AccountSasParameters interface

Parameters used to create an account Shared Access Signature (SAS) token. The REST API access control is provided by Azure Maps Role Based Access (RBAC) identity and access.



The date time offset of when the token validity expires. For example "2017-05-24T10:42:03.1567373Z". Maximum duration allowed is 24 hours between start and expiry.


Required parameter which represents the desired maximum request per second to allowed for the given SAS token. This does not guarantee perfect accuracy in measurements but provides application safe guards of abuse with eventual enforcement.


The principal Id also known as the object Id of a User Assigned Managed Identity currently assigned to the Map Account. To assign a Managed Identity of the account, use operation Create or Update an assign a User Assigned Identity resource Id.


Optional, allows control of which region locations are permitted access to Azure Maps REST APIs with the SAS token. Example: "eastus", "westus2". Omitting this parameter will allow all region locations to be accessible.


The Map account key to use for signing. Picking primaryKey or secondaryKey will use the Map account Shared Keys, and using managedIdentity will use the auto-renewed private key to sign the SAS.


The date time offset of when the token validity begins. For example "2017-05-24T10:42:03.1567373Z". Maximum duration allowed is 24 hours between start and expiry.

Property Details


The date time offset of when the token validity expires. For example "2017-05-24T10:42:03.1567373Z". Maximum duration allowed is 24 hours between start and expiry.

expiry: string

Property Value



Required parameter which represents the desired maximum request per second to allowed for the given SAS token. This does not guarantee perfect accuracy in measurements but provides application safe guards of abuse with eventual enforcement.

maxRatePerSecond: number

Property Value



The principal Id also known as the object Id of a User Assigned Managed Identity currently assigned to the Map Account. To assign a Managed Identity of the account, use operation Create or Update an assign a User Assigned Identity resource Id.

principalId: string

Property Value



Optional, allows control of which region locations are permitted access to Azure Maps REST APIs with the SAS token. Example: "eastus", "westus2". Omitting this parameter will allow all region locations to be accessible.

regions?: string[]

Property Value



The Map account key to use for signing. Picking primaryKey or secondaryKey will use the Map account Shared Keys, and using managedIdentity will use the auto-renewed private key to sign the SAS.

signingKey: string

Property Value



The date time offset of when the token validity begins. For example "2017-05-24T10:42:03.1567373Z". Maximum duration allowed is 24 hours between start and expiry.

start: string

Property Value
