Machine type

A machine resource represents a discovered computer system. It can be monitored, i.e., a Dependency Agent is running on it, or discovered, i.e., its existence was inferred by observing the data stream from monitored machines. As machines change, prior versions of the machine resource are preserved and available for access. A machine is live during an interval of time, if either its Dependency Agent has reported data during (parts) of that interval, or a Dependency agent running on other machines has reported activity associated with the machine.

type Machine = CoreResource & {
  agent?: AgentConfiguration
  bootTime?: Date
  computerName?: string
  displayName?: string
  fullyQualifiedDomainName?: string
  hosting?: HostingConfigurationUnion
  hypervisor?: HypervisorConfiguration
  monitoringState?: MonitoringState
  networking?: NetworkConfiguration
  operatingSystem?: OperatingSystemConfiguration
  resources?: MachineResourcesConfiguration
  timestamp?: Date
  timezone?: Timezone
  virtualMachine?: VirtualMachineConfiguration
  virtualizationState?: VirtualizationState