ResourceStatus type

Defines values for ResourceStatus.
KnownResourceStatus can be used interchangeably with ResourceStatus, this enum contains the known values that the service supports.

Known values supported by the service

Ready: Represents a machine resource that is ready.
NotReady: Represents a machine resource that is not ready.
Allocated: Represents a machine resource that is allocated.
PendingReturn: Represents a machine resource that is pending return.
Returned: Represents a machine resource that is returned.
Leased: Represents a machine resource that is leased.
Provisioning: Represents a machine resource that is provisioning.
Updating: Represents a machine resource that is updating.
Starting: Represents a machine resource that is starting.
PendingReimage: Represents a machine resource that is pending reimage.
Reimaging: Represents a machine resource that is reimaging.

type ResourceStatus = string