JobErrorCode type

Defines values for JobErrorCode.
KnownJobErrorCode can be used interchangeably with JobErrorCode, this enum contains the known values that the service supports.

Known values supported by the service

ServiceError: Fatal service error, please contact support.
ServiceTransientError: Transient error, please retry, if retry is unsuccessful, please contact support.
DownloadNotAccessible: While trying to download the input files, the files were not accessible, please check the availability of the source.
DownloadTransientError: While trying to download the input files, there was an issue during transfer (storage service, network errors), see details and check your source.
UploadNotAccessible: While trying to upload the output files, the destination was not reachable, please check the availability of the destination.
UploadTransientError: While trying to upload the output files, there was an issue during transfer (storage service, network errors), see details and check your destination.
ConfigurationUnsupported: There was a problem with the combination of input files and the configuration settings applied, fix the configuration settings and retry with the same input, or change input to match the configuration.
ContentMalformed: There was a problem with the input content (for example: zero byte files, or corrupt/non-decodable files), check the input files.
ContentUnsupported: There was a problem with the format of the input (not valid media file, or an unsupported file/codec), check the validity of the input files.
IdentityUnsupported: There was an error verifying to the account identity. Check and fix the identity configurations and retry. If unsuccessful, please contact support.

type JobErrorCode = string