UpdateSAPVirtualInstanceProperties interface

Defines the properties to be updated for Virtual Instance for SAP.



Specifies the network access configuration for the resources that will be deployed in the Managed Resource Group. The options to choose from are Public and Private. If 'Private' is chosen, the Storage Account service tag should be enabled on the subnets in which the SAP VMs exist. This is required for establishing connectivity between VM extensions and the managed resource group storage account. This setting is currently applicable only to Storage Account. Learn more here https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2247228

Property Details


Specifies the network access configuration for the resources that will be deployed in the Managed Resource Group. The options to choose from are Public and Private. If 'Private' is chosen, the Storage Account service tag should be enabled on the subnets in which the SAP VMs exist. This is required for establishing connectivity between VM extensions and the managed resource group storage account. This setting is currently applicable only to Storage Account. Learn more here https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2247228

managedResourcesNetworkAccessType?: string

Property Value
