AzureLargeInstanceProvisioningStatesEnum type

Defines values for AzureLargeInstanceProvisioningStatesEnum.
KnownAzureLargeInstanceProvisioningStatesEnum can be used interchangeably with AzureLargeInstanceProvisioningStatesEnum, this enum contains the known values that the service supports.

Known values supported by the service

Accepted: Accepted means Azure Large Instance resource provisioning has been accepted.
Creating: Creating means Azure Large Instance resource is being created.
Updating: Updating means an existing Azure Large Instance resource is being updated
Failed: Failed means Azure Large Instance resource is in failed state
Succeeded: Succeeded means Azure Large Instance resource creation succeeded during last create/update
Deleting: Deleting means Azure Large Instance resource is in the process of being deleted
Migrating: Migrating means Azure Large Instance resource is being migrated from one subscription or resource group to another
Canceled: Cancelled Azure Large Instance resource operation has been cancelled

type AzureLargeInstanceProvisioningStatesEnum = string