AutoUserSpecification interface

An interface representing AutoUserSpecification.



The elevation level of the auto user. The default value is nonAdmin. Possible values include: 'nonAdmin', 'admin'


The scope for the auto user. The default value is pool. If the pool is running Windows a value of Task should be specified if stricter isolation between tasks is required. For example, if the task mutates the registry in a way which could impact other tasks, or if certificates have been specified on the pool which should not be accessible by normal tasks but should be accessible by StartTasks. Possible values include: 'task', 'pool'

Property Details


The elevation level of the auto user. The default value is nonAdmin. Possible values include: 'nonAdmin', 'admin'

elevationLevel?: ElevationLevel

Property Value


The scope for the auto user. The default value is pool. If the pool is running Windows a value of Task should be specified if stricter isolation between tasks is required. For example, if the task mutates the registry in a way which could impact other tasks, or if certificates have been specified on the pool which should not be accessible by normal tasks but should be accessible by StartTasks. Possible values include: 'task', 'pool'

scope?: AutoUserScope

Property Value