ContentKeyPolicyFairPlayRentalAndLeaseKeyType type

Defines values for ContentKeyPolicyFairPlayRentalAndLeaseKeyType.
KnownContentKeyPolicyFairPlayRentalAndLeaseKeyType can be used interchangeably with ContentKeyPolicyFairPlayRentalAndLeaseKeyType, this enum contains the known values that the service supports.

Known values supported by the service

Unknown: Represents a ContentKeyPolicyFairPlayRentalAndLeaseKeyType that is unavailable in current API version.
Undefined: Key duration is not specified.
DualExpiry: Dual expiry for offline rental.
PersistentUnlimited: Content key can be persisted with an unlimited duration
PersistentLimited: Content key can be persisted and the valid duration is limited by the Rental Duration value

type ContentKeyPolicyFairPlayRentalAndLeaseKeyType = string