WebPubSubHubProperties interface

Properties of a hub.



The settings for configuring if anonymous connections are allowed for this hub: "allow" or "deny". Default to "deny".


Event handler of a hub.


Event listener settings for forwarding your client events to listeners. Event listener is transparent to Web PubSub clients, and it doesn't return any result to clients nor interrupt the lifetime of clients. One event can be sent to multiple listeners, as long as it matches the filters in those listeners. The order of the array elements doesn't matter. Maximum count of event listeners among all hubs is 10.

Property Details


The settings for configuring if anonymous connections are allowed for this hub: "allow" or "deny". Default to "deny".

anonymousConnectPolicy?: string

Property Value



Event handler of a hub.

eventHandlers?: EventHandler[]

Property Value


Event listener settings for forwarding your client events to listeners. Event listener is transparent to Web PubSub clients, and it doesn't return any result to clients nor interrupt the lifetime of clients. One event can be sent to multiple listeners, as long as it matches the filters in those listeners. The order of the array elements doesn't matter. Maximum count of event listeners among all hubs is 10.

eventListeners?: EventListener_2[]

Property Value