@azure/openai-assistants package
AssistantsClient |
Client handling assistant-related operations. |
AzureKeyCredential |
A static-key-based credential that supports updating the underlying key value. |
OpenAIKeyCredential |
The OpenAIKeyCredential class represents an OpenAI API key and is used to authenticate into an Assistants client for an OpenAI endpoint. |
Assistant |
Represents an assistant that can call the model and use tools. |
AssistantCreationOptions |
The request details to use when creating a new assistant. |
AssistantDeletionStatus |
The status of an assistant deletion operation. |
AssistantFile |
Information about a file attached to an assistant, as used by tools that can read files. |
AssistantFileDeletionStatus |
The status of an assistant file deletion operation. |
AssistantThread |
Information about a single thread associated with an assistant. |
AssistantThreadCreationOptions |
The details used to create a new assistant thread. |
AssistantsClientOptions |
The details used to create a assistant client * |
CancelRunOptions |
The details used to cancel a run. |
CodeInterpreterImageOutput |
A representation of an image output emitted by a code interpreter tool in response to a tool call by the model. |
CodeInterpreterImageReference |
An image reference emitted by a code interpreter tool in response to a tool call by the model. |
CodeInterpreterLogOutput |
A representation of a log output emitted by a code interpreter tool in response to a tool call by the model. |
CodeInterpreterToolCall |
A record of a call to a code interpreter tool, issued by the model in evaluation of a defined tool, that represents inputs and outputs consumed and emitted by the code interpreter. |
CodeInterpreterToolCallDetails |
The detailed information about a code interpreter invocation by the model. |
CodeInterpreterToolDefinition |
The input definition information for a code interpreter tool as used to configure an assistant. |
CreateAndRunThreadOptions |
The details used when creating and immediately running a new assistant thread. |
CreateAssistantFileOptions |
The details used to create an assistant file. |
CreateAssistantOptions |
The details used to create an assistant. |
CreateMessageOptions |
The details used to create a message. |
CreateRunOptions |
The details used when creating a new run of an assistant thread. |
CreateRunRequestOptions |
The details used to create a run request. |
CreateThreadAndRunOptions |
The details used to create and run a thread. |
CreateThreadOptions |
The details used to create a thread. |
DeleteAssistantFileOptions |
The details used to delete an assistant file. |
DeleteAssistantOptions |
The details used to delete an assistant. |
DeleteFileOptions |
The details used to delete files. |
DeleteThreadOptions |
The details used to delete a thread. |
DeletionStatus |
An abstract representation of an OpenAI deletion operation result status. |
FileDeletionStatus |
A status response from a file deletion operation. |
FileListResponse |
The response data from a file list operation. |
FunctionDefinition |
The input definition information for a function. |
FunctionToolCall |
A record of a call to a function tool, issued by the model in evaluation of a defined tool, that represents the inputs and output consumed and emitted by the specified function. |
FunctionToolCallDetails |
The detailed information about the function called by the model. |
FunctionToolDefinition |
The input definition information for a function tool as used to configure an assistant. |
GetAssistantFileOptions |
The details used to get an assistant file. |
GetAssistantOptions |
The details used to get an assistant. |
GetFileOptions |
The details used to get files. |
GetMessageFileOptions |
The details used to get a message file. |
GetMessageOptions |
The details used to get a message. |
GetRunOptions |
The details used to get a run. |
GetRunStepOptions |
The details used to get a run step. |
GetThreadOptions |
The details used to get a thread. |
InputFile |
Represents an assistant that can call the model and use tools. |
ListAssistantFilesOptions |
The details used to list assistant files. |
ListAssistantsOptions |
The details used to list assistants. |
ListFilesOptions |
The details used to list files. |
ListMessageFilesOptions |
The details used to list message files. |
ListMessagesOptions |
The details used to list messages. |
ListResponseOf |
The response data for a requested list of items. |
ListRunStepsOptions |
The details used to list run steps. |
ListRunsOptions |
The details used to list runs. |
MessageFile |
Information about a file attached to an assistant thread message. |
MessageImageFileContent |
A representation of image file content in a thread message. |
MessageImageFileDetails |
An image reference, as represented in thread message content. |
MessageTextContent |
A representation of a textual item of thread message content. |
MessageTextDetails |
The text and associated annotations for a single item of assistant thread message content. |
MessageTextFileCitationAnnotation |
A citation within the message that points to a specific quote from a specific File associated with the assistant or the message. Generated when the assistant uses the 'retrieval' tool to search files. |
MessageTextFileCitationDetails |
A representation of a file-based text citation, as used in a file-based annotation of text thread message content. |
MessageTextFilePathAnnotation |
A citation within the message that points to a file located at a specific path. |
MessageTextFilePathDetails |
An encapsulation of an image file ID, as used by message image content. |
RequiredAction |
An abstract representation of a required action for an assistant thread run to continue. |
RequiredFunctionToolCall |
A representation of a requested call to a function tool, needed by the model to continue evaluation of a run. |
RetrievalToolCall |
A record of a call to a retrieval tool, issued by the model in evaluation of a defined tool, that represents executed retrieval actions. |
RetrievalToolDefinition |
The input definition information for a retrieval tool as used to configure an assistant. |
RunError |
The details of an error as encountered by an assistant thread run. |
RunStep |
Detailed information about a single step of an assistant thread run. |
RunStepError |
The error information associated with a failed run step. |
RunStepMessageCreationDetails |
The detailed information associated with a message creation run step. |
RunStepMessageCreationReference |
The details of a message created as a part of a run step. |
RunStepToolCallDetails |
The detailed information associated with a run step calling tools. |
SubmitToolOutputsDetails |
The details describing tools that should be called to submit tool outputs. |
SubmitToolOutputsToRunOptions |
The details used to submit tool outputs to a run. |
ThreadDeletionStatus |
The status of a thread deletion operation. |
ThreadMessage |
A single, existing message within an assistant thread. |
ThreadRun |
Data representing a single evaluation run of an assistant thread. |
ToolOutput |
The data provided during a tool outputs submission to resolve pending tool calls and allow the model to continue. |
UpdateAssistantOptions |
The request details to use when modifying an existing assistant. |
UpdateAssistantRequestOptions |
The details used to update an assistant. |
UpdateMessageOptions |
The details used to update a message. |
UpdateRunOptions |
The details used to update a run. |
UpdateThreadOptions |
The details used to update a thread. |
UploadFileOptions |
The details used to upload files. |
Type Aliases
CodeInterpreterToolCallOutput |
Alias for CodeInterpreterToolCallOutput |
FilePurpose |
"fine-tune", "fine-tune-results", "assistants", "assistants_output" |
ListSortOrder |
"asc", "desc" |
MessageContent |
Alias for MessageContent |
MessageRole |
"user", "assistant" |
MessageTextAnnotation |
Alias for MessageTextAnnotation |
RequiredToolCall |
Alias for RequiredToolCall |
RunStatus |
"queued", "in_progress", "requires_action", "cancelling", "cancelled", "failed", "completed", "expired" |
RunStepDetails |
Alias for RunStepDetails |
RunStepErrorCode |
"server_error", "rate_limit_exceeded" |
RunStepStatus |
"in_progress", "cancelled", "failed", "completed", "expired" |
RunStepType |
"message_creation", "tool_calls" |
ToolCall |
Alias for ToolCall |
ToolDefinition |
An abstract representation of an input tool definition that an assistant can use. |
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