Enumerations and Structures

Members Descriptions
enum WatermarkLayout Layout for watermarks.
enum ContentMarkAlignment Alignment for content marks (content header or content footer).
enum AssignmentMethod The assignment method of the label on the document. Whether the Assignment of the label was done automatically, standard or as a privileged operation (The equivalent to an administrator operation).
enum ActionSource defines what triggered the SetLabel event
enum DataState Defines what state of the data is the application acting upon.
enum ContentFormat Content format.
enum LabelFilterType Label filter types, optional set of properties that can be used to filter labels when calling list sensitivity labels.
enum FeatureId Defines new features by name.
enum VariableTextMarkingType various dynamic fields can be set into the text message of the application Some known: ${Item.Label} ${Item.Name} ${Item.Location} ${User.Name} ${User.PrincipalName} ${Event.DateTime} Others are still not defined: The sdk will replace them with correct values using these control flags.
enum Consent A user's response when consent is requested to connect to a service endpoint.
enum CacheStorageType Storage type for the caches.
enum PFileExtensionBehavior Describes PFile extensions behavior.
enum ErrorType Not yet documented.
enum InspectorType Inspector type correlating to supported file types.
enum BodyType Body type enumerator.
enum FlightingFeature Defines new features by name.
enum HttpRequestType HTTP request type.
enum LogLevel Different log levels used across the MIP SDK.
enum ProtectionType Describes whether protection is based off a template or ad-hoc (custom)
enum ActionType Different action types.
enum LabelState Not yet documented.
enum ActionDataType Not yet documented.
enum ConditionDataType Not yet documented.
enum ContentMarkPlacement Not yet documented.
enum LabelActionDataType Not yet documented.
enum ProtectionActionType Not yet documented.
struct mip::ApplicationInfo A struct that includes application specific information.
struct mip::TelemetryConfiguration Custom telemetry settings (not commonly used)


WatermarkLayout enum

Values Descriptions
HORIZONTAL Watermark layout is horizontal
DIAGONAL Watermark layout is diagonal

Layout for watermarks.

ContentMarkAlignment enum

Values Descriptions
LEFT Content marking is aligned to the left
RIGHT Content marking is aligned to the right
CENTER Content marking is centered

Alignment for content marks (content header or content footer).

AssignmentMethod enum

Values Descriptions
STANDARD Label assignment method is standard
PRIVILEGED Label assignment method is privileged
AUTO Label assignment method is automatic

The assignment method of the label on the document. Whether the Assignment of the label was done automatically, standard or as a privileged operation (The equivalent to an administrator operation).

ActionSource enum

Values Descriptions
MANUAL Selected manually by user
AUTOMATIC Set by policy conditions
RECOMMENDED Set by user after label was recommended by policy conditions
DEFAULT Set by default in policy

Defines what triggered the SetLabel event

DataState enum

Values Descriptions
REST Inactive data stored physically in databases/file/warehouses
MOTION Data traversing a network or temporarily residing in computer memory to be read or updated
USE Active data under constant change stored physically in databases/file/warehouses etc

Defines what state of the data is the application acting upon.

ContentFormat enum

Values Descriptions
DEFAULT Content format is standard file format
EMAIL Content format is email format

Content format.

LabelFilterType enum

Values Descriptions
None Disable default labeling filtration
CustomProtection Filter labels that may result in custom protection
TemplateProtection Filter labels that may result in do not forward
DoNotForwardProtection Filter labels that may result in template protection
AdhocProtection Filter labels that may result in adhoc protection
HyokProtection Filter labels that may result in hyok protection
PredefinedTemplateProtection Filter labels that may result in predefined template protection
DoubleKeyProtection Filter labels that may result in protection that requires double key, can be template, adhoc, dnf

Label filter types, optional set of properties that can be used to filter labels when calling list sensitivity labels.

FeatureId enum

Values Descriptions
EncryptOnly Check if server supports EncryptOnly feature

Defines new features by name.

VariableTextMarkingType enum

Values Descriptions
Default Known markings are converted unknown marking are removed
PassThrough Known markings are converted unknown marking are passed through
None All markings are passed through

Various dynamic fields can be set into the text message of the application Some known: ${Item.Label} ${Item.Name} ${Item.Location} ${User.Name} ${User.PrincipalName} ${Event.DateTime} Others are still not defined: The sdk will replace them with correct values using these control flags.

Values Descriptions
AcceptAlways Consent, and remember this decision
Accept Consent, just one time
Reject Do not consent

A user's response when consent is requested to connect to a service endpoint.

CacheStorageType enum

Values Descriptions
InMemory In Memory storage
OnDisk On Disk storage
OnDiskEncrypted On Disk storage with encryption (if supported by the platform)

Storage type for the caches.

PFileExtensionBehavior enum

Values Descriptions
Default Extensions will become as SDK default behavior
PFileSuffix Extensions will become <EXT>.PFILE
PPrefix Extensions will become P<EXT>

Describes PFile extensions behavior.

ErrorType enum

Values Descriptions
BAD_INPUT_ERROR Caller passed bad input.
INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER_ERROR Caller passed a buffer that was too small.
FILE_IO_ERROR General File IO error.
NETWORK_ERROR General network issues; for example, unreachable service.
INTERNAL_ERROR Internal unexpected errors.
JUSTIFICATION_REQUIRED Justification should be provided to complete the action on the file.
NOT_SUPPORTED_OPERATION The requested operation is not yet supported.
PRIVILEGED_REQUIRED Can't override privileged label when new label method is standard.
ACCESS_DENIED The user could not get access to services.
CONSENT_DENIED An operation that required consent from user was not granted consent.
NO_PERMISSIONS The user could not get access to the content. For example, no permissions, content revoked
NO_AUTH_TOKEN The user could not get access to the content due to an empty auth token.
DISABLED_SERVICE The user could not get access to the content due to the service being disabled
PROXY_AUTH_ERROR Proxy authentication failed.
NO_POLICY No policy is configured for user/tenant
OPERATION_CANCELLED Operation cancelled
ADHOC_PROTECTION_REQUIRED Adhoc protection should be set to complete the action on the file
DEPRECATED_API Caller invoked a deprecated API
TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUND Template ID is not recognized
LABEL_NOT_FOUND Label ID is not recognized
LABEL_DISABLED Label is disabled or inactive

InspectorType enum

Values Descriptions
Unknown Unkown file inspector.
Msg Msg style file inspector, rpmsg / msg based.

Inspector type correlating to supported file types.

BodyType enum

Values Descriptions
UNKNOWN Unkown body type
TXT Text style body type, encoding is returned as utf8
HTML HTML style body type, encoding is returned as utf8
RTF RTF style body type, a binary format

Body type enumerator.

FlightingFeature enum

Values Descriptions
ServiceDiscovery Rely on separate HTTP call to determine RMS service endpoints
AuthInfoCache Cache OAuth2 challenges per domain/tenant to reduce unnecessary 401 responses. Disable for apps/services that manage their own HTTP auth (like SPO, Edge)
LinuxEncryptedCache Enable encrypted caching for Linux platforms (Please read the prerequisites for this feature)
SingleDomainName Enable single company name for dns lookup. e.g. https://corprights
PolicyAuth Enable automatic HTTP authentication for requests sent to Policy service. Disable for apps/services that manage their own HTTP auth (like SPO, Edge)
UrlRedirectCache Cache URL redirects to reduce number of HTTP operations
PreLicensing Enable pre license api check
DoubleKey Enable double key protection feature to use a customer key to encrypt with
VariablePolicyTtl Enable variable policy time to live, disabling reverts to infinite policy
VariableTextMarking Enable variable text marking

Defines new features by name.

HttpRequestType enum

Values Descriptions

HTTP request type.

LogLevel enum

Values Descriptions

Different log levels used across the MIP SDK.

ProtectionType enum

Values Descriptions
TemplateBased Handle was created from a template
Custom Handle was created ad hoc

Describes whether protection is based off a template or ad-hoc (custom)

ActionType enum

Values Descriptions
ADD_CONTENT_FOOTER Add a content footer to the document action type.
ADD_CONTENT_HEADER Add a content header to the document action type.
ADD_WATERMARK Add a water mark to the entire document action type.
CUSTOM A custom defined action type.
JUSTIFY A justify action type.
METADATA A Meta data change action type.
PROTECT_ADHOC A protect by adhoc policy action type.
PROTECT_BY_TEMPLATE A protect by template action type.
PROTECT_DO_NOT_FORWARD A protect by do not forward action type.
REMOVE_CONTENT_FOOTER Remove content footer action type.
REMOVE_CONTENT_HEADER Remove content header action type.
REMOVE_PROTECTION Remove protection action type.
REMOVE_WATERMARK Remove watermarking action type.
APPLY_LABEL Apply label action type.
RECOMMEND_LABEL Recommend label action type.
PROTECT_ADHOC_DK A protect by adhoc policy action type.
PROTECT_BY_TEMPLATE_DK A protect by template action type.
PROTECT_DO_NOT_FORWARD_DK A protect by do not forward action type.

Different action types. CUSTOM is the generic action type. Every other action type is a specific action with a specific meaning.

LabelState enum

Values Descriptions

ActionDataType enum

Values Descriptions

ConditionDataType enum

Values Descriptions

ContentMarkPlacement enum

Values Descriptions

LabelActionDataType enum

Values Descriptions

ProtectionActionType enum

Values Descriptions


struct mip::ApplicationInfo

A struct that includes application specific information.

Members Descriptions
public std::string applicationId Application identifier as set in the AAD portal, (Should be a GUID without brackets).
public std::string applicationName Application name, (Should only contain valid ASCII character excluding ';')
public std::string applicationVersion The version of the application being used, (Should only contain valid ASCII character excluding ';')

applicationId struct member

Application identifier as set in the AAD portal, (Should be a GUID without brackets).

applicationName struct member

Application name, (Should only contain valid ASCII character excluding ';')

applicationVersion struct member

The version of the application being used, (Should only contain valid ASCII character excluding ';')

struct DiagnosticConfiguration

Custom diagnostic configurations (not commonly used)

Members Descriptions
public std::string hostNameOverride Host audit/telemetry instance name. If not set, MIP will act as its own host.
public std::string libraryNameOverride Alternate audit/telemetry library (DLL) filename.
public std::shared_ptr<HttpDelegate> httpDelegateOverride If set, HTTP handling will be managed by this instance
public std::shared_ptr<TaskDispatcherDelegate> taskDispatcherDelegateOverride If set, async task handling will be managed by this instance, taskDispatcherDelegateOverides should not be shared as they can hold audit/telemetry objects, and prevent their release until taskDispatcher is freed.
public bool isNetworkDetectionEnabled If set, audit/telemetry component will ping network status on background thread
public bool isLocalCachingEnabled If set, audit/telemetry component will use on-disk caching
public bool isTraceLoggingEnabled If set, audit/telemetry component will write warning/error logs to disk
public bool isMinimalTelemetryEnabled If set, only necessary service data telemetry will be sent
public bool isFastShutdownEnabled If set, No events will be uploaded on shutdown, Audit events will be uploaded immediately upon logging
public std::map<std::string, std::string> customSettings Custom audit/telemetry settings >
public std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string>> maskedProperties Audit/Telemetry events/properties which should be masked
public std::shared_ptr<AuditDelegate> auditPipelineDelegateOverride Audit delegate override for writting audit events
public Cloud cloud Cloud type for controlling telemetry and audit events for sovereign cloud scenario

hostNameOverride struct member

Host audit/telemetry instance name. If not set, MIP will act as its own host.

libraryNameOverride struct member

Alternate audit/telemetry library (DLL) filename.


If set, HTTP handling will be managed by this instance


If set, async task handling will be managed by this instance, taskDispatcherDelegateOverides should not be shared as they can hold audit/telemetry objects, and prevent their release until taskDispatcher is freed.

isNetworkDetectionEnabled struct member

If set, audit/telemetry component will ping network status on background thread

isLocalCachingEnabled struct member

If set, audit/telemetry component will use on-disk caching

isTraceLoggingEnabled struct member

If set, audit/telemetry component will write warning/error logs to disk

isMinimalTelemetryEnabled struct member

If set, only necessary service data telemetry will be sent

isFastShutdownEnabled struct member

If set, No events will be uploaded on shutdown, Audit events will be uploaded immediately upon logging

customSettings struct member

Custom audit/telemetry settings >

maskedProperties struct member

Audit/Telemetry events/properties which should be masked


Audit delegate override for writting audit events


Cloud type for controlling telemetry and audit events for sovereign cloud scenario

struct mip::TelemetryConfiguration

Custom telemetry settings (not commonly used)

Members Descriptions
public std::string hostNameOverride Host telemetry instance name. If not set, MIP will act as its own host.
public std::string libraryNameOverride Alternate telemetry library (DLL) filename.
public std::shared_ptr<HttpDelegate> httpDelegateOverride If set, HTTP handling will be managed by this instance
public std::shared_ptr<TaskDispatcherDelegate> taskDispatcherDelegateOverride If set, async task handling will be managed by this instance, taskDispatcherDelegateOverides should not be shared as they can hold telemetry objects, and prevent their release until taskDispatcher is freed.
public bool isNetworkDetectionEnabled If set, telemetry component will ping network status on background thread
public bool isLocalCachingEnabled If set, telemetry component will use on-disk caching
public bool isTraceLoggingEnabled If set, telemetry component will write warning/error logs to disk
public bool isTelemetryOptedOut If set, only necessary service data telemetry will be sent
public bool isFastShutdownEnabled If set, No events will be uploaded on shutdown, Audit events will be uploaded immediately upon logging
public std::map<std::string, std::string> customSettings Custom telemetry settings >

hostNameOverride struct member

Host telemetry instance name. If not set, MIP will act as its own host.

libraryNameOverride struct member

Alternate telemetry library (DLL) filename.


If set, HTTP handling will be managed by this instance


If set, async task handling will be managed by this instance, taskDispatcherDelegateOverides should not be shared as they can hold telemetry objects, and prevent their release until taskDispatcher is freed.

isNetworkDetectionEnabled struct member

If set, telemetry component will ping network status on background thread

isLocalCachingEnabled struct member

If set, telemetry component will use on-disk caching

isTraceLoggingEnabled struct member

If set, telemetry component will write warning/error logs to disk

isTelemetryOptedOut struct member

If set, only necessary service data telemetry will be sent

isFastShutdownEnabled struct member

If set, No events will be uploaded on shutdown, Audit events will be uploaded immediately upon logging

customSettings struct member

Custom telemetry settings.

struct UniqueIdsAndContentFormats

Members Descriptions
public std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> uniqueIds Not yet documented.
public std::vector<std::string> contentFormats Not yet documented.

uniqueIds struct member

Not yet documented.

contentFormats struct member

Not yet documented.