class AddContentFooterAction

An action class that specifies adding a content footer to the document.


Members Descriptions
public const std::string& GetUIElementName() An API used to mark the content footer element.
public const std::string& GetText() const Get the text that is meant to go into the content footer.
public const std::string& GetFontName() const Get the font name, used to display the content footer.
public int GetFontSize() const Get the font size used to display the content footer.
public const std::string& GetFontColor() const Get the font color used to display the content footer.
public ContentMarkAlignment GetAlignment() const Get the alignment of the footer.
public int GetMargin() const Get the margin of the footer from the bottom.


GetUIElementName function

An API used to mark the content footer element.

Returns: The name that should be used for the UI element that holds the content footer. The same name will be returned in RemoveContentFooterAction in case the content footer needs to be removed.

GetText function

Get the text that is meant to go into the content footer.

Returns: Content footer text.

GetFontName function

Get the font name, used to display the content footer.

Returns: Font name. Default value is Calibri if nothing is set by the policy.

GetFontSize function

Get the font size used to display the content footer.

Returns: Font size as an integer.

GetFontColor function

Get the font color used to display the content footer.

Returns: Font color as a string (for example, "#000000").

GetAlignment function

Get the alignment of the footer.

Returns: The ContentMarkAlignment enumerator: LEFT|RIGHT|CENTER.

See also: ContentMarkAlignment

GetMargin function

Get the margin of the footer from the bottom.

Returns: The margins from the bottom of the document (for example, 10 mm).