class ProtectionHandler

Manages protection-related actions for a specific protection configuration.


Members Descriptions
public std::shared_ptr<Stream> CreateProtectedStream(const std::shared_ptr<Stream>& backingStream, int64_t contentStartPosition, int64_t contentSize) Create a protected stream that will allow for encryption/decryption of content.
public int64_t EncryptBuffer(int64_t offsetFromStart, const uint8_t* inputBuffer, int64_t inputBufferSize, uint8_t* outputBuffer, int64_t outputBufferSize, bool isFinal) Encrypt a buffer.
public int64_t DecryptBuffer(int64_t offsetFromStart, const uint8_t* inputBuffer, int64_t inputBufferSize, uint8_t* outputBuffer, int64_t outputBufferSize, bool isFinal) Decrypt a buffer.
public int64_t GetProtectedContentLength(int64_t unprotectedLength, bool includesFinalBlock) Calculates size (in bytes) of content if it were to be encrypted with this ProtectionHandler.
public int64_t GetBlockSize() Gets the block size (in bytes) for the cipher mode used by this ProtectionHandler.
public std::vector<std::string> GetRights() const Gets the rights granted to the user/identity associated with this ProtectionHandler.
public bool AccessCheck(const std::string& right) const Checks if protection handler grants user access to the specified right.
public const std::string GetIssuedTo() Gets user associated with the protection handler.
public const std::string GetOwner() Gets email address of content owner.
public bool IsIssuedToOwner() Gets if the current user is the content owner or not.
public std::shared_ptr<ProtectionDescriptor> GetProtectionDescriptor() Gets protection details.
public const std::string GetContentId() Gets unique identifier for the document/content.
public bool DoesUseDeprecatedAlgorithms() Gets if protection handler uses deprecated crypto algorithms (ECB) for backward compatibility or not.
public bool UsesApplicationDefinedPadding() Gets if protected content requires application-defined padding or if it is handled internally.
public bool IsAuditedExtractAllowed() Gets if protection handler grants user 'audited extract' right or not.
public const std::vector<uint8_t>& GetSerializedPublishingLicense() const Serialize ProtectionHandler into a publishing license (PL)
public const std::vector<uint8_t>& GetSerializedPreLicense(PreLicenseFormat format) const Get pre-license.
public CipherMode GetCipherMode() const Gets the cipher mode of the protection handler.
enum PreLicenseFormat Pre-license format.


CreateProtectedStream function

Create a protected stream that will allow for encryption/decryption of content.


  • backingStream: Backing stream from which to read/write

  • contentStartPosition: Starting position (in bytes) within the backing stream where protected content begins

  • contentSize: Size (in bytes) of protected content within backing stream

Returns: Protected stream

EncryptBuffer function

Encrypt a buffer.


  • offsetFromStart: Relative position of inputBuffer from the very beginning of the cleartext content

  • inputBuffer: Buffer of cleartext content that will be encrypted

  • inputBufferSize: Size (in bytes) of input buffer

  • outputBuffer: Buffer into which encrypted content will be copied

  • outputBufferSize: Size (in bytes) of output buffer

  • isFinal: If input buffer contains the final cleartext bytes or not

Returns: Actual size (in bytes) of encrypted content

DecryptBuffer function

Decrypt a buffer.


  • offsetFromStart: Relative position of inputBuffer from the very beginning of the encrypted content

  • inputBuffer: Buffer of encrypted content that will be decrypted

  • inputBufferSize: Size (in bytes) of input buffer

  • outputBuffer: Buffer into which decrypted content will be copied

  • outputBufferSize: Size (in bytes) of output buffer

  • isFinal: If input buffer contains the final encrypted bytes or not

Returns: Actual size (in bytes) of decrypted content

GetProtectedContentLength function

Calculates size (in bytes) of content if it were to be encrypted with this ProtectionHandler.


  • unprotectedLength: Size (in bytes) of unprotected content

  • includesFinalBlock: Describes if the unprotected content in question includes the final block or not. For example, in CBC4k encryption mode, non-final protected blocks are the same size as unprotected blocks, but final protected blocks are larger than their unprotected counterparts.

Returns: Size (in bytes) of protected content

GetBlockSize function

Gets the block size (in bytes) for the cipher mode used by this ProtectionHandler.

Returns: Block size (in bytes)

GetRights function

Gets the rights granted to the user/identity associated with this ProtectionHandler.

Returns: Rights granted to the user

AccessCheck function

Checks if protection handler grants user access to the specified right.


  • right: Right to check

Returns: If protection handler grants user access to the specified right or not

GetIssuedTo function

Gets user associated with the protection handler.

Returns: User associated with protection handler

GetOwner function

Gets email address of content owner.

Returns: Email address of content owner

IsIssuedToOwner function

Gets if the current user is the content owner or not.

Returns: If the current user is the content owner or not

GetProtectionDescriptor function

Gets protection details.

Returns: Protection details

GetContentId function

Gets unique identifier for the document/content.

Returns: Unique content identifier Publishing licenses will have this identifier surrounded by curly braces "{}". Those braces are removed from the value returned here

DoesUseDeprecatedAlgorithms function

Gets if protection handler uses deprecated crypto algorithms (ECB) for backward compatibility or not.

Returns: If protection handler uses deprecated crypto algorithms or not

UsesApplicationDefinedPadding function

Gets if protected content requires application-defined padding or if it is handled internally.

Returns: True, if application-defined padding is required, false if not.

IsAuditedExtractAllowed function

Gets if protection handler grants user 'audited extract' right or not.

Returns: If protection handler grants user 'audited extract' right or not

GetSerializedPublishingLicense function

Serialize ProtectionHandler into a publishing license (PL)

Returns: Serialized publishing license

GetSerializedPreLicense function

Get pre-license.


  • format: Pre-license format

Returns: Serialized pre-license A pre-license allows a user to immediately consume content without making an additional HTTP call. The ProtectionHandler must have been created with a ProtectionHandler::PublishingSettings::SetPreLicenseUserEmail value or else this will return an empty vector.

GetCipherMode function

Gets the cipher mode of the protection handler.

Returns: The cipher mode

PreLicenseFormat enum

Values Descriptions
Xml Legacy XML/SOAP format used by MSIPC
Json JSON/REST format used by MIP SDK and RMS SDK

Pre-license format.