@azure/cognitiveservices-qnamaker-runtime package
QnAMakerRuntimeClient | |
QnAMakerRuntimeClientContext | |
Runtime |
Class representing a Runtime. |
ContextDTO |
Context associated with Qna. |
ErrorModel |
The error object. As per Microsoft One API guidelines - https://github.com/Microsoft/api-guidelines/blob/vNext/Guidelines.md#7102-error-condition-responses. |
ErrorResponse |
Error response. As per Microsoft One API guidelines - https://github.com/Microsoft/api-guidelines/blob/vNext/Guidelines.md#7102-error-condition-responses. |
ErrorResponseError |
The error object. |
FeedbackRecordDTO |
Active learning feedback record. |
FeedbackRecordsDTO |
Active learning feedback records. |
InnerErrorModel |
An object containing more specific information about the error. As per Microsoft One API guidelines - https://github.com/Microsoft/api-guidelines/blob/vNext/Guidelines.md#7102-error-condition-responses. |
MetadataDTO |
Name - value pair of metadata. |
PromptDTO |
Prompt for an answer. |
PromptDTOQna |
QnADTO - Either QnaId or QnADTO needs to be present in a PromptDTO object |
Q-A object. |
QnADTOContext |
Context of a QnA |
QnASearchResult |
Represents Search Result. |
QnASearchResultContext |
Context object of the QnA |
QnASearchResultList |
Represents List of Question Answers. |
QueryContextDTO |
Context object with previous QnA's information. |
QueryDTO |
POST body schema to query the knowledgebase. |
QueryDTOContext |
Context object with previous QnA's information. |
Type Aliases
ErrorCodeType |
Defines values for ErrorCodeType. Possible values include: 'BadArgument', 'Forbidden', 'NotFound', 'KbNotFound', 'Unauthorized', 'Unspecified', 'EndpointKeysError', 'QuotaExceeded', 'QnaRuntimeError', 'SKULimitExceeded', 'OperationNotFound', 'ServiceError', 'ValidationFailure', 'ExtractionFailure' |
RuntimeGenerateAnswerResponse |
Contains response data for the generateAnswer operation. |