math module
AffineTransform |
An Affine Transform class generated from a set of reference points. |
AccelerationUnits |
Units of measurement for acceleration. |
AreaUnits |
Units of measurement for areas. |
DistanceUnits |
Units of measurement for distances. |
SpeedUnits |
Units of measurement for speed. |
TimeUnits |
Units of measurement for time. |
bounding |
Takes a BoundingBox and converts it to a polygon. |
convert |
Converts an acceleration value from one unit to another. Supported units: milesPerSecondSquared, kilometersPerSecondSquared, metersPerSecondSquared, feetPerSecondSquared yardsPerSecondSquared, kilometersPerHoursSecond, milesPerHourSecond, knotsPerSecond, standardGravity |
convert |
Converts an area value from one unit to another. Supported units: squareMeters, acres, hectares, squareFeet, squareYards, squareMiles, squareKilometers |
convert |
Converts a distance from one distance units to another. Supported units: miles, nauticalMiles, yards, meters, kilometers, feet |
convert |
Converts a speed value from one unit to another. Supported units: kilometersPerHour, milesPerHour, metersPerSecond, feetPerSecond, knots, mach |
convert |
Converts a timespan value from one unit to another. Supported units: ms (milliseconds), hours, minutes, seconds |
get |
Calculates an acceleration based on an initial speed, travel distance and timespan. Formula: a = 2*(d - v*t)/t^2 |
get |
Calculates an acceleration between two point features that have a timestamp property and optionally a speed property. if speeds are provided, ignore distance between points as the path may not have been straight and calculate: a = (v2 - v1)/(t2 - t1) if speeds not provided or only provided on first point, calculate straight line distance between points and calculate: a = 2*(d - v*t)/t^2 |
get |
Calculates an acceleration based on an initial speed, final speed and timespan. Formula: a = 2* (v2 - v1)/t |
get |
Calculates the approximate area of a geometry in the specified units |
get |
Calculates an array of positions that form a cardinal spline between the specified array of positions. |
get |
Calculates the closest point on the edge of a geometry to a specified point or position.
The returned point feature will have a |
get |
Calculates a Convex Hull from an array of positions, geometries or features. |
get |
Calculates a destination position based on a starting position, a heading, a distance, and a distance unit type. |
get |
Calculate the distance between two position objects on the surface of the earth using the Haversine formula. |
get |
Retrieves the radius of the earth in a specific distance unit for WGS84. |
get |
Takes an array of positions objects and fills in the space between them with accurately positioned positions to form an approximated Geodesic path. |
get |
Takes an array of positions objects and fills in the space between them with accurately positioned positions to form an approximated Geodesic path broken by antimeridian into multiple sub-paths. |
get |
Calculates the heading from one position object to another. |
get |
Calculates the distance between all position objects in an array. |
get |
Denormalizes path on antimeridian, this makes lines with coordinates on the opposite side of the antimeridian to always cross it. Note that the path crossing antimeridian will contain longitude outside of -180 to 180 range. See getPathSplitByAntimeridian when this is not desired. |
get |
Split path on antimeridian into multiple paths. See getPathDenormalizedAtAntimerian when this is not desired. |
get |
Calculates the pixel accurate heading from one position to another based on the Mercator map projection. This heading is visually accurate. |
get |
Gets an array of evenly spaced points with headings along a path. |
get |
Gets a point with heading a specified distance along a path. |
get |
Gets the position of an object that is a position, point, point feature, or circle. If it is a circle, its center coordinate will be returned. |
get |
Calculates the position object on a path that is a specified distance away from the start of the path. If the specified distance is longer than the length of the path, the last position of the path will be returned. |
get |
Retrieves an array of all positions in the provided geometry, feature or array of geometries/features. |
get |
Gets an array of evenly spaced positions along a path. |
get |
Calculates an array of position objects that are an equal distance away from a central point to create a regular polygon. |
get |
Calculates an array of position objects that are an equal distance away from a central point to create a regular polygon broken by antimeridian into multiple sub-paths. |
get |
Calculates the average speed of travel between two points based on the provided amount of time. |
get |
Calculates the average speed of travel between two point features that have a property containing a timestamp. The timestamp can be;
get |
Calculates the timespan between two dates or timestamps. Timestamps can be;
get |
Calculates the distance traveled for a specified timespan, speed and optionally an acceleration. Formula: d = vt + 0.5a*t^2 |
interpolate(Position | Point, Position | Point, number) | Calculates a position object that is a fractional distance between two position objects. |
mercator |
Converts an array of global Mercator pixel coordinates into an array of geospatial positions at a specified zoom level. Global pixel coordinates are relative to the top left corner of the map [-180, 90]. |
mercator |
Converts an array of positions into an array of global Mercator pixel coordinates at a specified zoom level. |
normalize |
Normalizes a latitude value between -90 and 90 degrees. |
normalize |
Normalizes a longitude value between -180 and 180 degrees. |
parse |
Parses a timestamp into a JavaScript Date object. Timestamps can be;
rotate |
Takes an array of positions and rotates them around a given position for the specified angle of rotation. |
simplify((Position | Pixel)[], number) | Perform a Douglas-Peucker simplification on an array of positions or pixels. |
Function Details
Takes a BoundingBox and converts it to a polygon.
function boundingBoxToPolygon(bounds: BoundingBox): Polygon
- bounds
- BoundingBox
The BoundingBox to convert to a Polygon.
A polygon representation of the BoundingBox.
convertAcceleration(number, string | AccelerationUnits, string | AccelerationUnits, number)
Converts an acceleration value from one unit to another. Supported units: milesPerSecondSquared, kilometersPerSecondSquared, metersPerSecondSquared, feetPerSecondSquared yardsPerSecondSquared, kilometersPerHoursSecond, milesPerHourSecond, knotsPerSecond, standardGravity
function convertAcceleration(acceleration: number, fromUnits: string | AccelerationUnits, toUnits: string | AccelerationUnits, decimals?: number): number
- acceleration
The acceleration value to convert.
- fromUnits
string | AccelerationUnits
The acceleration units the value is in.
- toUnits
string | AccelerationUnits
The acceleration units to convert to.
- decimals
The number of decimal places to round the result to.
An acceleration value convertered from one unit to another.
convertArea(number, string, string, number)
Converts an area value from one unit to another. Supported units: squareMeters, acres, hectares, squareFeet, squareYards, squareMiles, squareKilometers
function convertArea(area: number, fromUnits: string, toUnits: string, decimals?: number): number
- area
The area value to convert.
- fromUnits
The area units the value is in.
- toUnits
The area units to convert to.
- decimals
The number of decimal places to round the result to.
An area value convertered from one unit to another.
convertDistance(number, string | DistanceUnits, string | DistanceUnits, number)
Converts a distance from one distance units to another. Supported units: miles, nauticalMiles, yards, meters, kilometers, feet
function convertDistance(distance: number, fromUnits: string | DistanceUnits, toUnits: string | DistanceUnits, decimals?: number): number
- distance
A number that represents a distance to convert.
- fromUnits
string | DistanceUnits
The distance units the original distance is in.
- toUnits
string | DistanceUnits
The desired distance units to convert to.
- decimals
Specifies the number of decimal places to round the result to. If undefined, no rounding will occur.
A distance in the new units.
convertSpeed(number, string | SpeedUnits, string | SpeedUnits, number)
Converts a speed value from one unit to another. Supported units: kilometersPerHour, milesPerHour, metersPerSecond, feetPerSecond, knots, mach
function convertSpeed(speed: number, fromUnits: string | SpeedUnits, toUnits: string | SpeedUnits, decimals?: number): number
- speed
The speed value to convert.
- fromUnits
string | SpeedUnits
The speed units to convert from.
- toUnits
string | SpeedUnits
The speed units to convert to.
- decimals
The number of decimal places to round the result to.
A speed value convertered from one unit to another.
convertTimespan(number, string | TimeUnits, string | TimeUnits, number)
Converts a timespan value from one unit to another. Supported units: ms (milliseconds), hours, minutes, seconds
function convertTimespan(timespan: number, fromUnits: string | TimeUnits, toUnits: string | TimeUnits, decimals?: number): number
- timespan
The time value to convert.
- fromUnits
string | TimeUnits
The time units to convert from.
- toUnits
string | TimeUnits
The time units to convert to.
- decimals
The number of decimal places to round the result to.
A time value convertered from one unit to another.
getAcceleration(number, number, number, string | SpeedUnits, string | DistanceUnits, string | TimeUnits, string | AccelerationUnits, number)
Calculates an acceleration based on an initial speed, travel distance and timespan. Formula: a = 2*(d - v*t)/t^2
function getAcceleration(initialSpeed: number, distance: number, timespan: number, speedUnits?: string | SpeedUnits, distanceUnits?: string | DistanceUnits, timeUnits?: string | TimeUnits, accelerationUnits?: string | AccelerationUnits, decimals?: number): number
- initialSpeed
The initial speed.
- distance
The distance that has been travelled.
- timespan
The timespan that was travelled.
- speedUnits
string | SpeedUnits
The units of the speed information. If not specified m/s are used.
- distanceUnits
string | DistanceUnits
The units of the distance information. If not specified meters are used.
- timeUnits
string | TimeUnits
The units of the timespan information. If not specified seconds are used.
- accelerationUnits
string | AccelerationUnits
The units to return the acceleration value in. If not specified m/s^2 are used.
- decimals
The number of decimal places to round the result to.
An acceleration based on an initial speed, travel distance and timespan.
getAccelerationFromFeatures(Feature<Point, any>, Feature<Point, any>, string, string, string | SpeedUnits, string | AccelerationUnits, number)
Calculates an acceleration between two point features that have a timestamp property and optionally a speed property. if speeds are provided, ignore distance between points as the path may not have been straight and calculate: a = (v2 - v1)/(t2 - t1) if speeds not provided or only provided on first point, calculate straight line distance between points and calculate: a = 2*(d - v*t)/t^2
function getAccelerationFromFeatures(origin: Feature<Point, any>, destination: Feature<Point, any>, timestampProperty: string, speedProperty?: string, speedUnits?: string | SpeedUnits, accelerationUnits?: string | AccelerationUnits, decimals?: number): number
- timestampProperty
The name of the property on the features that contains the timestamp information.
- speedProperty
The name of the property on the features that contains a speed information.
- speedUnits
string | SpeedUnits
The units of the speed information. If not specified m/s is used.
- accelerationUnits
string | AccelerationUnits
The units to return the acceleration value in. If not specified m/s^2 are used.
- decimals
The number of decimal places to round the result to.
An acceleration between two point features that have a timestamp property and optionally a speed property. Returns NaN if unable to parse timestamp.
getAccelerationFromSpeeds(number, number, number, string | SpeedUnits, string | TimeUnits, string | AccelerationUnits, number)
Calculates an acceleration based on an initial speed, final speed and timespan. Formula: a = 2* (v2 - v1)/t
function getAccelerationFromSpeeds(initialSpeed: number, finalSpeed: number, timespan: number, speedUnits?: string | SpeedUnits, timeUnits?: string | TimeUnits, accelerationUnits?: string | AccelerationUnits, decimals?: number): number
- initialSpeed
The initial speed.
- finalSpeed
The final speed.
- timespan
The timespan that was travelled.
- speedUnits
string | SpeedUnits
The units of the speed information. If not specified meters are used.
- timeUnits
string | TimeUnits
The units of the timespan information. If not specified seconds are used.
- accelerationUnits
string | AccelerationUnits
The units to return the acceleration value in. If not specified m/s^2 are used.
- decimals
The number of decimal places to round the result to.
An acceleration based on an initial speed, final speed and timespan.
getArea( | Feature<, any> | Shape, AreaUnits, number)
Calculates the approximate area of a geometry in the specified units
function getArea(data: | Feature<, any> | Shape, areaUnits?: AreaUnits, decimals?: number): number
- areaUnits
- AreaUnits
Unit of area measurement. Default is squareMeters.
- decimals
The number of decimal places to round the result to.
The area of a geometry in the specified units.
getCardinalSpline(Position[], number, number, boolean)
Calculates an array of positions that form a cardinal spline between the specified array of positions.
function getCardinalSpline(positions: Position[], tension?: number, nodeSize?: number, close?: boolean): Position[]
- positions
The array of positions to calculate the spline through.
- tension
A number that indicates the tightness of the curve. Can be any number, although a value between 0 and 1 is usually used. Default: 0.5
- nodeSize
Number of nodes to insert between each position. Default: 15
- close
A boolean indicating if the spline should be a closed ring or not. Default: false
An array of positions that form a cardinal spline between the specified array of positions.
getClosestPointOnGeometry(Position | Point | Feature<Point, any> | Shape, | Feature<, any> | Shape, string | DistanceUnits, number)
Calculates the closest point on the edge of a geometry to a specified point or position.
The returned point feature will have a distance
property that specifies the distance between the two points in the specified units.
If the geometry is a Point, that points position will be used for the result.
If the geometry is a MultiPoint, the distances to the individual positions will be used.
If the geometry is a Polygon or MultiPolygon, the point closest to any edge will be returned regardless of if the point intersects the geometry or not.
function getClosestPointOnGeometry(pt: Position | Point | Feature<Point, any> | Shape, geom: | Feature<, any> | Shape, units?: string | DistanceUnits, decimals?: number): Feature<Point, { distance: number }>
The point or position to find the closest point on the edge of the geometry.
- units
string | DistanceUnits
Unit of distance measurement. Default is meters.
- decimals
The number of decimal places to round the result to.
getConvexHull(Position[] | | Feature<, any> | FeatureCollection | GeometryCollection |[] | Array<Feature<, any> | Shape> | Shape)
Calculates a Convex Hull from an array of positions, geometries or features.
function getConvexHull(data: Position[] | | Feature<, any> | FeatureCollection | GeometryCollection |[] | Array<Feature<, any> | Shape> | Shape): Polygon
- data
Position[] | Geometry | Feature<Geometry, any> | FeatureCollection | GeometryCollection | Geometry[] | Array<Feature<Geometry, any> | Shape> | Shape
The array of positions, geometries or features to calculate a convex hull for.
A Convex Hull from an array of positions, geometries or features.
getDestination(Position | Point, number, number, string | DistanceUnits)
Calculates a destination position based on a starting position, a heading, a distance, and a distance unit type.
function getDestination(origin: Position | Point, heading: number, distance: number, units?: string | DistanceUnits): Position
- heading
A heading angle between 0 - 360 degrees. 0 - North, 90 - East, 180 - South, 270 - West.
- distance
Distance that destination is away.
- units
string | DistanceUnits
Unit of distance measurement. Default is meters.
A position that is the specified distance away from the origin.
getDistanceTo(Position | Point, Position | Point, string | DistanceUnits)
Calculate the distance between two position objects on the surface of the earth using the Haversine formula.
function getDistanceTo(origin: Position | Point, destination: Position | Point, units?: string | DistanceUnits): number
- units
string | DistanceUnits
Unit of distance measurement. Default is meters.
The shortest distance between two positions in the specified units.
getEarthRadius(string | DistanceUnits)
Retrieves the radius of the earth in a specific distance unit for WGS84.
function getEarthRadius(units?: string | DistanceUnits): number
- units
string | DistanceUnits
Unit of distance measurement. Default: meters
A number that represents the radius of the earth in a specific distance unit.
getGeodesicPath(LineString | Position[], number)
Takes an array of positions objects and fills in the space between them with accurately positioned positions to form an approximated Geodesic path.
function getGeodesicPath(path: LineString | Position[], nodeSize?: number): Position[]
- path
LineString | Position[]
Array of position objects that form a path to fill in.
- nodeSize
Number of nodes to insert between each position. Default: 15
An array of position objects that form a geodesic paths, geodesic path crossing antimeridian will contain longitude outside of -180 to 180 range. See getGeodesicPaths() when this is undesired.
getGeodesicPaths(LineString | Position[], number)
Takes an array of positions objects and fills in the space between them with accurately positioned positions to form an approximated Geodesic path broken by antimeridian into multiple sub-paths.
function getGeodesicPaths(path: LineString | Position[], nodeSize?: number): Position[][]
- path
LineString | Position[]
Array of position objects that form a path to fill in.
- nodeSize
Number of nodes to insert between each position. Default: 15
An array of paths that form geodesic paths, Comparing to getGeodesicPath, sub-paths will always contain longitude in -180 to 180 range
getHeading(Position | Point, Position | Point)
Calculates the heading from one position object to another.
function getHeading(origin: Position | Point, destination: Position | Point): number
A heading in degrees between 0 and 360. 0 degrees points due North.
getLengthOfPath(LineString | Position[], string | DistanceUnits)
Calculates the distance between all position objects in an array.
function getLengthOfPath(path: LineString | Position[], units?: string | DistanceUnits): number
- path
LineString | Position[]
The array of position objects that make up the path to calculate the length of.
- units
string | DistanceUnits
Unit of distance measurement. Default: meters
The distance between all positions in between all position objects in an array on the surface of a earth in the specified units.
getPathDenormalizedAtAntimerian(LineString | Position[])
Denormalizes path on antimeridian, this makes lines with coordinates on the opposite side of the antimeridian to always cross it. Note that the path crossing antimeridian will contain longitude outside of -180 to 180 range. See getPathSplitByAntimeridian when this is not desired.
function getPathDenormalizedAtAntimerian(path: LineString | Position[]): Position[]
- path
LineString | Position[]
Array of position objects or linestring to denormalize
A denormalized array of position objects, path crossing antimeridian will contain longitude outside of -180 to 180 range.
getPathSplitByAntimeridian(LineString | Position[])
Split path on antimeridian into multiple paths. See getPathDenormalizedAtAntimerian when this is not desired.
function getPathSplitByAntimeridian(path: LineString | Position[]): Position[][]
- path
LineString | Position[]
Array of position objects or linestring to split
A path split into multiple paths by antimeridian.
getPixelHeading(Position | Point, Position | Point)
Calculates the pixel accurate heading from one position to another based on the Mercator map projection. This heading is visually accurate.
function getPixelHeading(origin: Position | Point, destination: Position | Point): number
getPointsWithHeadingsAlongPath(LineString | Position[], number)
Gets an array of evenly spaced points with headings along a path.
function getPointsWithHeadingsAlongPath(path: LineString | Position[], numPoints: number): Array<Feature<Point, { heading: number }>>
- path
LineString | Position[]
The path to get the positions from.
- numPoints
The number of points to get.
An array of evenly spaced points with headings along a path.
getPointWithHeadingAlongPath(LineString | Position[], number, string | DistanceUnits)
Gets a point with heading a specified distance along a path.
function getPointWithHeadingAlongPath(path: LineString | Position[], distance: number, units?: string | DistanceUnits): Feature<Point, { heading: number }>
- path
LineString | Position[]
The path to get the point from.
- distance
The distance along the path to get the point at.
- units
string | DistanceUnits
The distance units.
A point with heading a specified distance along a path.
getPosition(Position | Point | Feature<Point, any> | Shape)
Gets the position of an object that is a position, point, point feature, or circle. If it is a circle, its center coordinate will be returned.
function getPosition(data: Position | Point | Feature<Point, any> | Shape): Position
The position of an object that is a position, point, or point feature. Returns null if invalid data passed in.
getPositionAlongPath(LineString | Position[], number, string | DistanceUnits)
Calculates the position object on a path that is a specified distance away from the start of the path. If the specified distance is longer than the length of the path, the last position of the path will be returned.
function getPositionAlongPath(path: LineString | Position[], distance: number, units?: string | DistanceUnits): Position
- path
LineString | Position[]
A polyline or array of position coordinates that form a path.
- distance
The distance along the path (from the start) to calculate the position for.
- units
string | DistanceUnits
Unit of distance measurement. Default is meters.
A position object that is the specified distance away from the start of the path when following the path.
getPositions(Position[] | | Feature<, any> | FeatureCollection | GeometryCollection |[] | Array<Feature<, any> | Shape> | Shape)
Retrieves an array of all positions in the provided geometry, feature or array of geometries/features.
function getPositions(data: Position[] | | Feature<, any> | FeatureCollection | GeometryCollection |[] | Array<Feature<, any> | Shape> | Shape): Position[]
- data
Position[] | Geometry | Feature<Geometry, any> | FeatureCollection | GeometryCollection | Geometry[] | Array<Feature<Geometry, any> | Shape> | Shape
The geometries or features to retrieve the positions from.
An array of all positions in the provided geometry, feature or array of geometries/features.
getPositionsAlongPath(LineString | Position[], number)
Gets an array of evenly spaced positions along a path.
function getPositionsAlongPath(path: LineString | Position[], numPositions: number): Position[]
- path
LineString | Position[]
The path to get the positions from.
- numPositions
The number of positions to get.
An array of evenly spaced positions along a path.
getRegularPolygonPath(Position | Point, number, number, string | DistanceUnits, number)
Calculates an array of position objects that are an equal distance away from a central point to create a regular polygon.
function getRegularPolygonPath(origin: Position | Point, radius: number, numberOfPositions: number, units?: string | DistanceUnits, offset?: number): Position[]
- radius
Radius of the regular polygon.
- numberOfPositions
Number of positions the polygon should have.
- units
string | DistanceUnits
Unit of distance measurement. Default is meters.
- offset
An offset to rotate the polygon. When 0 the first position will align with North.
An array of position objects that form a regular polygon.
getRegularPolygonPaths(Position | Point, number, number, string | DistanceUnits, number)
Calculates an array of position objects that are an equal distance away from a central point to create a regular polygon broken by antimeridian into multiple sub-paths.
function getRegularPolygonPaths(origin: Position | Point, radius: number, numberOfPositions: number, units?: string | DistanceUnits, offset?: number): Position[][]
- radius
Radius of the regular polygon.
- numberOfPositions
Number of positions the polygon should have.
- units
string | DistanceUnits
Unit of distance measurement. Default is meters.
- offset
An offset to rotate the polygon. When 0 the first position will align with North.
An array of paths that form a regular polygon. Comparing to getRegularPolygonPath, sub-paths will always contain longitude in -180 to 180 range
getSpeed(Position | Point | Feature<Point, any>, Position | Point | Feature<Point, any>, number, string | TimeUnits, string | SpeedUnits, number)
Calculates the average speed of travel between two points based on the provided amount of time.
function getSpeed(origin: Position | Point | Feature<Point, any>, destination: Position | Point | Feature<Point, any>, timespan: number, timeUnits?: string | TimeUnits, speedUnits?: string | SpeedUnits, decimals?: number): number
The initial point in which the speed is calculated from.
The final point in which the speed is calculated from.
- timespan
- timeUnits
string | TimeUnits
The units of the time value. If not specified seconds are used.
- speedUnits
string | SpeedUnits
The units to return the speed value in. If not specified m/s are used.
- decimals
The number of decimal places to round the result to.
The average speed of travel between two points based on the provided amount of time.
getSpeedFromFeatures(Feature<Point, any>, Feature<Point, any>, string, string | SpeedUnits, number)
Calculates the average speed of travel between two point features that have a property containing a timestamp. The timestamp can be;
- A JavaScript Date object
- A number which represents the number of milliseconds since Jan 1st, 1970.
- A string which uses one of the following formats:
- ISO8601 date format (i.e. 2012-04-23T18:25:43.511Z)
- RFC282 / IETF date syntax (section 3.3)
- OData Date string (i.e. "/Date(1235764800000)/")
function getSpeedFromFeatures(origin: Feature<Point, any>, destination: Feature<Point, any>, timestampProperty: string, speedUnits?: string | SpeedUnits, decimals?: number): number
- timestampProperty
The name of the property on the features which has the timestamp information.
- speedUnits
string | SpeedUnits
The units to return the speed value in. If not specified m/s are used.
- decimals
The number of decimal places to round the result to.
The speed in the specified units or NaN if valid timestamps are not found.
getTimespan(Date | string | number, Date | string | number, TimeUnits, number)
Calculates the timespan between two dates or timestamps. Timestamps can be;
- A JavaScript Date object
- A number which represents the number of milliseconds since Jan 1st, 1970.
- A string which uses one of the following formats:
- ISO8601 date format (i.e. 2012-04-23T18:25:43.511Z)
- RFC282 / IETF date syntax (section 3.3)
- OData Date string (i.e. "/Date(1235764800000)/")
function getTimespan(startTime: Date | string | number, endTime: Date | string | number, units?: TimeUnits, decimals?: number): number
- startTime
Date | string | number
The start date or time.
- endTime
Date | string | number
The end date or time.
- units
- TimeUnits
The units to return the time value in. If not specified seconds are used.
- decimals
A timespan between two dates or timestamps. Returns NaN if unable to parse timestamps.
getTravelDistance(string, number, number, number, string | TimeUnits, string | SpeedUnits, string, number)
Calculates the distance traveled for a specified timespan, speed and optionally an acceleration. Formula: d = vt + 0.5a*t^2
function getTravelDistance(distanceUnits: string, timespan: number, speed: number, acceleration?: number, timeUnits?: string | TimeUnits, speedUnits?: string | SpeedUnits, accelerationUnits?: string, decimals?: number): number
- distanceUnits
The distance units in which to return the distance in.
- timespan
The timespan to calculate the distance for.
- speed
The initial or constant speed.
- acceleration
Optional. An acceleration which increases the speed over time.
- timeUnits
string | TimeUnits
The units of the timespan. If not specified seconds are used.
- speedUnits
string | SpeedUnits
The units of the speed value. If not specified m/s are used.
- accelerationUnits
Optional. The units of the acceleration value. If not specified m/s^2 are used.
- decimals
The number of decimal places to round the result to.
The distance traveled for a specified timespan, speed and optionally an acceleration.
interpolate(Position | Point, Position | Point, number)
Calculates a position object that is a fractional distance between two position objects.
function interpolate(origin: Position | Point, destination: Position | Point, fraction?: number): Position
- fraction
The fractional parameter to calculate a mid-point for. Default 0.5.
A position that lies a fraction of the distance between two position objects, relative to the first position object.
mercatorPixelsToPositions(Pixel[], number)
Converts an array of global Mercator pixel coordinates into an array of geospatial positions at a specified zoom level. Global pixel coordinates are relative to the top left corner of the map [-180, 90].
function mercatorPixelsToPositions(pixels: Pixel[], zoom: number): Position[]
- pixels
Array of pixel coordinates.
- zoom
Zoom level.
An array of positions.
mercatorPositionsToPixels(Position[], number)
Converts an array of positions into an array of global Mercator pixel coordinates at a specified zoom level.
function mercatorPositionsToPixels(positions: Position[], zoom: number): Pixel[]
- positions
Array of positions.
- zoom
Zoom level.
Array of global Mercator pixels.
Normalizes a latitude value between -90 and 90 degrees.
function normalizeLatitude(lat: number): number
- lat
The latitude value to normalize.
Normalizes a longitude value between -180 and 180 degrees.
function normalizeLongitude(lng: number): number
- lng
The longitude value to normalize.
parseTimestamp(Date | string | number)
Parses a timestamp into a JavaScript Date object. Timestamps can be;
- A JavaScript Date object
- A number which represents the number of milliseconds since Jan 1st, 1970.
- A string which uses one of the following formats:
- ISO8601 date format (i.e. 2012-04-23T18:25:43.511Z)
- RFC282 / IETF date syntax (section 3.3)
- OData Date string (i.e. "/Date(1235764800000)/")
function parseTimestamp(timestamp: Date | string | number): Date
- timestamp
Date | string | number
The timestamp value to parse.
A Date object that represents the timestamp or null if the timestamp could not be parsed.
rotatePositions(Position[], Position | Point, number)
Takes an array of positions and rotates them around a given position for the specified angle of rotation.
function rotatePositions(positions: Position[], origin: Position | Point, angle: number): Position[]
- positions
An array of positions to be rotated.
- angle
The amount to rotate the array of positions in degrees clockwise.
simplify((Position | Pixel)[], number)
Perform a Douglas-Peucker simplification on an array of positions or pixels.
function simplify(points: (Position | Pixel)[], tolerance: number): (Position | Pixel)[]
- tolerance
A tolerance to use in the simplification.
A new array of the simplified set of points.