EligibleChildResourcesClient Interface

public interface EligibleChildResourcesClient

An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in EligibleChildResourcesClient.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
abstract PagedIterable<EligibleChildResourceInner> get(String scope)

Get the child resources of a resource on which user has eligible access.

abstract PagedIterable<EligibleChildResourceInner> get(String scope, String filter, Context context)

Get the child resources of a resource on which user has eligible access.

abstract PagedFlux<EligibleChildResourceInner> getAsync(String scope)

Get the child resources of a resource on which user has eligible access.

abstract PagedFlux<EligibleChildResourceInner> getAsync(String scope, String filter)

Get the child resources of a resource on which user has eligible access.

Method Details


public abstract PagedIterable get(String scope)

Get the child resources of a resource on which user has eligible access.


scope - The scope of the role management policy.


the child resources of a resource on which user has eligible access as paginated response with PagedIterable<T>.


public abstract PagedIterable get(String scope, String filter, Context context)

Get the child resources of a resource on which user has eligible access.


scope - The scope of the role management policy.
filter - The filter to apply on the operation. Use $filter=resourceType+eq+'Subscription' to filter on only resource of type = 'Subscription'. Use $filter=resourceType+eq+'subscription'+or+resourceType+eq+'resourcegroup' to filter on resource of type = 'Subscription' or 'ResourceGroup'.
context - The context to associate with this operation.


the child resources of a resource on which user has eligible access as paginated response with PagedIterable<T>.


public abstract PagedFlux getAsync(String scope)

Get the child resources of a resource on which user has eligible access.


scope - The scope of the role management policy.


the child resources of a resource on which user has eligible access as paginated response with PagedFlux<T>.


public abstract PagedFlux getAsync(String scope, String filter)

Get the child resources of a resource on which user has eligible access.


scope - The scope of the role management policy.
filter - The filter to apply on the operation. Use $filter=resourceType+eq+'Subscription' to filter on only resource of type = 'Subscription'. Use $filter=resourceType+eq+'subscription'+or+resourceType+eq+'resourcegroup' to filter on resource of type = 'Subscription' or 'ResourceGroup'.


the child resources of a resource on which user has eligible access as paginated response with PagedFlux<T>.

Applies to