BalancesClient Interface

public interface BalancesClient

An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in BalancesClient.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
abstract BalanceInner getByBillingAccount(String billingAccountId)

Gets the balances for a scope by billingAccountId.

abstract Response<BalanceInner> getByBillingAccountWithResponse(String billingAccountId, Context context)

Gets the balances for a scope by billingAccountId.

abstract BalanceInner getForBillingPeriodByBillingAccount(String billingAccountId, String billingPeriodName)

Gets the balances for a scope by billing period and billingAccountId.

abstract Response<BalanceInner> getForBillingPeriodByBillingAccountWithResponse(String billingAccountId, String billingPeriodName, Context context)

Gets the balances for a scope by billing period and billingAccountId.

Method Details


public abstract BalanceInner getByBillingAccount(String billingAccountId)

Gets the balances for a scope by billingAccountId. Balances are available via this API only for May 1, 2014 or later.


billingAccountId - BillingAccount ID.


the balances for a scope by billingAccountId.


public abstract Response getByBillingAccountWithResponse(String billingAccountId, Context context)

Gets the balances for a scope by billingAccountId. Balances are available via this API only for May 1, 2014 or later.


billingAccountId - BillingAccount ID.
context - The context to associate with this operation.


the balances for a scope by billingAccountId.


public abstract BalanceInner getForBillingPeriodByBillingAccount(String billingAccountId, String billingPeriodName)

Gets the balances for a scope by billing period and billingAccountId. Balances are available via this API only for May 1, 2014 or later.


billingAccountId - BillingAccount ID.
billingPeriodName - Billing Period Name.


the balances for a scope by billing period and billingAccountId.


public abstract Response getForBillingPeriodByBillingAccountWithResponse(String billingAccountId, String billingPeriodName, Context context)

Gets the balances for a scope by billing period and billingAccountId. Balances are available via this API only for May 1, 2014 or later.


billingAccountId - BillingAccount ID.
billingPeriodName - Billing Period Name.
context - The context to associate with this operation.


the balances for a scope by billing period and billingAccountId.

Applies to