EventDataInner Class

  • java.lang.Object
    • com.microsoft.azure.management.monitor.implementation.EventDataInner

public class EventDataInner

The Azure event log entries are of type EventData.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
SenderAuthorization authorization()

Get the sender authorization information.

String caller()

Get the email address of the user who has performed the operation, the UPN claim or SPN claim based on availability.

LocalizableStringInner category()

Get the event category.

Map<String, String> claims()

Get key value pairs to identify ARM permissions.

String correlationId()

Get the correlation Id, usually a GUID in the string format. The correlation Id is shared among the events that belong to the same uber operation.

String description()

Get the description of the event.

String eventDataId()

Get the event data Id. This is a unique identifier for an event.

LocalizableStringInner eventName()

Get the event name. This value should not be confused with OperationName. For practical purposes, OperationName might be more appealing to end users.

DateTime eventTimestamp()

Get the timestamp of when the event was generated by the Azure service processing the request corresponding the event. It in ISO 8601 format.

HttpRequestInfo httpRequest()

Get the HTTP request info. Usually includes the 'clientRequestId', 'clientIpAddress' (IP address of the user who initiated the event) and 'method' (HTTP method e.g. PUT).

String id()

Get the Id of this event as required by ARM for RBAC. It contains the EventDataID and a timestamp information.

EventLevel level()

Get the event level. Possible values include: 'Critical', 'Error', 'Warning', 'Informational', 'Verbose'.

String operationId()

Get it is usually a GUID shared among the events corresponding to single operation. This value should not be confused with EventName.

LocalizableStringInner operationName()

Get the operation name.

Map<String, String> properties()

Get the set of <Key, Value> pairs (usually a Dictionary<String, String>) that includes details about the event.

String resourceGroupName()

Get the resource group name of the impacted resource.

String resourceId()

Get the resource uri that uniquely identifies the resource that caused this event.

LocalizableStringInner resourceProviderName()

Get the resource provider name of the impacted resource.

LocalizableStringInner resourceType()

Get the resource type.

LocalizableStringInner status()

Get a string describing the status of the operation. Some typical values are: Started, In progress, Succeeded, Failed, Resolved.

DateTime submissionTimestamp()

Get the timestamp of when the event became available for querying via this API. It is in ISO 8601 format. This value should not be confused eventTimestamp. As there might be a delay between the occurrence time of the event, and the time that the event is submitted to the Azure logging infrastructure.

String subscriptionId()

Get the Azure subscription Id usually a GUID.

LocalizableStringInner subStatus()

Get the event sub status. Most of the time, when included, this captures the HTTP status code of the REST call. Common values are: OK (HTTP Status Code: 200), Created (HTTP Status Code: 201), Accepted (HTTP Status Code: 202), No Content (HTTP Status Code: 204), Bad Request(HTTP Status Code: 400), Not Found (HTTP Status Code: 404), Conflict (HTTP Status Code: 409), Internal Server Error (HTTP Status Code: 500), Service Unavailable (HTTP Status Code:503), Gateway Timeout (HTTP Status Code: 504).

String tenantId()

Get the Azure tenant Id.

Method Details


public SenderAuthorization authorization()

Get the sender authorization information.


the authorization value


public String caller()

Get the email address of the user who has performed the operation, the UPN claim or SPN claim based on availability.


the caller value


public LocalizableStringInner category()

Get the event category.


the category value


public Map claims()

Get key value pairs to identify ARM permissions.


the claims value


public String correlationId()

Get the correlation Id, usually a GUID in the string format. The correlation Id is shared among the events that belong to the same uber operation.


the correlationId value


public String description()

Get the description of the event.


the description value


public String eventDataId()

Get the event data Id. This is a unique identifier for an event.


the eventDataId value


public LocalizableStringInner eventName()

Get the event name. This value should not be confused with OperationName. For practical purposes, OperationName might be more appealing to end users.


the eventName value


public DateTime eventTimestamp()

Get the timestamp of when the event was generated by the Azure service processing the request corresponding the event. It in ISO 8601 format.


the eventTimestamp value


public HttpRequestInfo httpRequest()

Get the HTTP request info. Usually includes the 'clientRequestId', 'clientIpAddress' (IP address of the user who initiated the event) and 'method' (HTTP method e.g. PUT).


the httpRequest value


public String id()

Get the Id of this event as required by ARM for RBAC. It contains the EventDataID and a timestamp information.


the id value


public EventLevel level()

Get the event level. Possible values include: 'Critical', 'Error', 'Warning', 'Informational', 'Verbose'.


the level value


public String operationId()

Get it is usually a GUID shared among the events corresponding to single operation. This value should not be confused with EventName.


the operationId value


public LocalizableStringInner operationName()

Get the operation name.


the operationName value


public Map properties()

Get the set of <Key, Value> pairs (usually a Dictionary<String, String>) that includes details about the event.


the properties value


public String resourceGroupName()

Get the resource group name of the impacted resource.


the resourceGroupName value


public String resourceId()

Get the resource uri that uniquely identifies the resource that caused this event.


the resourceId value


public LocalizableStringInner resourceProviderName()

Get the resource provider name of the impacted resource.


the resourceProviderName value


public LocalizableStringInner resourceType()

Get the resource type.


the resourceType value


public LocalizableStringInner status()

Get a string describing the status of the operation. Some typical values are: Started, In progress, Succeeded, Failed, Resolved.


the status value


public DateTime submissionTimestamp()

Get the timestamp of when the event became available for querying via this API. It is in ISO 8601 format. This value should not be confused eventTimestamp. As there might be a delay between the occurrence time of the event, and the time that the event is submitted to the Azure logging infrastructure.


the submissionTimestamp value


public String subscriptionId()

Get the Azure subscription Id usually a GUID.


the subscriptionId value


public LocalizableStringInner subStatus()

Get the event sub status. Most of the time, when included, this captures the HTTP status code of the REST call. Common values are: OK (HTTP Status Code: 200), Created (HTTP Status Code: 201), Accepted (HTTP Status Code: 202), No Content (HTTP Status Code: 204), Bad Request(HTTP Status Code: 400), Not Found (HTTP Status Code: 404), Conflict (HTTP Status Code: 409), Internal Server Error (HTTP Status Code: 500), Service Unavailable (HTTP Status Code:503), Gateway Timeout (HTTP Status Code: 504).


the subStatus value


public String tenantId()

Get the Azure tenant Id.


the tenantId value

Applies to