ReverseGeocodingBatchRequestItem interface

Batch Query object



The coordinates of the location that you want to reverse geocode. Example: [lon,lat]


id of the request which would show in corresponding batchItem


Specify entity types that you want in the response. Only the types you specify will be returned. If the point cannot be mapped to the entity types you specify, no location information is returned in the response. Default value is all possible entities. A comma separated list of entity types selected from the following options.

  • Address
  • Neighborhood
  • PopulatedPlace
  • Postcode1
  • AdminDivision1
  • AdminDivision2
  • CountryRegion

These entity types are ordered from the most specific entity to the least specific entity. When entities of more than one entity type are found, only the most specific entity is returned. For example, if you specify Address and AdminDistrict1 as entity types and entities were found for both types, only the Address entity information is returned in the response.


A string that specifies an ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 region/country code. This will alter Geopolitical disputed borders and labels to align with the specified user region.

Property Details


The coordinates of the location that you want to reverse geocode. Example: [lon,lat]

coordinates?: number[]

Property Value



id of the request which would show in corresponding batchItem

optionalId?: string

Property Value



Specify entity types that you want in the response. Only the types you specify will be returned. If the point cannot be mapped to the entity types you specify, no location information is returned in the response. Default value is all possible entities. A comma separated list of entity types selected from the following options.

  • Address
  • Neighborhood
  • PopulatedPlace
  • Postcode1
  • AdminDivision1
  • AdminDivision2
  • CountryRegion

These entity types are ordered from the most specific entity to the least specific entity. When entities of more than one entity type are found, only the most specific entity is returned. For example, if you specify Address and AdminDistrict1 as entity types and entities were found for both types, only the Address entity information is returned in the response.

resultTypes?: ("Address" | "Neighborhood" | "PopulatedPlace" | "Postcode1" | "AdminDivision1" | "AdminDivision2" | "CountryRegion")[]

Property Value

("Address" | "Neighborhood" | "PopulatedPlace" | "Postcode1" | "AdminDivision1" | "AdminDivision2" | "CountryRegion")[]


A string that specifies an ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 region/country code. This will alter Geopolitical disputed borders and labels to align with the specified user region.

view?: string

Property Value
