@azure/monitor-query package
LogsQueryClient |
Client for Azure Log Analytics |
MetricsClient |
A client that can query batch metrics. |
MetricsQueryClient |
A client that can query metrics, get metric definitions and get metric namespaces. |
ListMetricDefinitionsOptions |
Options used when getting metric definitions. |
ListMetricNamespacesOptions |
Options used when getting metric namespaces. |
LogsColumn |
A column in a table. |
LogsErrorInfo |
The code and message for an error. |
LogsQueryBatchOptions |
Configurable HTTP request settings for the Logs query batch operation. |
LogsQueryClientOptions |
Options for the LogsQueryClient. |
LogsQueryError |
Result type for Failure Scenario representing error for logs queryWorkspace and queryBatch operations. |
LogsQueryOptions |
Options for querying logs. |
LogsQueryPartialResult |
Result type for Partial Failure Scenario for logs queryWorkspace and queryBatch operations. |
LogsQuerySuccessfulResult |
Result type for Success Scenario for logs query workspace and query batch operations. |
LogsTable |
Contains the columns and rows for one table in a query response. |
MetadataValue |
Represents a metric metadata value. |
Metric |
The result data of a query. |
MetricAvailability |
Metric availability specifies the time grain (aggregation interval or frequency) and the retention period for that time grain. |
MetricDefinition |
Metric definition class specifies the metadata for a metric. |
MetricNamespace |
Metric namespace class specifies the metadata for a metric namespace. |
MetricValue |
Represents a metric value. |
MetricsClientOptions |
Options for the MetricsQueryClient. |
MetricsQueryOptions |
Options used when querying metrics. |
MetricsQueryResourcesOptions |
Optional parameters. |
MetricsQueryResult |
Metrics, including additional information like cost, the resourceRegion, etc... |
QueryBatch |
The Kusto query. For more information about Kusto, see Kusto query overview. |
TimeSeriesElement |
A time series result type. The discriminator value is always TimeSeries in this case. |
Type Aliases
AggregationType |
Defines values for AggregationType. |
LogsColumnType |
Defines values for LogsColumnType. Known values supported by the servicebool |
LogsQueryBatchResult |
Results for a batch query. Each result in the array is either of type LogsQueryError or LogsQueryPartialResult or LogsQuerySuccessfulResult |
LogsQueryResult |
Tables and statistic results from a logs query. |
MetricClass |
Defines values for MetricClass. Known values supported by the serviceAvailability |
MetricUnit |
Defines values for MetricUnit. Known values supported by the serviceCount: Unit of raw quantity. |
NamespaceClassification |
Defines values for NamespaceClassification. Known values supported by the servicePlatform |
QueryTimeInterval |
Time Interval type for specifying timespan for querying logs and metrics. A time interval is the intervening time between two time points. The amount of intervening time is expressed by a duration The two time points (start and end) are expressed by either a combined date and time representation or just a date representation.There are four ways to express a time interval:
ResultType |
Defines values for ResultType. |
KnownMonitorAudience |
Known values for Monitor Audience NOTE: This is applicable only to |
KnownMonitorLogsQueryAudience |
Known values for Monitor Audience |
KnownMonitorMetricsQueryAudience |
Known values for Monitor Audience |
LogsQueryResultStatus |
Indicates if a query succeeded or failed or partially failed. Represented by PartialFailure" | "Success" | "Failure". |