RenderURL class

A RenderURL represents a URL to the Azure Maps render operations.



RenderURL(Pipeline, string)

Creates an instance of RenderURL.

Inherited Properties


Base URL string value.


getMapImage(Aborter, GetMapImageOptions)

Renders a user-defined, rectangular image containing a map section using a zoom level from 0 to 20. The static image service renders a user-defined, rectangular image containing a map section using a zoom level from 0 to 20. The supported resolution range for the map image is from 1x1 to 8192x8192. If you are deciding when to use the static image service over the map tile service, you may want to consider how you would like to interact with the rendered map. If the map contents will be relatively unchanging, a static map is a good choice. If you want to support a lot of zooming, panning and changing of the map content, the map tile service would be a better choice. Service also provides Image Composition functionality to get a static image back with additional data like; pushpins and geometry overlays with following S0 and S1 capabilities.

In S0 you can:

  • Render up to 5 pushpins specified in the request
  • Provide one custom image for the pins referenced in the request
  • Add labels to the pushpins

In S1 you can:

Please see How-to-Guide for detailed examples.

Note : Either center or bbox parameter must be supplied to the API.

The supported Lat and Lon ranges when using the bbox parameter, are as follows:

Zoom Level Max Lon Range Max Lat Range
0 360.0 170.0
1 360.0 170.0
2 360.0 170.0
3 360.0 170.0
4 360.0 170.0
5 180.0 85.0
6 90.0 42.5
7 45.0 21.25
8 22.5 10.625
9 11.25 5.3125
10 5.625 2.62625
11 2.8125 1.328125
12 1.40625 0.6640625
13 0.703125 0.33203125
14 0.3515625 0.166015625
15 0.17578125 0.0830078125
16 0.087890625 0.0415039063
17 0.0439453125 0.0207519531
18 0.0219726563 0.0103759766
19 0.0109863281 0.0051879883
20 0.0054931641 0.0025939941

Uses the Get Map Image API:

getMapImageryTile(Aborter, number, number, number)

Returns a map image tile with size 256x256, given the x and y coordinates and zoom level. Zoom level ranges from 0 to 18. The current available style value is 'satellite' which provides satellite imagery alone. Uses the Get Map Imagery Tile API:

getMapTile(Aborter, TileFormat, MapTileLayer, MapTileStyle, number, number, number, GetMapTileOptions)

Returns a map tiles in vector or raster format typically to be integrated into a new map control or SDK. By default, Azure uses vector map tiles for its web map control (see Zoom Levels and Tile Grid) Uses the Get Map Tile API:

Inherited Methods

newPipeline(Credential, INewPipelineOptions)

A static method used to create a new Pipeline object with Credential provided.

Constructor Details

RenderURL(Pipeline, string)

Creates an instance of RenderURL.

new RenderURL(pipeline: Pipeline, mapsUrl?: string)



Call MapsURL.newPipeline() to create a default pipeline, or provide a customized pipeline.



A URL string pointing to Azure Maps service, default is "". If no protocol is specified, e.g. "", then https will be assumed.

Inherited Property Details


Base URL string value.

mapsUrl: string

Property Value


Inherited From MapsURL.mapsUrl

Method Details

getMapImage(Aborter, GetMapImageOptions)

Renders a user-defined, rectangular image containing a map section using a zoom level from 0 to 20. The static image service renders a user-defined, rectangular image containing a map section using a zoom level from 0 to 20. The supported resolution range for the map image is from 1x1 to 8192x8192. If you are deciding when to use the static image service over the map tile service, you may want to consider how you would like to interact with the rendered map. If the map contents will be relatively unchanging, a static map is a good choice. If you want to support a lot of zooming, panning and changing of the map content, the map tile service would be a better choice. Service also provides Image Composition functionality to get a static image back with additional data like; pushpins and geometry overlays with following S0 and S1 capabilities.

In S0 you can:

  • Render up to 5 pushpins specified in the request
  • Provide one custom image for the pins referenced in the request
  • Add labels to the pushpins

In S1 you can:

Please see How-to-Guide for detailed examples.

Note : Either center or bbox parameter must be supplied to the API.

The supported Lat and Lon ranges when using the bbox parameter, are as follows:

Zoom Level Max Lon Range Max Lat Range
0 360.0 170.0
1 360.0 170.0
2 360.0 170.0
3 360.0 170.0
4 360.0 170.0
5 180.0 85.0
6 90.0 42.5
7 45.0 21.25
8 22.5 10.625
9 11.25 5.3125
10 5.625 2.62625
11 2.8125 1.328125
12 1.40625 0.6640625
13 0.703125 0.33203125
14 0.3515625 0.166015625
15 0.17578125 0.0830078125
16 0.087890625 0.0415039063
17 0.0439453125 0.0207519531
18 0.0219726563 0.0103759766
19 0.0109863281 0.0051879883
20 0.0054931641 0.0025939941

Uses the Get Map Image API:

function getMapImage(aborter: Aborter, options: GetMapImageOptions): Promise<GetMapImageResponse>



Create a new Aborter instance with Aborter.none or Aborter.timeout(), goto documents of Aborter for more examples about request cancellation.


getMapImageryTile(Aborter, number, number, number)

Returns a map image tile with size 256x256, given the x and y coordinates and zoom level. Zoom level ranges from 0 to 18. The current available style value is 'satellite' which provides satellite imagery alone. Uses the Get Map Imagery Tile API:

function getMapImageryTile(aborter: Aborter, zoom: number, xTileIndex: number, yTileIndex: number): Promise<GetMapImageryTileResponse>



Create a new Aborter instance with Aborter.none or Aborter.timeout(), goto documents of Aborter for more examples about request cancellation.



Zoom level for the desired tile. Zoom value must be in the range: 0-18 (inclusive).

Please see Zoom Levels and Tile Grid for details.



X coordinate of the tile on zoom grid. Value must be in the range [0, 2zoom -1].

Please see Zoom Levels and Tile Grid for details.



Y coordinate of the tile on zoom grid. Value must be in the range [0, 2zoom -1].

Please see Zoom Levels and Tile Grid for details.


getMapTile(Aborter, TileFormat, MapTileLayer, MapTileStyle, number, number, number, GetMapTileOptions)

Returns a map tiles in vector or raster format typically to be integrated into a new map control or SDK. By default, Azure uses vector map tiles for its web map control (see Zoom Levels and Tile Grid) Uses the Get Map Tile API:

function getMapTile(aborter: Aborter, format: TileFormat, layer: MapTileLayer, style: MapTileStyle, zoom: number, xTileIndex: number, yTileIndex: number, options?: GetMapTileOptions): Promise<GetMapTileResponse>



Create a new Aborter instance with Aborter.none or Aborter.timeout(), goto documents of Aborter for more examples about request cancellation.


Desired format of the response. Possible values are png & pbf. Possible values include: 'png', 'pbf'


Map layer requested. Possible values are basic, hybrid, labels and terra. Possible values include: 'basic', 'hybrid', 'labels', 'terra'


Map style to be returned. Possible values are main & shaded_relief. Possible values include: 'main', 'shaded_relief'



Zoom level for the desired tile. For raster tiles, value must be in the range: 0-18 (inclusive). Terra raster tiles, values must be in the range 0-6 (inclusive). For vector tiles, value must be in the range: 0-22 (inclusive).

Please see Zoom Levels and Tile Grid for details.



X coordinate of the tile on zoom grid. Value must be in the range [0, 2zoom -1].

Please see Zoom Levels and Tile Grid for details.



Y coordinate of the tile on zoom grid. Value must be in the range [0, 2zoom -1].

Please see Zoom Levels and Tile Grid for details.


Inherited Method Details

newPipeline(Credential, INewPipelineOptions)

A static method used to create a new Pipeline object with Credential provided.

static function newPipeline(credential: Credential, pipelineOptions?: INewPipelineOptions): Pipeline



Such as SubscriptionKeyCredential, TokenCredential, and MapControlCredential.



A new Pipeline object.

Inherited From MapsURL.newPipeline