InstallationReason type

Defines values for InstallationReason.
KnownInstallationReason can be used interchangeably with InstallationReason, this enum contains the known values that the service supports.

Known values supported by the service

NoSlices: The packet core has not been installed as the mobile network does not have any applicable configured slices.
NoPacketCoreDataPlane: The packet core has not been installed as there is no configured data plane for this packet core.
NoAttachedDataNetworks: The packet core has not been installed as the packet core has no attached data networks.
PublicLandMobileNetworkIdentifierHasChanged: A reinstall is required as the packet core is running with out-of-date PLMN ID.
ControlPlaneAccessInterfaceHasChanged: A reinstall is required as the packet core is running with out-of-date control plane access interface information.
UserPlaneAccessInterfaceHasChanged: A reinstall is required as the packet core is running with out-of-date user plane core interface.
UserPlaneDataInterfaceHasChanged: A reinstall is required as the packet core is running with out-of-date user plane access interface.
ControlPlaneAccessVirtualIpv4AddressesHasChanged: A reinstall is required as the packet core is running with out-of-date control plane access network virtual IP address.
UserPlaneAccessVirtualIpv4AddressesHasChanged: A reinstall is required as the packet core is running with out-of-date user plane access network virtual IP address.

type InstallationReason = string