EnvironmentCredential class

Enables authentication to Microsoft Entra ID using a client secret or certificate, or as a user with a username and password.



Creates an instance of the EnvironmentCredential class and decides what credential to use depending on the available environment variables.

Required environment variables:

  • AZURE_TENANT_ID: The Microsoft Entra tenant (directory) ID.
  • AZURE_CLIENT_ID: The client (application) ID of an App Registration in the tenant.

If setting the AZURE_TENANT_ID, then you can also set the additionally allowed tenants

  • AZURE_ADDITIONALLY_ALLOWED_TENANTS: For multi-tenant applications, specifies additional tenants for which the credential may acquire tokens with a single semicolon delimited string. Use * to allow all tenants.

Environment variables used for client credential authentication:

  • AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET: A client secret that was generated for the App Registration.
  • AZURE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_PATH: The path to a PEM certificate to use during the authentication, instead of the client secret.
  • AZURE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_PASSWORD: (optional) password for the certificate file.

Alternatively, users can provide environment variables for username and password authentication:

  • AZURE_USERNAME: Username to authenticate with.
  • AZURE_PASSWORD: Password to authenticate with.

If the environment variables required to perform the authentication are missing, a CredentialUnavailableError will be thrown. If the authentication fails, or if there's an unknown error, an AuthenticationError will be thrown.


getToken(string | string[], GetTokenOptions)

Authenticates with Microsoft Entra ID and returns an access token if successful.

Constructor Details


Creates an instance of the EnvironmentCredential class and decides what credential to use depending on the available environment variables.

Required environment variables:

  • AZURE_TENANT_ID: The Microsoft Entra tenant (directory) ID.
  • AZURE_CLIENT_ID: The client (application) ID of an App Registration in the tenant.

If setting the AZURE_TENANT_ID, then you can also set the additionally allowed tenants

  • AZURE_ADDITIONALLY_ALLOWED_TENANTS: For multi-tenant applications, specifies additional tenants for which the credential may acquire tokens with a single semicolon delimited string. Use * to allow all tenants.

Environment variables used for client credential authentication:

  • AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET: A client secret that was generated for the App Registration.
  • AZURE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_PATH: The path to a PEM certificate to use during the authentication, instead of the client secret.
  • AZURE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_PASSWORD: (optional) password for the certificate file.

Alternatively, users can provide environment variables for username and password authentication:

  • AZURE_USERNAME: Username to authenticate with.
  • AZURE_PASSWORD: Password to authenticate with.

If the environment variables required to perform the authentication are missing, a CredentialUnavailableError will be thrown. If the authentication fails, or if there's an unknown error, an AuthenticationError will be thrown.

new EnvironmentCredential(options?: EnvironmentCredentialOptions)



Options for configuring the client which makes the authentication request.

Method Details

getToken(string | string[], GetTokenOptions)

Authenticates with Microsoft Entra ID and returns an access token if successful.

function getToken(scopes: string | string[], options?: GetTokenOptions): Promise<AccessToken>



string | string[]

The list of scopes for which the token will have access.


Optional parameters. See GetTokenOptions.

