CosmosDiagnostics class
- This is a Cosmos Diagnostic type that holds collected diagnostic information during a client operations. ie., Container.create(). It has three members -
member contains aggregate diagnostic information, including -
- metadata lookups. Here all the server requests, apart from the final intended resource are considered as metadata calls. i.e. for, if the client makes server call to discover endpoints it would be considered as metadata call.
- retries
- endpoints contacted.
- request, response payload stats.
- gatewayStatistics - Information corresponding to main operation. For example during, the client might perform many operations i.e. metadata lookup etc, but gatewayStatistics represents the diagnostics information for actual read operation.
- diagnosticNode - Is a tree like structure which captures detailed diagnostic information. By default it is disabled, and is intended to be
used only for debugging on non production environments. The kind of details captured in diagnosticNode is controlled by
- - Is default value. In this level only clientSideRequestStatistics are captured. Is is meant for production environments.
- CosmosDbDiagnosticLevel.debug - Captures diagnosticNode and clientConfig. No request and response payloads are captured. Is not meant to be used in production environment.
- CosmosDbDiagnosticLevel.debug-unsafe - In addition to data captured in CosmosDbDiagnosticLevel.debug, also captures request and response payloads. Is not meant to be used in production environment.
- clientConfig - Captures information related to how client was configured during initialization.
clientSideRequestStatistics: ClientSideRequestStatistics