PublicIpAddresses Interface


public interface PublicIpAddresses
extends SupportsListing<PublicIpAddress>, SupportsCreating<Blank>, SupportsDeletingById, SupportsListingByResourceGroup<PublicIpAddress>, SupportsGettingByResourceGroup<PublicIpAddress>, SupportsGettingById<PublicIpAddress>, SupportsDeletingByResourceGroup, SupportsBatchCreation<PublicIpAddress>, SupportsBatchDeletion, HasManager<NetworkManager>

Entry point to public IP address management.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
abstract Accepted<Void> beginDeleteById(String id)

Begins deleting a public IP address from Azure, identifying it by its resource ID.

abstract Accepted<Void> beginDeleteByResourceGroup(String resourceGroupName, String name)

Begins deleting a public IP address from Azure, identifying it by its name and its resource group.

Method Details


public abstract Accepted beginDeleteById(String id)

Begins deleting a public IP address from Azure, identifying it by its resource ID.


id - the resource ID of the public IP address to delete


the accepted deleting operation


public abstract Accepted beginDeleteByResourceGroup(String resourceGroupName, String name)

Begins deleting a public IP address from Azure, identifying it by its name and its resource group.


resourceGroupName - the resource group the resource is part of
name - the public IP address name


the accepted deleting operation

Applies to