@azure/ai-text-analytics package
AzureKeyCredential |
A static-key-based credential that supports updating the underlying key value. |
TextAnalyticsClient |
Client class for interacting with Azure Text Analytics. |
AnalysisPollOperationState |
An interface representing the state of an analysis poller operation. |
AnalyzeActionsOperationMetadata |
The metadata for beginAnalyzeActions operations. |
AnalyzeActionsOperationState |
The state of the begin analyze polling operation. |
AnalyzeActionsResult |
The results of an analyze Actions operation. |
AnalyzeHealthcareEntitiesResultArray |
Array of AnalyzeHealthcareEntitiesResult |
AnalyzeHealthcareEntitiesSuccessResult |
The results of a successful healthcare operation for a single document. |
AnalyzeHealthcareOperationState |
The state of the begin analyze healthcare polling operation. |
AnalyzeSentimentAction |
Options for an analyze sentiment action. |
AnalyzeSentimentActionSuccessResult |
The results of a succeeded analyze sentiment action. |
AnalyzeSentimentOptions |
Options for the analyze sentiment operation. |
AnalyzeSentimentResultArray |
Array of |
AnalyzeSentimentSuccessResult |
The result of the analyze sentiment operation on a single document, containing the predicted sentiment for each sentence as well as for the full document. |
AssessmentSentiment |
AssessmentSentiment contains the predicted sentiment, confidence scores and other information about an assessment of a target. For example, in the sentence "The food is good", the assessment of the target 'food' is 'good'. |
BeginAnalyzeActionsOptions |
Options for the begin analyze actions operation. |
BeginAnalyzeHealthcareEntitiesOptions |
Options for the begin analyze healthcare entities operation. |
CategorizedEntity |
An entity from text analysis with information about its categorical classification. |
DetectLanguageInput |
An input to the language detection operation. This object specifies a unique document id, as well as the full text of a document and a hint indicating the document's country of origin to assist the text analytics predictive model in detecting the document's language. |
DetectLanguageOptions |
Options for the detect languages operation. |
DetectLanguageResultArray |
Array of |
DetectLanguageSuccessResult |
The result of the detect language operation on a single document, containing a prediction of what language the document is written in. |
DetectedLanguage |
Information about the language of a document as identified by the Text Analytics service. |
Entity |
A word or phrase identified as an entity that is categorized within a taxonomy of types. The set of categories recognized by the Text Analytics service is described at https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/cognitive-services/Text-Analytics/named-entity-types . |
EntityAssertion | |
EntityDataSource |
A type representing a reference for the healthcare entity into a specific entity catalog. |
ExtractKeyPhrasesAction |
Options for a key phrases recognition action. |
ExtractKeyPhrasesActionSuccessResult |
The results of a succeeded extract key phrases action. |
ExtractKeyPhrasesOptions |
Options for the extract key phrases operation. |
ExtractKeyPhrasesResultArray |
Array of |
ExtractKeyPhrasesSuccessResult |
The result of the extract key phrases operation on a single document, containing a collection of the key phrases identified in that document. |
HealthcareEntity |
A healthcare entity represented as a node in a directed graph where the edges are a particular type of relationship between the source and target nodes. |
HealthcareEntityRelation |
A relationship between two or more healthcare entities. |
HealthcareEntityRelationRole |
A healthcare entity that plays a specific role in a relation. |
LinkedEntity |
A word or phrase identified as a well-known entity within a database, including its formal (disambiguated) name and a link to the entity information within the source database. |
Match |
Details about the specific substring in a document that refers to a linked entity identified by the Text Analytics model. |
OperationMetadata |
Metadata information for an analysis poller operation. |
Opinion |
A mined opinion object represents an opinion we've extracted from a sentence. It consists of both a target that these assessments are about, and the actual assessments themselves. |
PagedAnalyzeActionsResult |
The results of an analyze actions operation represented as a paged iterator that iterates over the results of the requested actions. |
PagedAnalyzeHealthcareEntitiesResult |
The results of a healthcare operation represented as a paged iterator that can either iterate over the results on a document-by-document basis or, by byPage(), can iterate over pages of documents. |
PiiEntity |
An entity from PII recognition with information about the kind of PII encountered. |
RecognizeCategorizedEntitiesAction |
Options for an entities recognition action. |
RecognizeCategorizedEntitiesActionSuccessResult |
The results of a succeeded recognize categorized entities action. |
RecognizeCategorizedEntitiesOptions |
Options for the recognize entities operation. |
RecognizeCategorizedEntitiesResultArray |
Array of |
RecognizeCategorizedEntitiesSuccessResult |
The result of the recognize entities operation on a single document, containing the collection of
RecognizeLinkedEntitiesAction |
Options for an entities linking action. |
RecognizeLinkedEntitiesActionSuccessResult |
The results of a succeeded recognize linked entities action. |
RecognizeLinkedEntitiesOptions |
Options for the recognize linked entities operation. |
RecognizeLinkedEntitiesResultArray |
Array of |
RecognizeLinkedEntitiesSuccessResult |
The result of the recognize linked entities operation on a single document,
containing a collection of the |
RecognizePiiEntitiesAction |
Options for a Pii entities recognition action. |
RecognizePiiEntitiesActionSuccessResult |
The results of a succeeded recognize pii entities action. |
RecognizePiiEntitiesOptions |
Options for the recognize PII entities operation. |
RecognizePiiEntitiesResultArray |
Collection of |
RecognizePiiEntitiesSuccessResult |
The result of the recognize entities operation on a single document, containing the collection of
SentenceAssessment | |
SentenceSentiment |
The predicted sentiment for a given span of text. For more information regarding text sentiment, see https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/cognitive-services/Text-Analytics/how-tos/text-analytics-how-to-sentiment-analysis. |
SentimentConfidenceScores |
Represents the confidence scores between 0 and 1 across all sentiment classes: positive, neutral, negative. |
TargetConfidenceScoreLabel |
Represents the confidence scores across all sentiment classes: positive, neutral, negative. |
TargetSentiment |
TargetSentiment contains the predicted sentiment, confidence scores and other information about an target of a product. A target of a product/service is a key component of that product/service. For example in "The food at Hotel Foo is good", "food" is a target of "Hotel Foo". |
TextAnalyticsAction |
The type of a text analytics action. |
TextAnalyticsActionErrorResult |
The error of an analyze batch action. |
TextAnalyticsActionSuccessState |
The state of a succeeded action. |
TextAnalyticsActions |
Description of collection of actions for the analyze API to perform on input documents. However, currently, the service can accept up to one action only per action type. |
TextAnalyticsClientOptions |
Client options used to configure TextAnalytics API requests. |
TextAnalyticsError |
Type describing an error from the Text Analytics service. |
TextAnalyticsErrorResult |
Base type for error results of text analytics operations corresponding to a single document. |
TextAnalyticsOperationOptions |
Options common to all text analytics operations. |
TextAnalyticsSuccessResult |
Base type for results of text analytics operations corresponding to a single input document. |
TextAnalyticsWarning |
Represents a warning encountered while processing a document. |
TextDocumentBatchStatistics |
if includeStatistics=true was specified in the request this field will contain information about the request payload. |
TextDocumentInput |
An object representing an individual text document to be analyzed by the Text Analytics service. The document contains a unique document ID, the full text of the document, and the language of the document's text. |
TextDocumentStatistics |
if includeStatistics=true was specified in the request this field will contain information about the document payload. |
Type Aliases
AnalyzeActionsPollerLike |
Result type of the Begin Analyze Actions Long-Running-Operation (LRO). |
AnalyzeHealthcareEntitiesErrorResult |
An error result from the healthcare operation on a single document. |
AnalyzeHealthcareEntitiesPollerLike |
Result type of the Health Long-Running-Operation (LRO) |
AnalyzeHealthcareEntitiesResult |
The result of the healthcare operation on a single document. |
AnalyzeSentimentActionErrorResult |
The error of an analyze sentiment action. |
AnalyzeSentimentActionResult |
The result of an analyze sentiment action. |
AnalyzeSentimentErrorResult |
An error result from the analyze sentiment operation on a single document. |
AnalyzeSentimentResult |
The result of the analyze sentiment operation on a single document. |
DetectLanguageErrorResult |
An error result from the detect languge operation on a single document. |
DetectLanguageResult |
The result of the detect language operation on a single document. |
DocumentSentimentLabel |
Defines values for DocumentSentimentLabel. |
EntityAssociation |
Defines values for Association. |
EntityCertainty |
Defines values for Certainty. |
EntityConditionality |
Defines values for Conditionality. |
ErrorCode |
An Error Code returned from the Text Analytics service. Possible values include: For more information about the error, see the |
ErrorCodeValue |
Defines values for ErrorCodeValue. Known values supported by the serviceInvalidRequest |
ExtractKeyPhrasesActionErrorResult |
The error of a extract key phrases action. |
ExtractKeyPhrasesActionResult |
The result of a extract key phrases action. |
ExtractKeyPhrasesErrorResult |
An error result from the extract key phrases operation on a single document. |
ExtractKeyPhrasesResult |
The result of the extract key phrases operation on a single document. |
HealthcareEntityCategory |
Defines values for HealthcareEntityCategory. Known values supported by the serviceBODY_STRUCTURE |
HealthcareEntityRelationRoleType |
The type of different roles a healthcare entity can play in a relation. |
HealthcareEntityRelationType |
Defines values for RelationType. Known values supported by the serviceAbbreviation |
InnerErrorCodeValue |
Defines values for InnerErrorCodeValue. Known values supported by the serviceInvalidParameterValue |
PagedAsyncIterableAnalyzeActionsResult |
The results of an analyze Actions operation represented as a paged iterator that iterates over the results of the requested actions. |
PagedAsyncIterableAnalyzeHealthcareEntitiesResult |
The results of a healthcare operation represented as a paged iterator that can either iterate over the results on a document-by-document basis or, by byPage(), can iterate over pages of documents. |
PiiEntityCategory |
Defines values for PiiCategory. Known values supported by the serviceABARoutingNumber |
RecognizeCategorizedEntitiesActionErrorResult |
The error of a recognize categorized entities action. |
RecognizeCategorizedEntitiesActionResult |
The result of a recognize categorized entities action. |
RecognizeCategorizedEntitiesErrorResult |
An error result from the recognize entities operation on a single document. |
RecognizeCategorizedEntitiesResult |
The result of the recognize entities operation on a single document. |
RecognizeLinkedEntitiesActionErrorResult |
The error of a recognize linked entities action. |
RecognizeLinkedEntitiesActionResult |
The result of a recognize linked entities action. |
RecognizeLinkedEntitiesErrorResult |
An error result from the recognize linked entities operation on a single document. |
RecognizeLinkedEntitiesResult |
The result of the recognize linked entities operation on a single document. |
RecognizePiiEntitiesActionErrorResult |
The error of a recognize pii entities action. |
RecognizePiiEntitiesActionResult |
The result of a recognize pii entities action. |
RecognizePiiEntitiesErrorResult |
An error result from the recognize entities operation on a single document. |
RecognizePiiEntitiesResult |
The result of the recognize entities operation on a single document. |
SentenceSentimentLabel |
Defines values for SentenceSentimentLabel. |
StringIndexType |
Measurement units that can used to calculate the offset and length properties. |
TextAnalyticsOperationStatus |
Defines values for State. |
TokenSentimentValue |
Defines values for TokenSentimentValue. |
WarningCode |
Defines values for WarningCode. Known values supported by the serviceLongWordsInDocument |
KnownHealthcareEntityCategory |
Known values of HealthcareEntityCategory that the service accepts. |
KnownInnerErrorCodeValue |
Known values of InnerErrorCodeValue that the service accepts. |
KnownWarningCode |
Known values of WarningCode that the service accepts. |
PiiEntityDomain |
The types of PII domains the user can choose from. |