DetectRequest interface

The request of entire or last anomaly detection.



Custom Interval is used to set non-standard time interval, for example, if the series is 5 minutes, request can be set as {"granularity":"minutely", "customInterval":5}.


Optional argument, can be one of yearly, monthly, weekly, daily, hourly, minutely, secondly, microsecond or none. If granularity is not present, it will be none by default. If granularity is none, the timestamp property in time series point can be absent.


Used to specify the value to fill, it's used when granularity is not "none" and imputeMode is "fixed".


Used to specify how to deal with missing values in the input series, it's used when granularity is not "none".


Optional argument, advanced model parameter, max anomaly ratio in a time series.


Optional argument, periodic value of a time series. If the value is null or does not present, the API will determine the period automatically.


Optional argument, advanced model parameter, between 0-99, the lower the value is, the larger the margin value will be which means less anomalies will be accepted.


Time series data points. Points should be sorted by timestamp in ascending order to match the anomaly detection result. If the data is not sorted correctly or there is duplicated timestamp, the API will not work. In such case, an error message will be returned.

Property Details


Custom Interval is used to set non-standard time interval, for example, if the series is 5 minutes, request can be set as {"granularity":"minutely", "customInterval":5}.

customInterval?: number

Property Value



Optional argument, can be one of yearly, monthly, weekly, daily, hourly, minutely, secondly, microsecond or none. If granularity is not present, it will be none by default. If granularity is none, the timestamp property in time series point can be absent.

granularity?: TimeGranularity

Property Value


Used to specify the value to fill, it's used when granularity is not "none" and imputeMode is "fixed".

imputeFixedValue?: number

Property Value



Used to specify how to deal with missing values in the input series, it's used when granularity is not "none".

imputeMode?: string

Property Value



Optional argument, advanced model parameter, max anomaly ratio in a time series.

maxAnomalyRatio?: number

Property Value



Optional argument, periodic value of a time series. If the value is null or does not present, the API will determine the period automatically.

period?: number

Property Value



Optional argument, advanced model parameter, between 0-99, the lower the value is, the larger the margin value will be which means less anomalies will be accepted.

sensitivity?: number

Property Value



Time series data points. Points should be sorted by timestamp in ascending order to match the anomaly detection result. If the data is not sorted correctly or there is duplicated timestamp, the API will not work. In such case, an error message will be returned.

series: TimeSeriesPoint[]

Property Value