AggregatedCostsClient Interface

public interface AggregatedCostsClient

An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in AggregatedCostsClient.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
abstract ManagementGroupAggregatedCostResultInner getByManagementGroup(String managementGroupId)

Provides the aggregate cost of a management group and all child management groups by current billing period.

abstract Response<ManagementGroupAggregatedCostResultInner> getByManagementGroupWithResponse(String managementGroupId, String filter, Context context)

Provides the aggregate cost of a management group and all child management groups by current billing period.

abstract ManagementGroupAggregatedCostResultInner getForBillingPeriodByManagementGroup(String managementGroupId, String billingPeriodName)

Provides the aggregate cost of a management group and all child management groups by specified billing period.

abstract Response<ManagementGroupAggregatedCostResultInner> getForBillingPeriodByManagementGroupWithResponse(String managementGroupId, String billingPeriodName, Context context)

Provides the aggregate cost of a management group and all child management groups by specified billing period.

Method Details


public abstract ManagementGroupAggregatedCostResultInner getByManagementGroup(String managementGroupId)

Provides the aggregate cost of a management group and all child management groups by current billing period.


managementGroupId - Azure Management Group ID.


a management group aggregated cost resource.


public abstract Response getByManagementGroupWithResponse(String managementGroupId, String filter, Context context)

Provides the aggregate cost of a management group and all child management groups by current billing period.


managementGroupId - Azure Management Group ID.
filter - May be used to filter aggregated cost by properties/usageStart (Utc time), properties/usageEnd (Utc time). The filter supports 'eq', 'lt', 'gt', 'le', 'ge', and 'and'. It does not currently support 'ne', 'or', or 'not'. Tag filter is a key value pair string where key and value is separated by a colon (:).
context - The context to associate with this operation.


a management group aggregated cost resource.


public abstract ManagementGroupAggregatedCostResultInner getForBillingPeriodByManagementGroup(String managementGroupId, String billingPeriodName)

Provides the aggregate cost of a management group and all child management groups by specified billing period.


managementGroupId - Azure Management Group ID.
billingPeriodName - Billing Period Name.


a management group aggregated cost resource.


public abstract Response getForBillingPeriodByManagementGroupWithResponse(String managementGroupId, String billingPeriodName, Context context)

Provides the aggregate cost of a management group and all child management groups by specified billing period.


managementGroupId - Azure Management Group ID.
billingPeriodName - Billing Period Name.
context - The context to associate with this operation.


a management group aggregated cost resource.

Applies to