EntityMappingType type

Defines values for EntityMappingType.
KnownEntityMappingType can be used interchangeably with EntityMappingType, this enum contains the known values that the service supports.

Known values supported by the service

Account: User account entity type
Host: Host entity type
IP: IP address entity type
Malware: Malware entity type
File: System file entity type
Process: Process entity type
CloudApplication: Cloud app entity type
DNS: DNS entity type
AzureResource: Azure resource entity type
FileHash: File-hash entity type
RegistryKey: Registry key entity type
RegistryValue: Registry value entity type
SecurityGroup: Security group entity type
URL: URL entity type
Mailbox: Mailbox entity type
MailCluster: Mail cluster entity type
MailMessage: Mail message entity type
SubmissionMail: Submission mail entity type

type EntityMappingType = string