DeploymentStackProperties interface

Deployment stack properties.




Defines the behavior of resources that are no longer managed after the Deployment stack is updated or deleted.


Flag to bypass service errors that indicate the stack resource list is not correctly synchronized.


The correlation id of the last Deployment stack upsert or delete operation. It is in GUID format and is used for tracing. NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.


The debug setting of the deployment.


An array of resources that were deleted during the most recent Deployment stack update. Deleted means that the resource was removed from the template and relevant deletion operations were specified. NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.


Defines how resources deployed by the stack are locked.


The resourceId of the deployment resource created by the deployment stack. NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.


The scope at which the initial deployment should be created. If a scope is not specified, it will default to the scope of the deployment stack. Valid scopes are: management group (format: '/providers/Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/{managementGroupId}'), subscription (format: '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}'), resource group (format: '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}').


Deployment stack description. Max length of 4096 characters.


An array of resources that were detached during the most recent Deployment stack update. Detached means that the resource was removed from the template, but no relevant deletion operations were specified. So, the resource still exists while no longer being associated with the stack. NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.


The duration of the last successful Deployment stack update. NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.


An array of resources that failed to reach goal state during the most recent update. Each resourceId is accompanied by an error message. NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.


The outputs of the deployment resource created by the deployment stack. NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.


Name and value pairs that define the deployment parameters for the template. Use this element when providing the parameter values directly in the request, rather than linking to an existing parameter file. Use either the parametersLink property or the parameters property, but not both.


The URI of parameters file. Use this element to link to an existing parameters file. Use either the parametersLink property or the parameters property, but not both.


State of the deployment stack. NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.


An array of resources currently managed by the deployment stack. NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.


The template content. You use this element when you want to pass the template syntax directly in the request rather than link to an existing template. It can be a JObject or well-formed JSON string. Use either the templateLink property or the template property, but not both.


The URI of the template. Use either the templateLink property or the template property, but not both.

Inherited Properties


The error detail.

Property Details


Defines the behavior of resources that are no longer managed after the Deployment stack is updated or deleted.

actionOnUnmanage: ActionOnUnmanage

Property Value


Flag to bypass service errors that indicate the stack resource list is not correctly synchronized.

bypassStackOutOfSyncError?: boolean

Property Value



The correlation id of the last Deployment stack upsert or delete operation. It is in GUID format and is used for tracing. NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.

correlationId?: string

Property Value



The debug setting of the deployment.

debugSetting?: DeploymentStacksDebugSetting

Property Value


An array of resources that were deleted during the most recent Deployment stack update. Deleted means that the resource was removed from the template and relevant deletion operations were specified. NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.

deletedResources?: ResourceReference[]

Property Value


Defines how resources deployed by the stack are locked.

denySettings: DenySettings

Property Value


The resourceId of the deployment resource created by the deployment stack. NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.

deploymentId?: string

Property Value



The scope at which the initial deployment should be created. If a scope is not specified, it will default to the scope of the deployment stack. Valid scopes are: management group (format: '/providers/Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/{managementGroupId}'), subscription (format: '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}'), resource group (format: '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}').

deploymentScope?: string

Property Value



Deployment stack description. Max length of 4096 characters.

description?: string

Property Value



An array of resources that were detached during the most recent Deployment stack update. Detached means that the resource was removed from the template, but no relevant deletion operations were specified. So, the resource still exists while no longer being associated with the stack. NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.

detachedResources?: ResourceReference[]

Property Value


The duration of the last successful Deployment stack update. NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.

duration?: string

Property Value



An array of resources that failed to reach goal state during the most recent update. Each resourceId is accompanied by an error message. NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.

failedResources?: ResourceReferenceExtended[]

Property Value


The outputs of the deployment resource created by the deployment stack. NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.

outputs?: Record<string, unknown>

Property Value

Record<string, unknown>


Name and value pairs that define the deployment parameters for the template. Use this element when providing the parameter values directly in the request, rather than linking to an existing parameter file. Use either the parametersLink property or the parameters property, but not both.

parameters?: {[propertyName: string]: DeploymentParameter}

Property Value

{[propertyName: string]: DeploymentParameter}

The URI of parameters file. Use this element to link to an existing parameters file. Use either the parametersLink property or the parameters property, but not both.

parametersLink?: DeploymentStacksParametersLink

Property Value


State of the deployment stack. NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.

provisioningState?: string

Property Value



An array of resources currently managed by the deployment stack. NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.

resources?: ManagedResourceReference[]

Property Value


The template content. You use this element when you want to pass the template syntax directly in the request rather than link to an existing template. It can be a JObject or well-formed JSON string. Use either the templateLink property or the template property, but not both.

template?: Record<string, unknown>

Property Value

Record<string, unknown>

The URI of the template. Use either the templateLink property or the template property, but not both.

templateLink?: DeploymentStacksTemplateLink

Property Value

Inherited Property Details


The error detail.

error?: ErrorDetail

Property Value

Inherited From DeploymentStacksError.error