MachineLearningServices Interface

public interface MachineLearningServices

Resource collection API of MachineLearningServices.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
abstract Blank define(String name)

Begins definition for a new ServiceResource resource.

abstract void delete(String resourceGroupName, String workspaceName, String serviceName)

Delete a specific Service..

abstract void deleteById(String id)

Delete a specific Service..

abstract Response<Void> deleteByIdWithResponse(String id, Context context)

Delete a specific Service..

abstract Response<Void> deleteWithResponse(String resourceGroupName, String workspaceName, String serviceName, Context context)

Delete a specific Service..

abstract ServiceResource get(String resourceGroupName, String workspaceName, String serviceName)

Get a Service by name.

abstract ServiceResource getById(String id)

Get a Service by name.

abstract Response<ServiceResource> getByIdWithResponse(String id, Boolean expand, Context context)

Get a Service by name.

abstract Response<ServiceResource> getWithResponse(String resourceGroupName, String workspaceName, String serviceName, Boolean expand, Context context)

Get a Service by name.

abstract PagedIterable<ServiceResource> listByWorkspace(String resourceGroupName, String workspaceName)

Gets services in specified workspace.

abstract PagedIterable<ServiceResource> listByWorkspace(String resourceGroupName, String workspaceName, String skip, String modelId, String modelName, String tag, String tags, String properties, String runId, Boolean expand, OrderString orderby, Context context)

Gets services in specified workspace.

Method Details


public abstract ServiceResource.DefinitionStages.Blank define(String name)

Begins definition for a new ServiceResource resource.


name - resource name.


the first stage of the new ServiceResource definition.


public abstract void delete(String resourceGroupName, String workspaceName, String serviceName)

Delete a specific Service..


resourceGroupName - Name of the resource group in which workspace is located.
workspaceName - Name of Azure Machine Learning workspace.
serviceName - Name of the Azure Machine Learning service.


public abstract void deleteById(String id)

Delete a specific Service..


id - the resource ID.


public abstract Response deleteByIdWithResponse(String id, Context context)

Delete a specific Service..


id - the resource ID.
context - The context to associate with this operation.


the response.


public abstract Response deleteWithResponse(String resourceGroupName, String workspaceName, String serviceName, Context context)

Delete a specific Service..


resourceGroupName - Name of the resource group in which workspace is located.
workspaceName - Name of Azure Machine Learning workspace.
serviceName - Name of the Azure Machine Learning service.
context - The context to associate with this operation.


the response.


public abstract ServiceResource get(String resourceGroupName, String workspaceName, String serviceName)

Get a Service by name.


resourceGroupName - Name of the resource group in which workspace is located.
workspaceName - Name of Azure Machine Learning workspace.
serviceName - Name of the Azure Machine Learning service.


a Service by name.


public abstract ServiceResource getById(String id)

Get a Service by name.


id - the resource ID.


a Service by name.


public abstract Response getByIdWithResponse(String id, Boolean expand, Context context)

Get a Service by name.


id - the resource ID.
expand - Set to True to include Model details.
context - The context to associate with this operation.


a Service by name.


public abstract Response getWithResponse(String resourceGroupName, String workspaceName, String serviceName, Boolean expand, Context context)

Get a Service by name.


resourceGroupName - Name of the resource group in which workspace is located.
workspaceName - Name of Azure Machine Learning workspace.
serviceName - Name of the Azure Machine Learning service.
expand - Set to True to include Model details.
context - The context to associate with this operation.


a Service by name.


public abstract PagedIterable listByWorkspace(String resourceGroupName, String workspaceName)

Gets services in specified workspace.


resourceGroupName - Name of the resource group in which workspace is located.
workspaceName - Name of Azure Machine Learning workspace.


services in specified workspace.


public abstract PagedIterable listByWorkspace(String resourceGroupName, String workspaceName, String skip, String modelId, String modelName, String tag, String tags, String properties, String runId, Boolean expand, OrderString orderby, Context context)

Gets services in specified workspace.


resourceGroupName - Name of the resource group in which workspace is located.
workspaceName - Name of Azure Machine Learning workspace.
skip - Continuation token for pagination.
modelId - The Model Id.
modelName - The Model name.
tag - The object tag.
tags - A set of tags with which to filter the returned services. It is a comma separated string of tags key or tags key=value Example: tagKey1,tagKey2,tagKey3=value3 .
properties - A set of properties with which to filter the returned services. It is a comma separated string of properties key and/or properties key=value Example: propKey1,propKey2,propKey3=value3 .
runId - runId for model associated with service.
expand - Set to True to include Model details.
orderby - The option to order the response.
context - The context to associate with this operation.


services in specified workspace.

Applies to