ExtensionQueryFilterType enum

Type of extension filters that are supported in the queries.


Tag = 1

The values are used as tags. All tags are treated as "OR" conditions with each other. There may be some value put on the number of matched tags from the query.

DisplayName = 2

The Values are an ExtensionName or fragment that is used to match other extension names.

Private = 3

The Filter is one or more tokens that define what scope to return private extensions for.

Id = 4

Retrieve a set of extensions based on their id's. The values should be the extension id's encoded as strings.

Category = 5

The category is unlike other filters. It is AND'd with the other filters instead of being a separate query.

ContributionType = 6

Certain contribution types may be indexed to allow for query by type. User defined types can't be indexed at the moment.

Name = 7

Retrieve an set extension based on the name based identifier. This differs from the internal id (which is being deprecated).

InstallationTarget = 8

The InstallationTarget for an extension defines the target consumer for the extension. This may be something like VS, VSOnline, or VSCode

Featured = 9

Query for featured extensions, no value is allowed when using the query type.

SearchText = 10

The SearchText provided by the user to search for extensions

FeaturedInCategory = 11

Query for extensions that are featured in their own category, The filterValue for this is name of category of extensions.

ExcludeWithFlags = 12

When retrieving extensions from a query, exclude the extensions which are having the given flags. The value specified for this filter should be a string representing the integer values of the flags to be excluded. In case of multiple flags to be specified, a logical OR of the interger values should be given as value for this filter This should be at most one filter of this type. This only acts as a restrictive filter after. In case of having a particular flag in both IncludeWithFlags and ExcludeWithFlags, excludeFlags will remove the included extensions giving empty result for that flag.

IncludeWithFlags = 13

When retrieving extensions from a query, include the extensions which are having the given flags. The value specified for this filter should be a string representing the integer values of the flags to be included. In case of multiple flags to be specified, a logical OR of the integer values should be given as value for this filter This should be at most one filter of this type. This only acts as a restrictive filter after. In case of having a particular flag in both IncludeWithFlags and ExcludeWithFlags, excludeFlags will remove the included extensions giving empty result for that flag. In case of multiple flags given in IncludeWithFlags in ORed fashion, extensions having any of the given flags will be included.

Lcid = 14

Filter the extensions based on the LCID values applicable. Any extensions which are not having any LCID values will also be filtered. This is currently only supported for VS extensions.

InstallationTargetVersion = 15

Filter to provide the version of the installation target. This filter will be used along with InstallationTarget filter. The value should be a valid version string. Currently supported only if search text is provided.

InstallationTargetVersionRange = 16

Filter type for specifying a range of installation target version. The filter will be used along with InstallationTarget filter. The value should be a pair of well formed version values separated by hyphen(-). Currently supported only if search text is provided.

VsixMetadata = 17

Filter type for specifying metadata key and value to be used for filtering.

PublisherName = 18

Filter to get extensions published by a publisher having supplied internal name

PublisherDisplayName = 19

Filter to get extensions published by all publishers having supplied display name

IncludeWithPublisherFlags = 20

When retrieving extensions from a query, include the extensions which have a publisher having the given flags. The value specified for this filter should be a string representing the integer values of the flags to be included. In case of multiple flags to be specified, a logical OR of the integer values should be given as value for this filter There should be at most one filter of this type. This only acts as a restrictive filter after. In case of multiple flags given in IncludeWithFlags in ORed fashion, extensions having any of the given flags will be included.

OrganizationSharedWith = 21

Filter to get extensions shared with particular organization

ProductArchitecture = 22

Filter to get VS IDE extensions by Product Architecture

TargetPlatform = 23

Filter to get VS Code extensions by target platform.

ExtensionName = 24

Retrieve an extension based on the extensionName.