Quotas Interface

public interface Quotas

Resource collection API of Quotas.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
abstract PagedIterable<ResourceQuota> list(String location)

Gets the currently assigned Workspace Quotas based on VMFamily.

abstract PagedIterable<ResourceQuota> list(String location, Context context)

Gets the currently assigned Workspace Quotas based on VMFamily.

abstract UpdateWorkspaceQuotasResult update(String location, QuotaUpdateParameters parameters)

Update quota for each VM family in workspace.

abstract Response<UpdateWorkspaceQuotasResult> updateWithResponse(String location, QuotaUpdateParameters parameters, Context context)

Update quota for each VM family in workspace.

Method Details


public abstract PagedIterable list(String location)

Gets the currently assigned Workspace Quotas based on VMFamily.


location - The location for which resource usage is queried.


the currently assigned Workspace Quotas based on VMFamily.


public abstract PagedIterable list(String location, Context context)

Gets the currently assigned Workspace Quotas based on VMFamily.


location - The location for which resource usage is queried.
context - The context to associate with this operation.


the currently assigned Workspace Quotas based on VMFamily.


public abstract UpdateWorkspaceQuotasResult update(String location, QuotaUpdateParameters parameters)

Update quota for each VM family in workspace.


location - The location for update quota is queried.
parameters - Quota update parameters.


the result of update workspace quota.


public abstract Response updateWithResponse(String location, QuotaUpdateParameters parameters, Context context)

Update quota for each VM family in workspace.


location - The location for update quota is queried.
parameters - Quota update parameters.
context - The context to associate with this operation.


the result of update workspace quota.

Applies to