Avoid double counting credits in Environmental Credit Service (preview)
A validation and verification body can improve the quality of credits being generated by running checks to avoid double counting credits. The validation and verification body can run a check for overlaps while performing the following functions:
Registering a modular benefit project
While registering a modular benefit project, the issuing registry can run a check to identify whether it has overlapping geographic areas to detect double registration with the same or different registries. They can also check for geographic area overlaps within a radius of 10 kilometers or six miles.
Issuing a credit
While issuing a credit, the issuing registry can run a check to identify where the credit request has overlapping parameters, such as ecological benefit type, country/region, durability, method, and storage type.
While issuing a credit, the issuing registry can run a check to identify whether the credit request has overlapping geographic areas with any existing projects. They can also check for geographic area overlaps within a radius of 10 kilometers or six miles.
Verifying a claim
While verifying a claim, the validation and verification body can run a check to identify whether it has overlapping geographic areas to detect double registration with the same or different registries. They can also check for geographic area overlaps within a radius of 10 kilometers or six miles.