@azure/cognitiveservices-luis-authoring package
Apps |
Class representing a Apps. |
AzureAccounts |
Class representing a AzureAccounts. |
Examples |
Class representing a Examples. |
Features |
Class representing a Features. |
LUISAuthoringClient | |
LUISAuthoringClientContext | |
Model |
Class representing a Model. |
Pattern |
Class representing a Pattern. |
Settings |
Class representing a Settings. |
Train |
Class representing a Train. |
Versions |
Class representing a Versions. |
ApplicationCreateObject |
Properties for creating a new LUIS Application |
ApplicationInfoResponse |
Response containing the Application Info. |
ApplicationPublishObject |
Object model for publishing a specific application version. |
ApplicationSettings |
The application settings. |
ApplicationSettingUpdateObject |
Object model for updating an application's settings. |
ApplicationUpdateObject |
Object model for updating the name or description of an application. |
AppsDeleteMethodOptionalParams |
Optional Parameters. |
AppsImportLuFormatOptionalParams |
Optional Parameters. |
AppsImportMethodOptionalParams |
Optional Parameters. |
AppsImportV2AppOptionalParams |
Optional Parameters. |
AppsListOptionalParams |
Optional Parameters. |
AppVersionSettingObject |
Object model of an application version setting. |
AvailableCulture |
Available culture for using in a new application. |
AvailablePrebuiltEntityModel |
Available Prebuilt entity model for using in an application. |
AzureAccountInfoObject |
Defines the Azure account information object. |
AzureAccountsAssignToAppOptionalParams |
Optional Parameters. |
AzureAccountsGetAssignedOptionalParams |
Optional Parameters. |
AzureAccountsListUserLUISAccountsOptionalParams |
Optional Parameters. |
AzureAccountsRemoveFromAppOptionalParams |
Optional Parameters. |
BatchLabelExample |
Response when adding a batch of labeled example utterances. |
ChildEntity |
The base child entity type. |
ChildEntityModelCreateObject |
A child entity extractor create object. |
ClosedList |
Exported Model - A list entity. |
ClosedListEntityExtractor |
List Entity Extractor. |
ClosedListModelCreateObject |
Object model for creating a list entity. |
ClosedListModelPatchObject |
Object model for adding a batch of sublists to an existing list entity. |
ClosedListModelUpdateObject |
Object model for updating a list entity. |
CollaboratorsArray |
An interface representing CollaboratorsArray. |
CompositeChildModelCreateObject |
An interface representing CompositeChildModelCreateObject. |
CompositeEntityExtractor |
A Composite Entity Extractor. |
CompositeEntityModel |
A composite entity extractor. |
CustomPrebuiltModel |
A Custom Prebuilt model. |
EndpointInfo |
The base class "ProductionOrStagingEndpointInfo" inherits from. |
EnqueueTrainingResponse |
Response model when requesting to train the model. |
EntitiesSuggestionExample |
Predicted/suggested entity. |
EntityExtractor |
Entity Extractor. |
EntityLabel |
Defines the entity type and position of the extracted entity within the example. |
EntityLabelObject |
Defines the entity type and position of the extracted entity within the example. |
EntityModelCreateObject |
An entity extractor create object. |
EntityModelInfo |
An Entity Extractor model info. |
EntityModelUpdateObject |
An entity extractor update object. |
EntityPrediction |
A suggested entity. |
EntityRole |
Entity extractor role |
EntityRoleCreateObject |
Object model for creating an entity role. |
EntityRoleUpdateObject |
Object model for updating an entity role. |
ErrorResponse |
Error response when invoking an operation on the API. |
ExampleLabelObject |
A labeled example utterance. |
ExamplesAddOptionalParams |
Optional Parameters. |
ExamplesBatchOptionalParams |
Optional Parameters. |
ExamplesListOptionalParams |
Optional Parameters. |
ExplicitListItem |
Explicit (exception) list item |
ExplicitListItemCreateObject |
Object model for creating an explicit (exception) list item. |
ExplicitListItemUpdateObject |
Model object for updating an explicit (exception) list item. |
FeatureInfoObject |
The base class Features-related response objects inherit from. |
FeaturesListOptionalParams |
Optional Parameters. |
FeaturesListPhraseListsOptionalParams |
Optional Parameters. |
FeaturesResponseObject |
Model Features, including Patterns and Phraselists. |
FeaturesUpdatePhraseListOptionalParams |
Optional Parameters. |
HierarchicalChildEntity |
A Hierarchical Child Entity. |
HierarchicalChildModelUpdateObject |
An interface representing HierarchicalChildModelUpdateObject. |
HierarchicalEntityExtractor |
Hierarchical Entity Extractor. |
HierarchicalModel |
An interface representing HierarchicalModel. |
HierarchicalModelV2 |
An interface representing HierarchicalModelV2. |
IntentClassifier |
Intent Classifier. |
IntentPrediction |
A suggested intent. |
IntentsSuggestionExample |
Predicted/suggested intent. |
JsonChild |
An interface representing JsonChild. |
JSONEntity |
Exported Model - Extracted Entity from utterance. |
JSONModelFeature |
Exported Model - Phraselist Model Feature. |
JsonModelFeatureInformation |
An object containing the model feature information either the model name or feature name. |
JSONRegexFeature |
Exported Model - A Pattern feature. |
JSONUtterance |
Exported Model - Utterance that was used to train the model. |
LabeledUtterance |
A prediction and label pair of an example. |
LabelExampleResponse |
Response when adding a labeled example utterance. |
LabelTextObject |
An object containing the example utterance's text. |
LuisApp |
Exported Model - An exported LUIS Application. |
LuisAppV2 |
Exported Model - An exported LUIS Application. |
ModelCreateObject |
Object model for creating a new entity extractor. |
ModelDeleteIntentOptionalParams |
Optional Parameters. |
ModelExamplesMethodOptionalParams |
Optional Parameters. |
ModelFeatureInformation |
An object containing the model feature information either the model name or feature name. |
ModelInfo |
Base type used in entity types. |
ModelInfoResponse |
An application model info. |
ModelListClosedListsOptionalParams |
Optional Parameters. |
ModelListCompositeEntitiesOptionalParams |
Optional Parameters. |
ModelListEntitiesOptionalParams |
Optional Parameters. |
ModelListEntitySuggestionsOptionalParams |
Optional Parameters. |
ModelListHierarchicalEntitiesOptionalParams |
Optional Parameters. |
ModelListIntentsOptionalParams |
Optional Parameters. |
ModelListIntentSuggestionsOptionalParams |
Optional Parameters. |
ModelListModelsOptionalParams |
Optional Parameters. |
ModelListPatternAnyEntityInfosOptionalParams |
Optional Parameters. |
ModelListPrebuiltsOptionalParams |
Optional Parameters. |
ModelListRegexEntityInfosOptionalParams |
Optional Parameters. |
ModelTrainingDetails |
Model Training Details. |
ModelTrainingInfo |
Model Training Info. |
ModelUpdateObject |
Object model for updating an intent classifier. |
NDepthEntityExtractor |
N-Depth Entity Extractor. |
OperationError |
Operation error details when invoking an operation on the API. |
OperationStatus |
Response of an Operation status. |
PatternAny |
Pattern.Any Entity Extractor. |
PatternAnyEntityExtractor |
Pattern.Any Entity Extractor. |
PatternAnyModelCreateObject |
Model object for creating a Pattern.Any entity model. |
PatternAnyModelUpdateObject |
Model object for updating a Pattern.Any entity model. |
PatternFeatureInfo |
Pattern feature. |
PatternListIntentPatternsOptionalParams |
Optional Parameters. |
PatternListPatternsOptionalParams |
Optional Parameters. |
PatternRule |
Pattern |
PatternRuleCreateObject |
Object model for creating a pattern |
PatternRuleInfo |
Pattern rule |
PatternRuleUpdateObject |
Object model for updating a pattern. |
PersonalAssistantsResponse |
Response containing user's endpoint keys and the endpoint URLs of the prebuilt Cortana applications. |
PhraselistCreateObject |
Object model for creating a phraselist model. |
PhraseListFeatureInfo |
Phraselist Feature. |
PhraselistUpdateObject |
Object model for updating a Phraselist. |
PrebuiltDomain |
Prebuilt Domain. |
PrebuiltDomainCreateBaseObject |
A model object containing the name of the custom prebuilt entity and the name of the domain to which this model belongs. |
PrebuiltDomainCreateObject |
A prebuilt domain create object containing the name and culture of the domain. |
PrebuiltDomainItem |
An interface representing PrebuiltDomainItem. |
PrebuiltDomainModelCreateObject |
A model object containing the name of the custom prebuilt intent or entity and the name of the domain to which this model belongs. |
PrebuiltDomainObject |
An interface representing PrebuiltDomainObject. |
PrebuiltEntity |
Prebuilt Entity Extractor. |
PrebuiltEntityExtractor |
Prebuilt Entity Extractor. |
ProductionOrStagingEndpointInfo |
An interface representing ProductionOrStagingEndpointInfo. |
PublishSettings |
The application publish settings. |
PublishSettingUpdateObject |
Object model for updating an application's publish settings. |
RegexEntity |
Regular Expression Entity Extractor. |
RegexEntityExtractor |
Regular Expression Entity Extractor. |
RegexModelCreateObject |
Model object for creating a regular expression entity model. |
RegexModelUpdateObject |
Model object for updating a regular expression entity model. |
SubClosedList |
Sublist of items for a list entity. |
SubClosedListResponse |
Sublist of items for a list entity. |
TaskUpdateObject |
Object model for cloning an application's version. |
UserAccessList |
List of user permissions. |
UserCollaborator |
An interface representing UserCollaborator. |
VersionInfo |
Object model of an application version. |
VersionsImportLuFormatOptionalParams |
Optional Parameters. |
VersionsImportMethodOptionalParams |
Optional Parameters. |
VersionsImportV2AppOptionalParams |
Optional Parameters. |
VersionsListOptionalParams |
Optional Parameters. |
WordListBaseUpdateObject |
Object model for updating one of the list entity's sublists. |
WordListObject |
Sublist of items for a list entity. |
Type Aliases
AppsAddCustomPrebuiltDomainResponse |
Contains response data for the addCustomPrebuiltDomain operation. |
AppsAddResponse |
Contains response data for the add operation. |
AppsDeleteMethodResponse |
Contains response data for the deleteMethod operation. |
AppsDownloadQueryLogsResponse |
Contains response data for the downloadQueryLogs operation. |
AppsGetPublishSettingsResponse |
Contains response data for the getPublishSettings operation. |
AppsGetResponse |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
AppsGetSettingsResponse |
Contains response data for the getSettings operation. |
AppsImportLuFormatResponse |
Contains response data for the importLuFormat operation. |
AppsImportMethodResponse |
Contains response data for the importMethod operation. |
AppsImportV2AppResponse |
Contains response data for the importV2App operation. |
AppsListAvailableCustomPrebuiltDomainsForCultureResponse |
Contains response data for the listAvailableCustomPrebuiltDomainsForCulture operation. |
AppsListAvailableCustomPrebuiltDomainsResponse |
Contains response data for the listAvailableCustomPrebuiltDomains operation. |
AppsListCortanaEndpointsResponse |
Contains response data for the listCortanaEndpoints operation. |
AppsListDomainsResponse |
Contains response data for the listDomains operation. |
AppsListEndpointsResponse |
Contains response data for the listEndpoints operation. |
AppsListResponse |
Contains response data for the list operation. |
AppsListSupportedCulturesResponse |
Contains response data for the listSupportedCultures operation. |
AppsListUsageScenariosResponse |
Contains response data for the listUsageScenarios operation. |
AppsPackagePublishedApplicationAsGzipResponse |
Contains response data for the packagePublishedApplicationAsGzip operation. |
AppsPackageTrainedApplicationAsGzipResponse |
Contains response data for the packageTrainedApplicationAsGzip operation. |
AppsPublishResponse |
Contains response data for the publish operation. |
AppsUpdatePublishSettingsResponse |
Contains response data for the updatePublishSettings operation. |
AppsUpdateResponse |
Contains response data for the update operation. |
AppsUpdateSettingsResponse |
Contains response data for the updateSettings operation. |
AzureAccountsAssignToAppResponse |
Contains response data for the assignToApp operation. |
AzureAccountsGetAssignedResponse |
Contains response data for the getAssigned operation. |
AzureAccountsListUserLUISAccountsResponse |
Contains response data for the listUserLUISAccounts operation. |
AzureAccountsRemoveFromAppResponse |
Contains response data for the removeFromApp operation. |
ExamplesAddResponse |
Contains response data for the add operation. |
ExamplesBatchResponse |
Contains response data for the batch operation. |
ExamplesDeleteMethodResponse |
Contains response data for the deleteMethod operation. |
ExamplesListResponse |
Contains response data for the list operation. |
FeaturesAddEntityFeatureResponse |
Contains response data for the addEntityFeature operation. |
FeaturesAddIntentFeatureResponse |
Contains response data for the addIntentFeature operation. |
FeaturesAddPhraseListResponse |
Contains response data for the addPhraseList operation. |
FeaturesDeletePhraseListResponse |
Contains response data for the deletePhraseList operation. |
FeaturesGetPhraseListResponse |
Contains response data for the getPhraseList operation. |
FeaturesListPhraseListsResponse |
Contains response data for the listPhraseLists operation. |
FeaturesListResponse |
Contains response data for the list operation. |
FeaturesUpdatePhraseListResponse |
Contains response data for the updatePhraseList operation. |
ModelAddClosedListResponse |
Contains response data for the addClosedList operation. |
ModelAddCompositeEntityChildResponse |
Contains response data for the addCompositeEntityChild operation. |
ModelAddCustomPrebuiltDomainResponse |
Contains response data for the addCustomPrebuiltDomain operation. |
ModelAddCustomPrebuiltEntityResponse |
Contains response data for the addCustomPrebuiltEntity operation. |
ModelAddCustomPrebuiltIntentResponse |
Contains response data for the addCustomPrebuiltIntent operation. |
ModelAddEntityChildResponse |
Contains response data for the addEntityChild operation. |
ModelAddEntityResponse |
Contains response data for the addEntity operation. |
ModelAddExplicitListItemResponse |
Contains response data for the addExplicitListItem operation. |
ModelAddIntentResponse |
Contains response data for the addIntent operation. |
ModelAddPrebuiltResponse |
Contains response data for the addPrebuilt operation. |
ModelAddSubListResponse |
Contains response data for the addSubList operation. |
ModelCreateClosedListEntityRoleResponse |
Contains response data for the createClosedListEntityRole operation. |
ModelCreateCompositeEntityRoleResponse |
Contains response data for the createCompositeEntityRole operation. |
ModelCreateCustomPrebuiltEntityRoleResponse |
Contains response data for the createCustomPrebuiltEntityRole operation. |
ModelCreateEntityRoleResponse |
Contains response data for the createEntityRole operation. |
ModelCreateHierarchicalEntityRoleResponse |
Contains response data for the createHierarchicalEntityRole operation. |
ModelCreatePatternAnyEntityModelResponse |
Contains response data for the createPatternAnyEntityModel operation. |
ModelCreatePatternAnyEntityRoleResponse |
Contains response data for the createPatternAnyEntityRole operation. |
ModelCreatePrebuiltEntityRoleResponse |
Contains response data for the createPrebuiltEntityRole operation. |
ModelCreateRegexEntityModelResponse |
Contains response data for the createRegexEntityModel operation. |
ModelCreateRegexEntityRoleResponse |
Contains response data for the createRegexEntityRole operation. |
ModelDeleteClosedListEntityRoleResponse |
Contains response data for the deleteClosedListEntityRole operation. |
ModelDeleteClosedListResponse |
Contains response data for the deleteClosedList operation. |
ModelDeleteCompositeEntityChildResponse |
Contains response data for the deleteCompositeEntityChild operation. |
ModelDeleteCompositeEntityResponse |
Contains response data for the deleteCompositeEntity operation. |
ModelDeleteCompositeEntityRoleResponse |
Contains response data for the deleteCompositeEntityRole operation. |
ModelDeleteCustomEntityRoleResponse |
Contains response data for the deleteCustomEntityRole operation. |
ModelDeleteCustomPrebuiltDomainResponse |
Contains response data for the deleteCustomPrebuiltDomain operation. |
ModelDeleteEntityFeatureResponse |
Contains response data for the deleteEntityFeature operation. |
ModelDeleteEntityResponse |
Contains response data for the deleteEntity operation. |
ModelDeleteEntityRoleResponse |
Contains response data for the deleteEntityRole operation. |
ModelDeleteExplicitListItemResponse |
Contains response data for the deleteExplicitListItem operation. |
ModelDeleteHierarchicalEntityChildResponse |
Contains response data for the deleteHierarchicalEntityChild operation. |
ModelDeleteHierarchicalEntityResponse |
Contains response data for the deleteHierarchicalEntity operation. |
ModelDeleteHierarchicalEntityRoleResponse |
Contains response data for the deleteHierarchicalEntityRole operation. |
ModelDeleteIntentFeatureResponse |
Contains response data for the deleteIntentFeature operation. |
ModelDeleteIntentResponse |
Contains response data for the deleteIntent operation. |
ModelDeletePatternAnyEntityModelResponse |
Contains response data for the deletePatternAnyEntityModel operation. |
ModelDeletePatternAnyEntityRoleResponse |
Contains response data for the deletePatternAnyEntityRole operation. |
ModelDeletePrebuiltEntityRoleResponse |
Contains response data for the deletePrebuiltEntityRole operation. |
ModelDeletePrebuiltResponse |
Contains response data for the deletePrebuilt operation. |
ModelDeleteRegexEntityModelResponse |
Contains response data for the deleteRegexEntityModel operation. |
ModelDeleteRegexEntityRoleResponse |
Contains response data for the deleteRegexEntityRole operation. |
ModelDeleteSubListResponse |
Contains response data for the deleteSubList operation. |
ModelExamplesMethodResponse |
Contains response data for the examplesMethod operation. |
ModelGetClosedListEntityRoleResponse |
Contains response data for the getClosedListEntityRole operation. |
ModelGetClosedListResponse |
Contains response data for the getClosedList operation. |
ModelGetCompositeEntityResponse |
Contains response data for the getCompositeEntity operation. |
ModelGetCompositeEntityRoleResponse |
Contains response data for the getCompositeEntityRole operation. |
ModelGetCustomEntityRoleResponse |
Contains response data for the getCustomEntityRole operation. |
ModelGetEntityFeaturesResponse |
Contains response data for the getEntityFeatures operation. |
ModelGetEntityResponse |
Contains response data for the getEntity operation. |
ModelGetEntityRoleResponse |
Contains response data for the getEntityRole operation. |
ModelGetExplicitListItemResponse |
Contains response data for the getExplicitListItem operation. |
ModelGetExplicitListResponse |
Contains response data for the getExplicitList operation. |
ModelGetHierarchicalEntityChildResponse |
Contains response data for the getHierarchicalEntityChild operation. |
ModelGetHierarchicalEntityResponse |
Contains response data for the getHierarchicalEntity operation. |
ModelGetHierarchicalEntityRoleResponse |
Contains response data for the getHierarchicalEntityRole operation. |
ModelGetIntentFeaturesResponse |
Contains response data for the getIntentFeatures operation. |
ModelGetIntentResponse |
Contains response data for the getIntent operation. |
ModelGetPatternAnyEntityInfoResponse |
Contains response data for the getPatternAnyEntityInfo operation. |
ModelGetPatternAnyEntityRoleResponse |
Contains response data for the getPatternAnyEntityRole operation. |
ModelGetPrebuiltEntityRoleResponse |
Contains response data for the getPrebuiltEntityRole operation. |
ModelGetPrebuiltResponse |
Contains response data for the getPrebuilt operation. |
ModelGetRegexEntityEntityInfoResponse |
Contains response data for the getRegexEntityEntityInfo operation. |
ModelGetRegexEntityRoleResponse |
Contains response data for the getRegexEntityRole operation. |
ModelListClosedListEntityRolesResponse |
Contains response data for the listClosedListEntityRoles operation. |
ModelListClosedListsResponse |
Contains response data for the listClosedLists operation. |
ModelListCompositeEntitiesResponse |
Contains response data for the listCompositeEntities operation. |
ModelListCompositeEntityRolesResponse |
Contains response data for the listCompositeEntityRoles operation. |
ModelListCustomPrebuiltEntitiesResponse |
Contains response data for the listCustomPrebuiltEntities operation. |
ModelListCustomPrebuiltEntityRolesResponse |
Contains response data for the listCustomPrebuiltEntityRoles operation. |
ModelListCustomPrebuiltIntentsResponse |
Contains response data for the listCustomPrebuiltIntents operation. |
ModelListCustomPrebuiltModelsResponse |
Contains response data for the listCustomPrebuiltModels operation. |
ModelListEntitiesResponse |
Contains response data for the listEntities operation. |
ModelListEntityRolesResponse |
Contains response data for the listEntityRoles operation. |
ModelListEntitySuggestionsResponse |
Contains response data for the listEntitySuggestions operation. |
ModelListHierarchicalEntitiesResponse |
Contains response data for the listHierarchicalEntities operation. |
ModelListHierarchicalEntityRolesResponse |
Contains response data for the listHierarchicalEntityRoles operation. |
ModelListIntentsResponse |
Contains response data for the listIntents operation. |
ModelListIntentSuggestionsResponse |
Contains response data for the listIntentSuggestions operation. |
ModelListModelsResponse |
Contains response data for the listModels operation. |
ModelListPatternAnyEntityInfosResponse |
Contains response data for the listPatternAnyEntityInfos operation. |
ModelListPatternAnyEntityRolesResponse |
Contains response data for the listPatternAnyEntityRoles operation. |
ModelListPrebuiltEntitiesResponse |
Contains response data for the listPrebuiltEntities operation. |
ModelListPrebuiltEntityRolesResponse |
Contains response data for the listPrebuiltEntityRoles operation. |
ModelListPrebuiltsResponse |
Contains response data for the listPrebuilts operation. |
ModelListRegexEntityInfosResponse |
Contains response data for the listRegexEntityInfos operation. |
ModelListRegexEntityRolesResponse |
Contains response data for the listRegexEntityRoles operation. |
ModelPatchClosedListResponse |
Contains response data for the patchClosedList operation. |
ModelReplaceEntityFeaturesResponse |
Contains response data for the replaceEntityFeatures operation. |
ModelReplaceIntentFeaturesResponse |
Contains response data for the replaceIntentFeatures operation. |
ModelUpdateClosedListEntityRoleResponse |
Contains response data for the updateClosedListEntityRole operation. |
ModelUpdateClosedListResponse |
Contains response data for the updateClosedList operation. |
ModelUpdateCompositeEntityResponse |
Contains response data for the updateCompositeEntity operation. |
ModelUpdateCompositeEntityRoleResponse |
Contains response data for the updateCompositeEntityRole operation. |
ModelUpdateCustomPrebuiltEntityRoleResponse |
Contains response data for the updateCustomPrebuiltEntityRole operation. |
ModelUpdateEntityChildResponse |
Contains response data for the updateEntityChild operation. |
ModelUpdateEntityRoleResponse |
Contains response data for the updateEntityRole operation. |
ModelUpdateExplicitListItemResponse |
Contains response data for the updateExplicitListItem operation. |
ModelUpdateHierarchicalEntityChildResponse |
Contains response data for the updateHierarchicalEntityChild operation. |
ModelUpdateHierarchicalEntityResponse |
Contains response data for the updateHierarchicalEntity operation. |
ModelUpdateHierarchicalEntityRoleResponse |
Contains response data for the updateHierarchicalEntityRole operation. |
ModelUpdateIntentResponse |
Contains response data for the updateIntent operation. |
ModelUpdatePatternAnyEntityModelResponse |
Contains response data for the updatePatternAnyEntityModel operation. |
ModelUpdatePatternAnyEntityRoleResponse |
Contains response data for the updatePatternAnyEntityRole operation. |
ModelUpdatePrebuiltEntityRoleResponse |
Contains response data for the updatePrebuiltEntityRole operation. |
ModelUpdateRegexEntityModelResponse |
Contains response data for the updateRegexEntityModel operation. |
ModelUpdateRegexEntityRoleResponse |
Contains response data for the updateRegexEntityRole operation. |
ModelUpdateSubListResponse |
Contains response data for the updateSubList operation. |
OperationStatusType |
Defines values for OperationStatusType. Possible values include: 'Failed', 'FAILED', 'Success' |
PatternAddPatternResponse |
Contains response data for the addPattern operation. |
PatternBatchAddPatternsResponse |
Contains response data for the batchAddPatterns operation. |
PatternDeletePatternResponse |
Contains response data for the deletePattern operation. |
PatternDeletePatternsResponse |
Contains response data for the deletePatterns operation. |
PatternListIntentPatternsResponse |
Contains response data for the listIntentPatterns operation. |
PatternListPatternsResponse |
Contains response data for the listPatterns operation. |
PatternUpdatePatternResponse |
Contains response data for the updatePattern operation. |
PatternUpdatePatternsResponse |
Contains response data for the updatePatterns operation. |
ReadableType |
Defines values for ReadableType. Possible values include: 'Entity Extractor', 'Child Entity Extractor', 'Hierarchical Entity Extractor', 'Hierarchical Child Entity Extractor', 'Composite Entity Extractor', 'List Entity Extractor', 'Prebuilt Entity Extractor', 'Intent Classifier', 'Pattern.Any Entity Extractor', 'Closed List Entity Extractor', 'Regex Entity Extractor' |
ReadableType1 |
Defines values for ReadableType1. Possible values include: 'Entity Extractor', 'Child Entity Extractor', 'Hierarchical Entity Extractor', 'Hierarchical Child Entity Extractor', 'Composite Entity Extractor', 'List Entity Extractor', 'Prebuilt Entity Extractor', 'Intent Classifier', 'Pattern.Any Entity Extractor', 'Closed List Entity Extractor', 'Regex Entity Extractor' |
ReadableType10 |
Defines values for ReadableType10. Possible values include: 'Entity Extractor', 'Child Entity Extractor', 'Hierarchical Entity Extractor', 'Hierarchical Child Entity Extractor', 'Composite Entity Extractor', 'List Entity Extractor', 'Prebuilt Entity Extractor', 'Intent Classifier', 'Pattern.Any Entity Extractor', 'Closed List Entity Extractor', 'Regex Entity Extractor' |
ReadableType11 |
Defines values for ReadableType11. Possible values include: 'Entity Extractor', 'Child Entity Extractor', 'Hierarchical Entity Extractor', 'Hierarchical Child Entity Extractor', 'Composite Entity Extractor', 'List Entity Extractor', 'Prebuilt Entity Extractor', 'Intent Classifier', 'Pattern.Any Entity Extractor', 'Closed List Entity Extractor', 'Regex Entity Extractor' |
ReadableType2 |
Defines values for ReadableType2. Possible values include: 'Entity Extractor', 'Child Entity Extractor', 'Hierarchical Entity Extractor', 'Hierarchical Child Entity Extractor', 'Composite Entity Extractor', 'List Entity Extractor', 'Prebuilt Entity Extractor', 'Intent Classifier', 'Pattern.Any Entity Extractor', 'Closed List Entity Extractor', 'Regex Entity Extractor' |
ReadableType3 |
Defines values for ReadableType3. Possible values include: 'Entity Extractor', 'Child Entity Extractor', 'Hierarchical Entity Extractor', 'Hierarchical Child Entity Extractor', 'Composite Entity Extractor', 'List Entity Extractor', 'Prebuilt Entity Extractor', 'Intent Classifier', 'Pattern.Any Entity Extractor', 'Closed List Entity Extractor', 'Regex Entity Extractor' |
ReadableType4 |
Defines values for ReadableType4. Possible values include: 'Entity Extractor', 'Child Entity Extractor', 'Hierarchical Entity Extractor', 'Hierarchical Child Entity Extractor', 'Composite Entity Extractor', 'List Entity Extractor', 'Prebuilt Entity Extractor', 'Intent Classifier', 'Pattern.Any Entity Extractor', 'Closed List Entity Extractor', 'Regex Entity Extractor' |
ReadableType5 |
Defines values for ReadableType5. Possible values include: 'Entity Extractor', 'Child Entity Extractor', 'Hierarchical Entity Extractor', 'Hierarchical Child Entity Extractor', 'Composite Entity Extractor', 'List Entity Extractor', 'Prebuilt Entity Extractor', 'Intent Classifier', 'Pattern.Any Entity Extractor', 'Closed List Entity Extractor', 'Regex Entity Extractor' |
ReadableType6 |
Defines values for ReadableType6. Possible values include: 'Entity Extractor', 'Child Entity Extractor', 'Hierarchical Entity Extractor', 'Hierarchical Child Entity Extractor', 'Composite Entity Extractor', 'List Entity Extractor', 'Prebuilt Entity Extractor', 'Intent Classifier', 'Pattern.Any Entity Extractor', 'Closed List Entity Extractor', 'Regex Entity Extractor' |
ReadableType7 |
Defines values for ReadableType7. Possible values include: 'Entity Extractor', 'Child Entity Extractor', 'Hierarchical Entity Extractor', 'Hierarchical Child Entity Extractor', 'Composite Entity Extractor', 'List Entity Extractor', 'Prebuilt Entity Extractor', 'Intent Classifier', 'Pattern.Any Entity Extractor', 'Closed List Entity Extractor', 'Regex Entity Extractor' |
ReadableType8 |
Defines values for ReadableType8. Possible values include: 'Entity Extractor', 'Child Entity Extractor', 'Hierarchical Entity Extractor', 'Hierarchical Child Entity Extractor', 'Composite Entity Extractor', 'List Entity Extractor', 'Prebuilt Entity Extractor', 'Intent Classifier', 'Pattern.Any Entity Extractor', 'Closed List Entity Extractor', 'Regex Entity Extractor' |
ReadableType9 |
Defines values for ReadableType9. Possible values include: 'Entity Extractor', 'Child Entity Extractor', 'Hierarchical Entity Extractor', 'Hierarchical Child Entity Extractor', 'Composite Entity Extractor', 'List Entity Extractor', 'Prebuilt Entity Extractor', 'Intent Classifier', 'Pattern.Any Entity Extractor', 'Closed List Entity Extractor', 'Regex Entity Extractor' |
SettingsListResponse |
Contains response data for the list operation. |
SettingsUpdateResponse |
Contains response data for the update operation. |
Status |
Defines values for Status. Possible values include: 'Queued', 'InProgress', 'UpToDate', 'Fail', 'Success' |
Status1 |
Defines values for Status1. Possible values include: 'Queued', 'InProgress', 'UpToDate', 'Fail', 'Success' |
TrainGetStatusResponse |
Contains response data for the getStatus operation. |
TrainingStatus |
Defines values for TrainingStatus. Possible values include: 'NeedsTraining', 'InProgress', 'Trained' |
TrainTrainVersionResponse |
Contains response data for the trainVersion operation. |
VersionsCloneResponse |
Contains response data for the clone operation. |
VersionsDeleteMethodResponse |
Contains response data for the deleteMethod operation. |
VersionsDeleteUnlabelledUtteranceResponse |
Contains response data for the deleteUnlabelledUtterance operation. |
VersionsExportLuFormatResponse |
Contains response data for the exportLuFormat operation. |
VersionsExportMethodResponse |
Contains response data for the exportMethod operation. |
VersionsGetResponse |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
VersionsImportLuFormatResponse |
Contains response data for the importLuFormat operation. |
VersionsImportMethodResponse |
Contains response data for the importMethod operation. |
VersionsImportV2AppResponse |
Contains response data for the importV2App operation. |
VersionsListResponse |
Contains response data for the list operation. |
VersionsUpdateResponse |
Contains response data for the update operation. |