EncryptionScopeListResult interface

List of encryption scopes requested, and if paging is required, a URL to the next page of encryption scopes.



Request URL that can be used to query next page of encryption scopes. Returned when total number of requested encryption scopes exceeds the maximum page size. NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.


List of encryption scopes requested. NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.

Property Details

Request URL that can be used to query next page of encryption scopes. Returned when total number of requested encryption scopes exceeds the maximum page size. NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.

nextLink?: string

Property Value



List of encryption scopes requested. NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.

value?: EncryptionScope[]

Property Value