azure-maps-control package
CompassControl |
A control for changing the rotation of the map. |
ControlBase |
Implements control interface and provides support for automatic styling based on the map style. |
PitchControl |
A control for changing the pitch of the map. |
ScaleControl |
A control to display a scale bar on the map. |
StyleControl |
A control for changing the style of the map. |
TrafficControl |
A control to display the traffic information of the map. |
TrafficLegendControl |
A control that display traffic legend on the map. |
ZoomControl |
A control for changing the zoom of the map. |
BoundingBox |
A GeoJSON BoundingBox object - an array that defines a shape whose edges follow lines of constant longitude, latitude, and elevation. All axes of the most southwesterly point are followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of the BoundingBox follows the axes order of geometries. The full description is detailed in RFC 7946. |
Feature |
A GeoJSON Feature object - a JSON object representing a spatially bounded entity. The full description is detailed in RFC 7946. |
FeatureCollection |
A GeoJSON FeatureCollection object - a JSON object that contains a collection of GeoJSON features. The full description is detailed in RFC 7946. |
GeometryCollection |
A GeoJSON GeometryCollection object - a JSON object that contains a collection of a GeoJSON Geometry objects. The full description is detailed in RFC 7946. |
LineString |
A GeoJSON LineString object - a JSON object that represents a geographic curve. The full description is detailed in RFC 7946. |
MercatorPoint |
For example, The |
MultiLineString |
A GeoJSON MultiLineString object - a JSON object that represents multiple geographic curves. The full description is detailed in RFC 7946. |
MultiPoint |
A GeoJSON MultiPoint object - a JSON object that represents multiple geographic positions. The full description is detailed in RFC 7946. |
MultiPolygon |
A GeoJSON MultiPolygon object - a JSON object that represents multiple geographic polygons. The full description is detailed in RFC 7946. |
Point |
A GeoJSON Point object - a JSON object that represents a geographic position. The full description is detailed in RFC 7946. |
Polygon |
A GeoJSON Polygon object - a JSON object that represents a geographic polygon. The full description is detailed in RFC 7946. |
Position |
A GeoJSON Position object - an array that specifies the longitude and latitude of a location. The full description is detailed in RFC 7946. |
EventManager |
A manager for the map control's events. Exposed through the events property of the atlas.Map class. Cannot be instantiated by the user. |
HtmlMarker |
This class wraps an HTML element that can be displayed on the map. |
EventEmitter |
An internal abstract class that can be extended to provide event listening/firing. This class is for internal use only, and users will find little use with it. Not to be used by the Map class. MapCallbackHandler implements the more complex logic for handling map events. |
BubbleLayer |
Renders Point objects as scalable circles (bubbles). |
HeatMapLayer |
Represent the density of data using different colors (HeatMap). |
ImageLayer |
Overlays an image on the map with each corner anchored to a coordinate on the map. Also known as a ground or image overlay. |
Layer |
Abstract class for other layer classes to extend. |
LineLayer |
Renders line data on the map. Can be used with SimpleLine, SimplePolygon, CirclePolygon, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, and MultiPolygon objects. |
PolygonExtrusionLayer |
Renders extruded filled |
PolygonLayer |
Renders filled Polygon and MultiPolygon objects on the map. |
SymbolLayer |
Renders point based data as symbols on the map using text and/or icons. Symbols can also be created for line and polygon data as well. |
TileLayer |
Renders raster tiled images on top of the map tiles. |
WebGLLayer |
Enables custom rendering logic with access to the WebGL context of the map. |
Map |
The control for a visual and interactive web map. |
AffineTransform |
An Affine Transform class generated from a set of reference points. |
Pixel |
Represent a pixel coordinate or offset. Extends an array of [x, y]. |
Popup |
An information window anchored at a specified position on a map. |
PopupTemplate |
A layout template for a popup. |
Shape |
A helper class that wraps a Geometry or Feature and makes it easy to update and maintain. |
DataSource |
A data source class that makes it easy to manage shapes data that will be displayed on the map. A data source must be added to a layer before it is visible on the map. The DataSource class may be used with the SymbolLayer, LineLayer, PolygonLayer, BubbleLayer, and HeatMapLayer. |
ElevationTileSource |
Elevation tile source describes how to access elevation (raster DEM) tile data.
It can then be used to enable map elevation via |
Source |
A base abstract class in which all other source objects extend. A source must be added to a layer before it is visible on the map. |
VectorTileSource |
A vector tile source describes how to access a vector tile layer. Vector tile sources can be used with; SymbolLayer, LineLayer, PolygonLayer, BubbleLayer, HeatmapLayer and VectorTileLayer. |
AggregateExpression |
An aggregate expression defines a calculation that is processed over a set of data.
Schema: [operator: string, initialValue?: boolean | number, mapExpression: Expression]
operator: An expression function that is then applied to against all values calculated by the |
AnimationOptions |
The options for animating changes to the map control's camera. |
AuthenticationManager |
A manager for the map control's authentication. Exposed through the authentication property of the atlas.Map class. Cannot be instantiated by the user. |
AuthenticationOptions |
Options for specifying how the map control should authenticate with the Azure Maps services. |
BubbleLayerOptions |
Options used when rendering Point objects in a BubbleLayer. |
CameraBoundsOptions |
The options for setting the bounds of the map control's camera. |
CameraOptions |
The options for setting the map control's camera. |
ClusteredProperties |
The properties which will exist for ClusteredProperties |
CompassControlOptions |
The options for a CompassControl object. |
StyleControlEvents |
The events supported by the |
Control |
An interface for defining a control of the map. |
ControlManager |
A manager for the map control's controls. Exposed through the controls property of the atlas.Map class. Cannot be instantiated by the user. |
ControlOptions |
The options for adding a control to the map. |
DataSourceOptions |
A data source for managing shape data that will be displayed on the map.
A data source must be added to a layer before it is visible on the map.
Options for a |
ElevationTileSourceOptions | |
HeatMapLayerOptions |
Options used when rendering Point objects in a HeatMapLayer. |
HtmlMarkerEvents | |
HtmlMarkerManager |
A manager for the map control's HTML markers. Exposed through the markers property of the atlas.Map class. Cannot be instantiated by the user. |
HtmlMarkerOptions |
Options for rendering an HtmlMarker object |
HyperLinkFormatOptions |
Format option for hyperlink strings. |
IconOptions |
Options used to customize the icons in a SymbolLayer |
ImageLayerOptions |
Options used when rendering Point objects in a ImageLayer. |
ImageSpriteManager |
A manager for the map control's image sprite. Exposed through the imageSprite property of the atlas.Map class. Cannot be instantiated by the user. |
EventArgs | |
LayerEvents | |
LayerManager |
A manager for the map control's layers. Exposed through the layers property of the atlas.Map class. Cannot be instantiated by the user. |
LayerOptions |
A base class which all other layer options inherit from. |
LightOptions |
The options for the map's lighting. |
LineLayerOptions |
Options used when rendering SimpleLine, SimplePolygon, CirclePolygon, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, and MultiPolygon objects in a line layer. |
MapConfiguration |
Represents the contents of map configuration holding a list of styles available to them. |
MapConfigurationStyle |
Represents the info for a single style. |
MapDataEvent |
Event object returned by the maps when a data event occurs. |
MapErrorEvent |
Event object returned by the maps when an error event occurs. |
MapEvent |
Event object returned by the maps when a basic event occurs. |
MapMouseEvent |
Event object returned by the maps when a mouse event occurs. |
MapMouseWheelEvent |
Event object returned by the maps when a wheel event occurs. |
MapTouchEvent |
Event object returned by the maps when a touch event occurs. |
MediaLayerOptions |
Options used when rendering canvas, image, raster tile, and video layers |
Options | |
Padding |
Represent the amount of padding in pixels to add to the side of a BoundingBox when setting the camera of a map. |
PitchControlOptions |
The options for a PitchControl object. |
PolygonExtrusionLayerOptions |
Options used when rendering |
PolygonLayerOptions |
Options used when rendering Polygon and MultiPolygon objects in a PolygonLayer. |
PopupEvents | |
PopupManager |
A manager for the map control's popups.
Exposed through the |
PopupOptions |
The options for a popup. |
Properties |
A set of properties that can be used with a |
PropertyInfo |
Species details of how a property is to be displayed. |
RasterTileSourceOptions | |
RequestParameters |
This is the object type expected to be returned by the transformRequest callback. |
ScaleControlOptions |
The options for a ScaleControl object. |
ServiceOptions |
Global properties used in all atlas service requests. |
ShapeEvents | |
DataSourceEvents | |
SourceEvents | |
SourceManager |
A manager for the map control's sources. Exposed through the sources property of the atlas.Map class. Cannot be instantiated by the user. |
StyleChangedEvent |
Event object returned by the map after loading a new style. |
StyleControlOptions |
The options for a StyleControl object. |
StyleOptions |
The options for the map's style. |
SymbolLayerOptions |
Options used when rendering geometries in a SymbolLayer. |
TargetedEvent | |
TextOptions |
Options used to customize the text in a SymbolLayer |
Tile |
Tile object returned by the map when a source data event occurs. |
TileId | |
TileLayerOptions |
Options used when rendering raster tiled images in a TileLayer. |
TrafficControlOptions | |
TrafficOptions |
The options for setting traffic on the map. |
UserInteractionOptions |
The options for enabling/disabling user interaction with the map. |
VectorTileSourceOptions |
A data source for managing shape data that will be displayed on the map.
A data source must be added to a layer before it is visible on the map.
Options for a |
WebGLLayerOptions |
Options used to render graphics in a WebGLLayer. |
WebGLRenderer |
Interface for rendering WebGL graphics in a WebGLLayer. |
ZoomControlOptions |
The options for a ZoomControl object. |
Type Aliases
Geometry |
A base Geometry object in which all geometry shapes extend; Point, LineString, Polygon, MultiPoint, MultiLineString, MultiPolygon, GeometryCollection |
Expression |
Can be specified as the value of filter or certain layer options. An expression defines a formula for computing the value of the property. Expressions are represented as JSON arrays. The first element of an expression is a string naming the expression operator. |
getAuthTokenCallback |
The callback function used to acquire an authentication token in anonymous authentication mode. Resolve with the authentication token or reject with any errors. |
ResourceType | |
StyleImageMetadata |
Signature for the |
Position | |
PositionAnchor |
AuthenticationType |
An enumeration used to specify the type of authentication mechanism to use. |
ControlPosition |
Positions where the control can be placed on the map. |
ControlStyle |
Available styles for a Control. |
AccelerationUnits |
Units of measurement for acceleration. |
AreaUnits |
Units of measurement for areas. |
DistanceUnits |
Units of measurement for distances. |
SpeedUnits |
Units of measurement for speed. |
TimeUnits |
Units of measurement for time. |