FaceDetectWithUrlOptionalParams interface

Optional Parameters.




Name of detection model. Detection model is used to detect faces in the submitted image. A detection model name can be provided when performing Face - Detect or (Large)FaceList - Add Face or (Large)PersonGroup - Add Face. The default value is 'detection_01', if another model is needed, please explicitly specify it. Possible values include: 'detection_01', 'detection_02', 'detection_03'. Default value: 'detection_01'.


The number of seconds for the faceId being cached. Supported range from 60 seconds up to 86400 seconds. The default value is 86400 (24 hours). Default value: 86400.


Name of recognition model. Recognition model is used when the face features are extracted and associated with detected faceIds, (Large)FaceList or (Large)PersonGroup. A recognition model name can be provided when performing Face - Detect or (Large)FaceList - Create or (Large)PersonGroup - Create. The default value is 'recognition_01', if latest model needed, please explicitly specify the model you need. Possible values include: 'recognition_01', 'recognition_02', 'recognition_03', 'recognition_04'. Default value: 'recognition_01'.


Analyze and return the one or more specified face attributes in the comma-separated string like "returnFaceAttributes=age,gender". The available attributes depends on the 'detectionModel' specified. 'detection_01' supports age, gender, headPose, smile, facialHair, glasses, emotion, hair, makeup, occlusion, accessories, blur, exposure, noise, and qualityForRecognition. While 'detection_02' does not support any attributes and 'detection_03' only supports mask and qualityForRecognition. Additionally, qualityForRecognition is only supported when the 'recognitionModel' is specified as 'recognition_03' or 'recognition_04'. Note that each face attribute analysis has additional computational and time cost.


A value indicating whether the operation should return faceIds of detected faces. Default value: true.


A value indicating whether the operation should return landmarks of the detected faces. Default value: false.


A value indicating whether the operation should return 'recognitionModel' in response. Default value: false.

Inherited Properties


The signal which can be used to abort requests.


User defined custom request headers that will be applied before the request is sent.


Callback which fires upon download progress.


Callback which fires upon upload progress.


The number of milliseconds a request can take before automatically being terminated.

Property Details


Name of detection model. Detection model is used to detect faces in the submitted image. A detection model name can be provided when performing Face - Detect or (Large)FaceList - Add Face or (Large)PersonGroup - Add Face. The default value is 'detection_01', if another model is needed, please explicitly specify it. Possible values include: 'detection_01', 'detection_02', 'detection_03'. Default value: 'detection_01'.

detectionModel?: DetectionModel

Property Value


The number of seconds for the faceId being cached. Supported range from 60 seconds up to 86400 seconds. The default value is 86400 (24 hours). Default value: 86400.

faceIdTimeToLive?: number

Property Value



Name of recognition model. Recognition model is used when the face features are extracted and associated with detected faceIds, (Large)FaceList or (Large)PersonGroup. A recognition model name can be provided when performing Face - Detect or (Large)FaceList - Create or (Large)PersonGroup - Create. The default value is 'recognition_01', if latest model needed, please explicitly specify the model you need. Possible values include: 'recognition_01', 'recognition_02', 'recognition_03', 'recognition_04'. Default value: 'recognition_01'.

recognitionModel?: RecognitionModel

Property Value


Analyze and return the one or more specified face attributes in the comma-separated string like "returnFaceAttributes=age,gender". The available attributes depends on the 'detectionModel' specified. 'detection_01' supports age, gender, headPose, smile, facialHair, glasses, emotion, hair, makeup, occlusion, accessories, blur, exposure, noise, and qualityForRecognition. While 'detection_02' does not support any attributes and 'detection_03' only supports mask and qualityForRecognition. Additionally, qualityForRecognition is only supported when the 'recognitionModel' is specified as 'recognition_03' or 'recognition_04'. Note that each face attribute analysis has additional computational and time cost.

returnFaceAttributes?: FaceAttributeType[]

Property Value


A value indicating whether the operation should return faceIds of detected faces. Default value: true.

returnFaceId?: boolean

Property Value



A value indicating whether the operation should return landmarks of the detected faces. Default value: false.

returnFaceLandmarks?: boolean

Property Value



A value indicating whether the operation should return 'recognitionModel' in response. Default value: false.

returnRecognitionModel?: boolean

Property Value


Inherited Property Details


The signal which can be used to abort requests.

abortSignal?: AbortSignalLike

Property Value

Inherited From msRest.RequestOptionsBase.abortSignal


User defined custom request headers that will be applied before the request is sent.

customHeaders?: {[key: string]: string}

Property Value

{[key: string]: string}

Inherited From msRest.RequestOptionsBase.customHeaders


Callback which fires upon download progress.

onDownloadProgress?: (progress: TransferProgressEvent) => void

Property Value

(progress: TransferProgressEvent) => void

Inherited From msRest.RequestOptionsBase.onDownloadProgress


Callback which fires upon upload progress.

onUploadProgress?: (progress: TransferProgressEvent) => void

Property Value

(progress: TransferProgressEvent) => void

Inherited From msRest.RequestOptionsBase.onUploadProgress


The number of milliseconds a request can take before automatically being terminated.

timeout?: number

Property Value


Inherited From msRest.RequestOptionsBase.timeout