LexicalAnalyzerName type

Defines values for LexicalAnalyzerName.
<xref:KnownLexicalAnalyzerName> can be used interchangeably with LexicalAnalyzerName, this enum contains the known values that the service supports.

Known values supported by the service

ar.microsoft: Microsoft analyzer for Arabic.
ar.lucene: Lucene analyzer for Arabic.
hy.lucene: Lucene analyzer for Armenian.
bn.microsoft: Microsoft analyzer for Bangla.
eu.lucene: Lucene analyzer for Basque.
bg.microsoft: Microsoft analyzer for Bulgarian.
bg.lucene: Lucene analyzer for Bulgarian.
ca.microsoft: Microsoft analyzer for Catalan.
ca.lucene: Lucene analyzer for Catalan.
zh-Hans.microsoft: Microsoft analyzer for Chinese (Simplified).
zh-Hans.lucene: Lucene analyzer for Chinese (Simplified).
zh-Hant.microsoft: Microsoft analyzer for Chinese (Traditional).
zh-Hant.lucene: Lucene analyzer for Chinese (Traditional).
hr.microsoft: Microsoft analyzer for Croatian.
cs.microsoft: Microsoft analyzer for Czech.
cs.lucene: Lucene analyzer for Czech.
da.microsoft: Microsoft analyzer for Danish.
da.lucene: Lucene analyzer for Danish.
nl.microsoft: Microsoft analyzer for Dutch.
nl.lucene: Lucene analyzer for Dutch.
en.microsoft: Microsoft analyzer for English.
en.lucene: Lucene analyzer for English.
et.microsoft: Microsoft analyzer for Estonian.
fi.microsoft: Microsoft analyzer for Finnish.
fi.lucene: Lucene analyzer for Finnish.
fr.microsoft: Microsoft analyzer for French.
fr.lucene: Lucene analyzer for French.
gl.lucene: Lucene analyzer for Galician.
de.microsoft: Microsoft analyzer for German.
de.lucene: Lucene analyzer for German.
el.microsoft: Microsoft analyzer for Greek.
el.lucene: Lucene analyzer for Greek.
gu.microsoft: Microsoft analyzer for Gujarati.
he.microsoft: Microsoft analyzer for Hebrew.
hi.microsoft: Microsoft analyzer for Hindi.
hi.lucene: Lucene analyzer for Hindi.
hu.microsoft: Microsoft analyzer for Hungarian.
hu.lucene: Lucene analyzer for Hungarian.
is.microsoft: Microsoft analyzer for Icelandic.
id.microsoft: Microsoft analyzer for Indonesian (Bahasa).
id.lucene: Lucene analyzer for Indonesian.
ga.lucene: Lucene analyzer for Irish.
it.microsoft: Microsoft analyzer for Italian.
it.lucene: Lucene analyzer for Italian.
ja.microsoft: Microsoft analyzer for Japanese.
ja.lucene: Lucene analyzer for Japanese.
kn.microsoft: Microsoft analyzer for Kannada.
ko.microsoft: Microsoft analyzer for Korean.
ko.lucene: Lucene analyzer for Korean.
lv.microsoft: Microsoft analyzer for Latvian.
lv.lucene: Lucene analyzer for Latvian.
lt.microsoft: Microsoft analyzer for Lithuanian.
ml.microsoft: Microsoft analyzer for Malayalam.
ms.microsoft: Microsoft analyzer for Malay (Latin).
mr.microsoft: Microsoft analyzer for Marathi.
nb.microsoft: Microsoft analyzer for Norwegian (Bokmål).
no.lucene: Lucene analyzer for Norwegian.
fa.lucene: Lucene analyzer for Persian.
pl.microsoft: Microsoft analyzer for Polish.
pl.lucene: Lucene analyzer for Polish.
pt-BR.microsoft: Microsoft analyzer for Portuguese (Brazil).
pt-BR.lucene: Lucene analyzer for Portuguese (Brazil).
pt-PT.microsoft: Microsoft analyzer for Portuguese (Portugal).
pt-PT.lucene: Lucene analyzer for Portuguese (Portugal).
pa.microsoft: Microsoft analyzer for Punjabi.
ro.microsoft: Microsoft analyzer for Romanian.
ro.lucene: Lucene analyzer for Romanian.
ru.microsoft: Microsoft analyzer for Russian.
ru.lucene: Lucene analyzer for Russian.
sr-cyrillic.microsoft: Microsoft analyzer for Serbian (Cyrillic).
sr-latin.microsoft: Microsoft analyzer for Serbian (Latin).
sk.microsoft: Microsoft analyzer for Slovak.
sl.microsoft: Microsoft analyzer for Slovenian.
es.microsoft: Microsoft analyzer for Spanish.
es.lucene: Lucene analyzer for Spanish.
sv.microsoft: Microsoft analyzer for Swedish.
sv.lucene: Lucene analyzer for Swedish.
ta.microsoft: Microsoft analyzer for Tamil.
te.microsoft: Microsoft analyzer for Telugu.
th.microsoft: Microsoft analyzer for Thai.
th.lucene: Lucene analyzer for Thai.
tr.microsoft: Microsoft analyzer for Turkish.
tr.lucene: Lucene analyzer for Turkish.
uk.microsoft: Microsoft analyzer for Ukrainian.
ur.microsoft: Microsoft analyzer for Urdu.
vi.microsoft: Microsoft analyzer for Vietnamese.
standard.lucene: Standard Lucene analyzer.
standardasciifolding.lucene: Standard ASCII Folding Lucene analyzer. See https://learn.microsoft.com/rest/api/searchservice/Custom-analyzers-in-Azure-Search#Analyzers
keyword: Treats the entire content of a field as a single token. This is useful for data like zip codes, ids, and some product names. See http://lucene.apache.org/core/4_10_3/analyzers-common/org/apache/lucene/analysis/core/KeywordAnalyzer.html
pattern: Flexibly separates text into terms via a regular expression pattern. See http://lucene.apache.org/core/4_10_3/analyzers-common/org/apache/lucene/analysis/miscellaneous/PatternAnalyzer.html
simple: Divides text at non-letters and converts them to lower case. See http://lucene.apache.org/core/4_10_3/analyzers-common/org/apache/lucene/analysis/core/SimpleAnalyzer.html
stop: Divides text at non-letters; Applies the lowercase and stopword token filters. See http://lucene.apache.org/core/4_10_3/analyzers-common/org/apache/lucene/analysis/core/StopAnalyzer.html
whitespace: An analyzer that uses the whitespace tokenizer. See http://lucene.apache.org/core/4_10_3/analyzers-common/org/apache/lucene/analysis/core/WhitespaceAnalyzer.html

type LexicalAnalyzerName = string