PartitionManagerOptions Class

  • java.lang.Object

public class PartitionManagerOptions

Field Summary

Modifier and Type Field and Description
int checkpointTimeoutInSeconds
final int DefaultCheckpointTimeoutInSeconds

The default timeout for checkpoint operations.

final int DefaultFastScanIntervalInSeconds
final int DefaultLeaseDurationInSeconds

The default duration after which a partition lease will expire unless renewed.

final int DefaultLeaseRenewIntervalInSeconds

The default duration between lease renewals.

final int DefaultSlowScanIntervalInSeconds
final int DefaultStartupScanDelayInSeconds
int fastScanIntervalInSeconds
int leaseDurationInSeconds
int leaseRenewIntervalInSeconds
int slowScanIntervalInSeconds
int startupScanDelayInSeconds

Constructor Summary

Constructor Description

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
int getCheckpointTimeoutInSeconds()

Gets the timeout for checkpoint operations. Defaults to DefaultCheckpointTimeoutInSeconds.

int getFastScanIntervalInSeconds()

There are two possible interval times between scans for available partitions, fast and slow. The fast (short) interval is used after a scan in which lease stealing has occurred, to promote quicker rebalancing.

Defaults to DefaultFastScanIntervalInSeconds.

int getLeaseDurationInSeconds()

Gets the duration after which a partition lease will expire unless renewed. Defaults to DefaultLeaseDurationInSeconds.

int getLeaseRenewIntervalInSeconds()

Gets the duration between lease renewals. Defaults to DefaultLeaseRenewIntervalInSeconds.

int getSlowScanIntervalInSeconds()

The slow (long) interval is used after a scan in which lease stealing did not occur, to reduce unnecessary scanning when the system is in steady state.

Defaults to DefaultSlowScanIntervalInSeconds.

int getStartupScanDelayInSeconds()

Gets the delay time between the first scan for available partitions and the second. This is part of a startup optimization which allows individual hosts to become visible to other hosts, and thereby get a more accurate count of the number of hosts in the system, before they try to estimate how many partitions they should own.

Defaults to DefaultStartupScanDelayInSeconds.

void setCheckpointTimeoutInSeconds(int timeout)

Sets the timeout for checkpoint operations. Must be greater than 0.

void setFastScanIntervalInSeconds(int interval)

Sets the time for fast interval.

void setLeaseDurationInSeconds(int duration)

Sets the duration after which a partition lease will expire unless renewed. Must be greater than 0 and should not be less than the renew interval. When using the default, Azure Storage-based ILeaseManager, the duration cannot be greater than 60.

void setLeaseRenewIntervalInSeconds(int interval)

Sets the duration between lease renewals. Must be greater than 0 and less than the current lease duration.

void setSlowScanIntervalInSeconds(int interval)

Sets the time for slow interval.

void setStartupScanDelayInSeconds(int delay)

Sets the delay time in seconds between the first scan and the second.

Field Details


protected int checkpointTimeoutInSeconds= PartitionManagerOptions.DefaultCheckpointTimeoutInSeconds


public static final int DefaultCheckpointTimeoutInSeconds= 120

The default timeout for checkpoint operations.


public static final int DefaultFastScanIntervalInSeconds= 3


public static final int DefaultLeaseDurationInSeconds= 30

The default duration after which a partition lease will expire unless renewed.


public static final int DefaultLeaseRenewIntervalInSeconds= 10

The default duration between lease renewals.


public static final int DefaultSlowScanIntervalInSeconds= 5


public static final int DefaultStartupScanDelayInSeconds= 30


protected int fastScanIntervalInSeconds= PartitionManagerOptions.DefaultFastScanIntervalInSeconds


protected int leaseDurationInSeconds= PartitionManagerOptions.DefaultLeaseDurationInSeconds


protected int leaseRenewIntervalInSeconds= PartitionManagerOptions.DefaultLeaseRenewIntervalInSeconds


protected int slowScanIntervalInSeconds= PartitionManagerOptions.DefaultSlowScanIntervalInSeconds


protected int startupScanDelayInSeconds= PartitionManagerOptions.DefaultStartupScanDelayInSeconds

Constructor Details


public PartitionManagerOptions()

Method Details


public int getCheckpointTimeoutInSeconds()

Gets the timeout for checkpoint operations. Defaults to DefaultCheckpointTimeoutInSeconds.


timeout for checkpoint operations


public int getFastScanIntervalInSeconds()

There are two possible interval times between scans for available partitions, fast and slow. The fast (short) interval is used after a scan in which lease stealing has occurred, to promote quicker rebalancing.

Defaults to DefaultFastScanIntervalInSeconds.


interval time in seconds


public int getLeaseDurationInSeconds()

Gets the duration after which a partition lease will expire unless renewed. Defaults to DefaultLeaseDurationInSeconds.


lease duration


public int getLeaseRenewIntervalInSeconds()

Gets the duration between lease renewals. Defaults to DefaultLeaseRenewIntervalInSeconds.


how often leases are renewed


public int getSlowScanIntervalInSeconds()

The slow (long) interval is used after a scan in which lease stealing did not occur, to reduce unnecessary scanning when the system is in steady state.

Defaults to DefaultSlowScanIntervalInSeconds.


interval time in seconds


public int getStartupScanDelayInSeconds()

Gets the delay time between the first scan for available partitions and the second. This is part of a startup optimization which allows individual hosts to become visible to other hosts, and thereby get a more accurate count of the number of hosts in the system, before they try to estimate how many partitions they should own.

Defaults to DefaultStartupScanDelayInSeconds.


delay time in seconds


public void setCheckpointTimeoutInSeconds(int timeout)

Sets the timeout for checkpoint operations. Must be greater than 0.


timeout - new value for checkpoint timeout


public void setFastScanIntervalInSeconds(int interval)

Sets the time for fast interval.


interval - new fast interval in seconds


public void setLeaseDurationInSeconds(int duration)

Sets the duration after which a partition lease will expire unless renewed. Must be greater than 0 and should not be less than the renew interval. When using the default, Azure Storage-based ILeaseManager, the duration cannot be greater than 60.


duration - new value for lease duration


public void setLeaseRenewIntervalInSeconds(int interval)

Sets the duration between lease renewals. Must be greater than 0 and less than the current lease duration.


interval - new value for how often leases are renewed


public void setSlowScanIntervalInSeconds(int interval)

Sets the time for slow interval.


interval - new slow interval in seconds


public void setStartupScanDelayInSeconds(int delay)

Sets the delay time in seconds between the first scan and the second.


delay - new delay time in seconds

Applies to