LotsOperationsClient Interface

public interface LotsOperationsClient

An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in LotsOperationsClient.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
abstract PagedIterable<LotSummaryInner> listByBillingAccount(String billingAccountId)

Lists all Azure credits and Microsoft Azure consumption commitments for a billing account or a billing profile.

abstract PagedIterable<LotSummaryInner> listByBillingAccount(String billingAccountId, String filter, Context context)

Lists all Azure credits and Microsoft Azure consumption commitments for a billing account or a billing profile.

abstract PagedIterable<LotSummaryInner> listByBillingProfile(String billingAccountId, String billingProfileId)

Lists all Azure credits and Microsoft Azure consumption commitments for a billing account or a billing profile.

abstract PagedIterable<LotSummaryInner> listByBillingProfile(String billingAccountId, String billingProfileId, Context context)

Lists all Azure credits and Microsoft Azure consumption commitments for a billing account or a billing profile.

Method Details


public abstract PagedIterable listByBillingAccount(String billingAccountId)

Lists all Azure credits and Microsoft Azure consumption commitments for a billing account or a billing profile. Microsoft Azure consumption commitments are only supported for the billing account scope.


billingAccountId - BillingAccount ID.


result of listing lot summary.


public abstract PagedIterable listByBillingAccount(String billingAccountId, String filter, Context context)

Lists all Azure credits and Microsoft Azure consumption commitments for a billing account or a billing profile. Microsoft Azure consumption commitments are only supported for the billing account scope.


billingAccountId - BillingAccount ID.
filter - May be used to filter the lots by Status, Source etc. The filter supports 'eq', 'lt', 'gt', 'le', 'ge', and 'and'. It does not currently support 'ne', 'or', or 'not'. Tag filter is a key value pair string where key and value is separated by a colon (:).
context - The context to associate with this operation.


result of listing lot summary.


public abstract PagedIterable listByBillingProfile(String billingAccountId, String billingProfileId)

Lists all Azure credits and Microsoft Azure consumption commitments for a billing account or a billing profile. Microsoft Azure consumption commitments are only supported for the billing account scope.


billingAccountId - BillingAccount ID.
billingProfileId - Azure Billing Profile ID.


result of listing lot summary.


public abstract PagedIterable listByBillingProfile(String billingAccountId, String billingProfileId, Context context)

Lists all Azure credits and Microsoft Azure consumption commitments for a billing account or a billing profile. Microsoft Azure consumption commitments are only supported for the billing account scope.


billingAccountId - BillingAccount ID.
billingProfileId - Azure Billing Profile ID.
context - The context to associate with this operation.


result of listing lot summary.

Applies to