@azure/msal-browser package
ClientApplication | |
PublicClientApplication |
The PublicClientApplication class is the object exposed by the library to perform authentication and authorization functions in Single Page Applications to obtain JWT tokens as described in the OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Flow with PKCE specification. |
NativeMessageHandler | |
AsyncMemoryStorage |
This class allows MSAL to store artifacts asynchronously using the DatabaseStorage IndexedDB wrapper, backed up with the more volatile MemoryStorage object for cases in which IndexedDB may be unavailable. |
BrowserCacheManager |
This class implements the cache storage interface for MSAL through browser local or session storage. Cookies are only used if storeAuthStateInCookie is true, and are only used for parameters such as state and nonce, generally. |
BrowserStorage | |
CryptoKeyStore |
MSAL CryptoKeyStore DB Version 2 |
DatabaseStorage |
Storage wrapper for IndexedDB storage in browsers: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/IndexedDB_API |
MemoryStorage | |
TokenCache |
Token cache manager |
BrowserCrypto |
This class implements functions used by the browser library to perform cryptography operations such as hashing and encoding. It also has helper functions to validate the availability of specific APIs. |
CryptoOps |
This class implements MSAL's crypto interface, which allows it to perform base64 encoding and decoding, generating cryptographically random GUIDs and implementing Proof Key for Code Exchange specs for the OAuth Authorization Code Flow using PKCE (rfc here: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7636). |
GuidGenerator | |
ModernBrowserCrypto | |
MsBrowserCrypto | |
MsrBrowserCrypto | |
PkceGenerator |
Class which exposes APIs to generate PKCE codes and code verifiers. |
SignedHttpRequest | |
Base64Decode |
Class which exposes APIs to decode base64 strings to plaintext. See here for implementation details: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WindowBase64/Base64_encoding_and_decoding#Solution_2_%E2%80%93_JavaScript's_UTF-16_%3E_UTF-8_%3E_base64 |
Base64Encode |
Class which exposes APIs to encode plaintext to base64 encoded string. See here for implementation details: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WindowBase64/Base64_encoding_and_decoding#Solution_2_%E2%80%93_JavaScript's_UTF-16_%3E_UTF-8_%3E_base64 |
BrowserAuthError |
Browser library error class thrown by the MSAL.js library for SPAs |
BrowserConfigurationAuthError |
Browser library error class thrown by the MSAL.js library for SPAs |
NativeAuthError | |
EventHandler | |
EventMessageUtils | |
BaseInteractionClient | |
HybridSpaAuthorizationCodeClient | |
NativeInteractionClient | |
PopupClient | |
RedirectClient | |
SilentAuthCodeClient | |
SilentCacheClient | |
SilentIframeClient | |
SilentRefreshClient | |
StandardInteractionClient |
Defines the class structure and helper functions used by the "standard", non-brokered auth flows (popup, redirect, silent (RT), silent (iframe)) |
InteractionHandler |
Abstract class which defines operations for a browser interaction handling class. |
RedirectHandler | |
SilentHandler | |
NavigationClient | |
FetchClient |
This class implements the Fetch API for GET and POST requests. See more here: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Fetch_API |
XhrClient |
This client implements the XMLHttpRequest class to send GET and POST requests. |
BrowserPerformanceClient | |
BrowserPerformanceMeasurement | |
BrowserProtocolUtils | |
BrowserStringUtils |
Utility functions for strings in a browser. See here for implementation details: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WindowBase64/Base64_encoding_and_decoding#Solution_2_%E2%80%93_JavaScript's_UTF-16_%3E_UTF-8_%3E_base64 |
BrowserUtils |
Utility class for browser specific functions |
MathUtils |
Utility class for math specific functions in browser. |
IPublicClientApplication | |
IAsyncStorage | |
ITokenCache | |
IWindowStorage | |
ISubtleCrypto | |
INavigationClient |
Type Aliases
NativeExtensionRequest |
Browser extension request |
NativeExtensionRequestBody |
Request which will be forwarded to native broker by the browser extension |
NativeTokenRequest |
Token request which native broker will use to acquire tokens |
The native token broker can optionally include additional information about operations it performs. If that data is returned, MSAL.js will include the following properties in the telemetry it collects. |
NativeAccountInfo |
Account properties returned by Native Platform e.g. WAM |
NativeResponse |
Token response returned by Native Platform e.g. WAM |
NativeResponseProperties |
Properties returned under "properties" of the NativeResponse |
LoadTokenOptions | |
BrowserAuthOptions |
Use this to configure the auth options in the Configuration object |
BrowserConfiguration | |
BrowserSystemOptions | |
BrowserTelemetryOptions |
Telemetry Options |
CacheOptions |
Use this to configure the below cache configuration options: |
Configuration |
This object allows you to configure important elements of MSAL functionality and is passed into the constructor of PublicClientApplication |
CryptoOptions | |
CachedKeyPair | |
SignedHttpRequestOptions | |
OSError | |
EventCallbackFunction | |
EventError | |
EventMessage | |
EventPayload | |
PopupEvent | |
PopupParams | |
InteractionParams | |
RedirectParams | |
NavigationOptions |
Additional information passed to the navigateInternal and navigateExternal functions |
AuthorizationCodeRequest | |
AuthorizationUrlRequest |
This type is deprecated and will be removed on the next major version update |
EndSessionPopupRequest |
EndSessionRequest |
PopupRequest |
PopupRequest: Request object passed by user to retrieve a Code from the server (first leg of authorization code grant flow) with a popup window.
PopupPosition | |
PopupSize | |
PopupWindowAttributes |
Popup configurations for setting dimensions and position of popup window |
RedirectRequest |
RedirectRequest: Request object passed by user to retrieve a Code from the server (first leg of authorization code grant flow) with a full page redirect.
SilentRequest |
SilentRequest: Request object passed by user to retrieve tokens from the cache, renew an expired token with a refresh token, or retrieve a code (first leg of authorization code grant flow) in a hidden iframe.
SsoSilentRequest |
Request object passed by user to ssoSilent to retrieve a Code from the server (first leg of authorization code grant flow)
BrowserStateObject |
CryptoKeyStoreNames | |
NativeStatusCode | |
EventType | |
ApiId |
API Codes for Telemetry purposes. Before adding a new code you must claim it in the MSAL Telemetry tracker as these number spaces are shared across all MSALs 0-99 Silent Flow 800-899 Auth Code Flow |
BrowserCacheLocation | |
CacheLookupPolicy | |
HTTP Request types supported by MSAL. |
InMemoryCacheKeys |
Cache keys stored in-memory |
InteractionStatus |
Types of interaction currently in progress. Used in events in wrapper libraries to invoke functions when certain interaction is in progress or all interactions are complete. |
InteractionType | |
NativeExtensionMethod | |
TemporaryCacheKeys |
Temporary cache keys for MSAL, deleted after any request. |
WrapperSKU |
Function Details
buildConfiguration({ userInputAuth: { authority?: string, authorityMetadata?: string, azureCloudOptions?: AzureCloudOptions, clientCapabilities?: Array<string>, clientId: string, cloudDiscoveryMetadata?: string, knownAuthorities?: Array<string>, navigateToLoginRequestUrl?: boolean, postLogoutRedirectUri?: string | null, protocolMode?: ProtocolMode, redirectUri?: string, skipAuthorityMetadataCache?: boolean }, userInputCache: { cacheLocation?: BrowserCacheLocation | string, secureCookies?: boolean, storeAuthStateInCookie?: boolean }, userInputSystem: { preventCorsPreflight?: boolean, proxyUrl?: string, tokenRenewalOffsetSeconds?: number } & { allowNativeBroker?: boolean, allowRedirectInIframe?: boolean, asyncPopups?: boolean, cryptoOptions?: CryptoOptions, iframeHashTimeout?: number, loadFrameTimeout?: number, loggerOptions?: LoggerOptions, nativeBrokerHandshakeTimeout?: number, navigateFrameWait?: number, navigationClient?: INavigationClient, networkClient?: INetworkModule, pollIntervalMilliseconds?: number, redirectNavigationTimeout?: number, windowHashTimeout?: number }, userInputTelemetry: { application?: ApplicationTelemetry } }, boolean)
MSAL function that sets the default options when not explicitly configured from app developer
function buildConfiguration(__namedParameters: { userInputAuth: { authority?: string, authorityMetadata?: string, azureCloudOptions?: AzureCloudOptions, clientCapabilities?: Array<string>, clientId: string, cloudDiscoveryMetadata?: string, knownAuthorities?: Array<string>, navigateToLoginRequestUrl?: boolean, postLogoutRedirectUri?: string | null, protocolMode?: ProtocolMode, redirectUri?: string, skipAuthorityMetadataCache?: boolean }, userInputCache: { cacheLocation?: BrowserCacheLocation | string, secureCookies?: boolean, storeAuthStateInCookie?: boolean }, userInputSystem: { preventCorsPreflight?: boolean, proxyUrl?: string, tokenRenewalOffsetSeconds?: number } & { allowNativeBroker?: boolean, allowRedirectInIframe?: boolean, asyncPopups?: boolean, cryptoOptions?: CryptoOptions, iframeHashTimeout?: number, loadFrameTimeout?: number, loggerOptions?: LoggerOptions, nativeBrokerHandshakeTimeout?: number, navigateFrameWait?: number, navigationClient?: INavigationClient, networkClient?: INetworkModule, pollIntervalMilliseconds?: number, redirectNavigationTimeout?: number, windowHashTimeout?: number }, userInputTelemetry: { application?: ApplicationTelemetry } }, isBrowserEnvironment: boolean): BrowserConfiguration
- __namedParameters
{ userInputAuth: { authority?: string, authorityMetadata?: string, azureCloudOptions?: AzureCloudOptions, clientCapabilities?: Array<string>, clientId: string, cloudDiscoveryMetadata?: string, knownAuthorities?: Array<string>, navigateToLoginRequestUrl?: boolean, postLogoutRedirectUri?: string | null, protocolMode?: ProtocolMode, redirectUri?: string, skipAuthorityMetadataCache?: boolean }, userInputCache: { cacheLocation?: BrowserCacheLocation | string, secureCookies?: boolean, storeAuthStateInCookie?: boolean }, userInputSystem: { preventCorsPreflight?: boolean, proxyUrl?: string, tokenRenewalOffsetSeconds?: number } & { allowNativeBroker?: boolean, allowRedirectInIframe?: boolean, asyncPopups?: boolean, cryptoOptions?: CryptoOptions, iframeHashTimeout?: number, loadFrameTimeout?: number, loggerOptions?: LoggerOptions, nativeBrokerHandshakeTimeout?: number, navigateFrameWait?: number, navigationClient?: INavigationClient, networkClient?: INetworkModule, pollIntervalMilliseconds?: number, redirectNavigationTimeout?: number, windowHashTimeout?: number }, userInputTelemetry: { application?: ApplicationTelemetry } }
- isBrowserEnvironment
Configuration object