NetworkPeerings Interface

public interface NetworkPeerings extends SupportsCreating<NetworkPeering.DefinitionStages.Blank>,SupportsDeletingById,SupportsGettingById,SupportsBatchCreation,SupportsDeletingByParent,SupportsListing,HasManager,HasInner

Entry point to network peering management API.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
NetworkPeering getByRemoteNetwork(Network network)

Finds the peering, if any, that is associated with the specified network.

(Note that this makes a separate call to Azure.)

NetworkPeering getByRemoteNetwork(String remoteNetworkResourceId)

Finds the peering, if any, that is associated with the specified network.

(Note that this makes a separate call to Azure.)

Observable<NetworkPeering> getByRemoteNetworkAsync(Network network)

Asynchronously finds the peering, if any, that is associated with the specified network.

(Note that this makes a separate call to Azure.)

Observable<NetworkPeering> getByRemoteNetworkAsync(String remoteNetworkResourceId)

Asynchronously finds the peering, if any, that is associated with the specified network.

(Note that this makes a separate call to Azure.)

Inherited Members

Method Details


public NetworkPeering getByRemoteNetwork(Network network)

Finds the peering, if any, that is associated with the specified network.

(Note that this makes a separate call to Azure.)


network - an existing network


a network peering, or null if none exists


public NetworkPeering getByRemoteNetwork(String remoteNetworkResourceId)

Finds the peering, if any, that is associated with the specified network.

(Note that this makes a separate call to Azure.)


remoteNetworkResourceId - the resource ID of an existing network


a network peering, or null if none exists


public Observable getByRemoteNetworkAsync(Network network)

Asynchronously finds the peering, if any, that is associated with the specified network.

(Note that this makes a separate call to Azure.)


network - an existing network


a representation of the future computation of this call, evaluating to null if no such peering is found


public Observable getByRemoteNetworkAsync(String remoteNetworkResourceId)

Asynchronously finds the peering, if any, that is associated with the specified network.

(Note that this makes a separate call to Azure.)


remoteNetworkResourceId - the resource ID of an existing network


a representation of the future computation of this call, evaluating to null if no such peering is found

Applies to