifier for the conversation. The value of this parameter was returned by Initialize_Conversation or Accept_Conversation.

Supplied parameter. Specifies how data is to be received by the program on the subsequent Receive calls. Possible values are:

The local program receives any data currently available from the partner program. If no data is available, the local program waits for data to arrive.

The local program receives any data currently available from the partner program. If no data is available, the local program does not wait.

The code returned from this call. The valid return codes are listed later in this topic.

Return Codes

Primary return code; the call executed successfully.

Primary return code; the value specified by conversation_ID or receive_type is invalid, or the address of a variable is invalid.

Primary return code; a product-specific error occurred and has been logged in the products error log.

State Changes

The conversation can be in any state except RESET.

There is no state change.