CopyStatus type

Defines values for CopyStatus.
KnownCopyStatus can be used interchangeably with CopyStatus, this enum contains the known values that the service supports.

Known values supported by the service

NotStarted: Data copy hasn't started yet.
InProgress: Data copy is in progress.
Completed: Data copy completed.
CompletedWithErrors: Data copy completed with errors.
Failed: Data copy failed. No data was copied.
NotReturned: No copy triggered as device was not returned.
HardwareError: The Device has hit hardware issues.
DeviceFormatted: Data copy failed. The Device was formatted by user.
DeviceMetadataModified: Data copy failed. Device metadata was modified by user.
StorageAccountNotAccessible: Data copy failed. Storage Account was not accessible during copy.
UnsupportedData: Data copy failed. The Device data content is not supported.
DriveNotReceived: No copy triggered as device was not received.
UnsupportedDrive: No copy triggered as device type is not supported.
OtherServiceError: Copy failed due to service error.
OtherUserError: Copy failed due to user error.
DriveNotDetected: Copy failed due to disk detection error.
DriveCorrupted: Copy failed due to corrupted drive.
MetadataFilesModifiedOrRemoved: Copy failed due to modified or removed metadata files.

type CopyStatus = string